Journey Back to The Stage

Terrible first back session in 3 weeks :( leg meant I couldn't do proper deads

Friday: Back

Rack Pulls - 100kg x12x2, 130kg x8, 150kg x8, 160kg x6x2
Lat Pulldowns - 60kg x8, 80kg x8, 100kg x5x3
Laying DB Rows - 36kg x5x3
Seated Cable Row - 80kg x5x3
Straight Arm Pulldowns - 25kg x10x3
First leg session in nearly 4 weeks today, due to various issues. Trained like an absolute phaggot. Still can't get 100% depth on squats due to pain in my leg although it's much better. Just a bit too uncomfortable still to do anything productive though so bit of a waste

Saturday: Quads/Hams

Squats - 60kg x10, 80kg x10, 100kg x8x2, 120kg x6x2
Leg Extensions - 40kg x10, 60kg x10x3
SLDL - 70kg x10x4
Hamstring Curls - 40kg x12x5

Couldn't train yesterday as I felt like death and was unable to move my leg

Tuesday: Shoulders/Tris

Seated BB Press - 40kg x10, 50kg x8, 70kg x5x4
Side Laterals - 20kg x5, 22kg x5x2
Machine Press - 65kg x8x3
Rear Delt Fly - 20kg x8, 24kg x6x2
CGBP - 60kg x8, 100kg x5x2
Overhead DB Extension - 30kg x8, 42.5kg x6, 50kg x6
Rope Pulldowns - 25kg x8x2

Machine press is a new one, but simply because I can't do DB pressing at the moment, picking the weights up and setting them up is just too painful because of my leg
Chest hnnngggg

Thursday: Chest/Biceps

Bench Press - 60kg x10, 80kg x8, 100kg x5, 110kg x5x2
Incline DB Press - 26kg x5, 42.5kg x5x2
Pin Press - 60kg x5, 90kg x5x2
DB Fly - 20kg x5, 26kg x5x2
Bar Curls - 40kg x5, 50kg x5x2
Standing DB Curls - 16kg x5, 22kg x5x2
Rope Hammer Curls - 25kg x5, 30kg x5, 35kg x5

Mired, strength seems to be slowly coming back now
Just the program, finished it now. Was supposed to finish 2 weeks ago but seeing as I haven't been able to train properly, I figured 5 reps is probably quite good as my leg isn't being battered for too long during sets
Tried another leg session today, bit better than the last attempt, but squats still aren't great

Friday: Quads

Leg Extensions - 50kg x12x5
Squats - 60kg x10, 80kg x8, 100kg x8, 110kg x5x2
Leg Press - 160kg x10, 200kg x8, 250kg x5x2
Walking Lunges - BW x24, 16kg x24 (Superset BW Squats x10)
Monday: Delts/Triceps

DB Press - 26kg x10, 40kg x6x2
Side Laterals - (Seated)14kg x10x2, (Standing)14kg x10x2
Seated BB Press - 50kg x8x3
Front Raises - (DB) 12kg x12x2, (Bar) 30kg x10x2
Rear Delt Fly - 22kg x8x3
CGBP - 60kg x10, 100kg x6, 100kg x5
Cable Pushdowns - 25kg x10, 35kg x8x2, 40kg x8
Dips - BW x12x3

Dead, pump was too strong
Tuesday: Chest/Bis (normally do legs but was in a rush, all about pump city)

Bench Press - 60kg x10, 80kg x10, 100kg x12, 80kg x15
Incline DB Press - 28kg x15, 34kg x10x2
Incline DB Fly - 24kg x8x3
Chest Press - 85kg x10x3
Preacher Curls - 35kg x15x3
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