"Just stop oil"

All these protesters gluing themselves to floors, walls etc, should get some oil poured all over them. With them emptying a tin of soup over a painting (thank god it was protected), I would assume it's fair game to cover them with something too. Baby oil, cooking oil, Palm oil (thats a gooden), crude oil, etc.
I wonder what we could get away with as "protests" if we started a group called "Just stop just stop oil"?
what? Glue ourselves to the Stop oil protesters and chuck soup on them. Fair game if you ask me.

Edit: I would glue my hand to their mouths. that would shut them up
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All these protesters gluing themselves to floors, walls etc, should get some oil poured all over them. With them emptying a tin of soup over a painting (thank god it was protected), I would assume it's fair game to cover them with something too. Baby oil, cooking oil, Palm oil (thats a gooden), crude oil, etc.
You wouldnt be the first person who has wanted to cover students in baby oil

I'm definitely thinking we should just take even more glue, cover them in it and stick them to the road for a few days.
I wonder what we could get away with as "protests" if we started a group called "Just stop just stop oil"?

Damaging / destroying something is not a good form of protest (for anything not immediately life threatening). If I saw one of these clowns doing anything like this it would be very hard to resist giving them a good shoeing.
I get what they are protesting for, everyone does. Making ordinary people's life more difficult, damaging artwork or public property isn't the way.

Quite frankly these idiots, dressed in clothing made possible by the energy and transport infrastructures of modern civilisation, need to have a good look at themselves
Why are these always middle/upper class hipster looking douches who are probably living on a trust fund.

okay I know the thread is for the others but theyre basically the same.

people should pour milk on them when they do it, I would
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Damaging / destroying something is not a good form of protest (for anything not immediately life threatening). If I saw one of these clowns doing anything like this it would be very hard to resist giving them a good shoeing.

I reckon we should support them tbh. When they glue themselves to something, get some proper glue and cover them in it. Like that spray stuff that simply never, ever lets go. Easily applied, cheap to purchase and will really help them get their message across as they'll still be supporting their cause, in the same place, in the same pose, in a decade's time. Fantastic stuff.
All these protesters gluing themselves to floors, walls etc, should get some oil poured all over them. With them emptying a tin of soup over a painting (thank god it was protected), I would assume it's fair game to cover them with something too. Baby oil, cooking oil, Palm oil (thats a gooden), crude oil, etc.
All these protesters gluing themselves to floors, walls etc, should get some oil poured all over them. With them emptying a tin of soup over a painting (thank god it was protected), I would assume it's fair game to cover them with something too. Baby oil, cooking oil, Palm oil (thats a gooden), crude oil, etc.
napalm or WP
Really feel for that guy trying to get his wife to hospital.
I don't handle situations very well and would likely get arrested for my reaction to that scenario.
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