just had to call the police to my neighbour

Anyone with experience of the police will know that they will not sort this situation out, and will probably make it far worse than it needs to be. That's what happens when you let any man and his dog join our law enforcement agency.
I wouldnt worry too much about the seven brothers - by all appearances, they're a touch effete.


But my god, can they dance.


Aliboy said:
But make it girls only so that we can watch a musical unfold in front of our eyes :D
I'm glad that at least one other forum member is on the same (although slightly camp) page as me.
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Sanzy said:
Maybe the Ocuk Gang should go down and sort him and his 7 brothers out?
Yes, but I suggest that these guys deserve more than scathing criticism of their choice of PSUs, graphics cards and motherboards! They might not even have PCs! ;)
phykell said:
Yes, but I suggest that these guys deserve more than scathing criticism of their choice of PSUs, graphics cards and motherboards! They might not even have PCs! ;)
Pfft - just wait until we start on their spelling and grammar.




Or, we could just stand in front of then and :roll-eyes:
MoNkeE said:
I don't see any keyboard warrior comments; far from actually! All Andi said was that you shouldn't have started calling him names through the letter box.

The police should hopefully sort him out; if he's just got out, they'll come down on him like a tonne of bricks :)


For Truth.
I thought the comments were quite supportive myself.
Anyways when a dude is released from prison usually Early. He is still actually serving his sentence although outside. Even a tiny infraction like being seen with a Known criminal can get him slung back inside.
Threatening the entire family including the kids is more than enouth to have him locked up again.
As to the Grassing issue this is also a no brainer. He has threatened your children, that puts him in the category of nonces as far as i am concerned along with Wife beaters. All scum and all deserve to be grassed on Kicked the crap out of then locked up so other villains can kick the crap out of them for the rest of there sad lives.

Call me a keyboard warrior all you like but irl i bite. Its not only geeks and techno heads online anymore mate there are some Real people on. ;)
Your neighbour sounds like a nutcase: I wouldn't get involved with fools like that, and leave it to the police to deal with. Even now, get it reported so they have a note of his behaviour, just in case anything happens later on. I suggest you buy yourself a baseball-bat just in case, I hope you won't need it though...
Dr_Evil said:
I suggest you buy yourself a baseball-bat just in case, I hope you won't need it though...
Not advisable, it can be classed as an offensive weapon, having a baseball is not a get out.

(Use a rounders bat, it's easier to swing in a corridor) Do not do this either.
I have one in my car for 4 years now, had a likewise problem but never had to actually use it. It gives you a piece of mind though... I'm sure if you keep it in the cupboard in your home there's nothing they can say or classify as an "offensive weapon" though; only use it if you need to, as self-defence...
Dr_Evil said:
I have one in my car for 4 years now, had a likewise problem but never had to actually use it. It gives you a piece of mind though... I'm sure if you keep it in the cupboard in your home there's nothing they can say or classify as an "offensive weapon" though; only use it if you need to, as self-defence...
*whistles* :)
If you own a Baseball bat then do yourselves a favour buy a Glove and a ball and keep them together.
This is legitamate use of these items and will not bring the law down on you even if you have them in your car. As long as the 3 items are together. ;)
If we're recommending weapons, just carry a spare keyboard around with you - that's bound to strike fear into any man!

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