Journey Back to The Stage

That feel when training partner. I <3 Rob, always brings out the best in my training

Friday: Shoulders/Bis

DB Press - 10kg x10, 16kg x10, 20kg x10, 36kg x8, 32kg x8, Superset 32kgx8/22kgx8/14kgx4
Lateral Raises - 8kg x10, 10kg x10, 8kg x12x2
L-Raises - 12kg x12x3
Rear Delt Flys Standing - 8kg x12, 12kg x12 x2
Behind Head Press/DB Shrug Superset - 40kg x8/38kg x12x3
Standing DB Curl - 10kg x10, 14kg x8, 18kg x8
EZ Bar Curl - 20kg x10, 30kg x8, 40kg x6
Preacher Curls - 15kg x15, 30kg x10x2

Those DB Presses, so miring them :D they felt nice too, so I know I could do those again with a spot to get that first rep up
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Me too mate, especially after sessions like that. I didn't even need a spot once the first rep was up on the 36kg, so god knows how much I'm holding myself back training on my own, as I'd have not even dared to think of trying 36kg usually
I try get a spot whenever possible because it does make a huge difference. Would mire having a constant TP though to push me on everything from curls to kickbacks.
In, so I wanted to do 210kg deads tonight, and was all psyched up for it. Then boom! All kinds of business at the gym, literally couldn't even get near the bars/DBs to start with. Oh well, still managed to do deads, just not until last

Monday: Back/Hams
Pullups - BW x8x4
Bent Over Rows (2 second pause at the top) - 70kg x12x2, 80kg x10, 90kg x8
Lat Pulldowns - 70kg x12x3
Deadlifts - 100kg x12, 150kg x10x2, 170kg x8
Hamstring Curls - 25kg x20x2, 35kg x15x2, 45kg x12x2, 25kg x30
Single Leg Hamstring Curls - 20kg x10x3

Was far too tired to go for a PB tonight on deads after the bent over rows, holding a contraction at the top is killer, and so good for a pump. Recommend it to anyone


So excite for stage :D

Haha mirin dat pun!

But yeah, won't be dieting until January, so plenty of time to pack on more size from now until then. Currently weighing 95kg, so if I can avoid going above 100, January to June should be plenty to diet down without crash dieting too
In for Chest Tuesdays, when real men do chest

Tuesday: Chest/Triceps

Incline Bench - Bar xLots, 70kg x10x2, 90kg x8, 90kg x6 (Dropset 70kg 4 second negatives x4)
Incline DB Press - 28kg x10x2, 36kg x8
Cable Crossover - 25kg x15x2, 35kg x10
Chest Press - 75kg x10x3
Cable Pushdown - 25kg x12x2, 35kg x8x2 (Dropset 20kg x10)
Overhead Extensions - 25kg x10x2, 30kg x8
DB Skullcrushers - 12kg x10x2
Squat free legs session. In. Well kind of

Thursday: Quads/Calves

Leg Extensions - 35kg x15x2, 60kg x20x2
Leg Press - 100kg x15, 200kg x12, 240kg x12, 280kg x10, 320kg x8, 170kg x20x2
Walking Lunges - 40kg x20x3
Front Squat - 70kg x10x3
Calf Raises - 45kg x25x3, 100kg x10x2

Friday: Shoulders/Bis

DB Press - 22kg x10x2, 26kg x10, 38kg x7, 30kg x10
Front Raises - 14kg x10, 16kg x10x2
Seated Side Laterals - 10kg x15x2, 14kg x10
Rear Delt Flys - 10kg x12x2, 14kg x10x2
OHP - 50kg x8x3
DB Curls - 10kg x15, 14kg x10x2, 18kg x10
Hammer Curls - 12kg x8x2, 10kg x10
Cable Curls - 15kg x12x3
Shrugs - 100kg x15x5


So pleased with the DB Press!
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