"Just stop oil"

30 Sep 2003
dont forget batteries come in many types.

for heating for instance, sand and stone (or actually properly designed materials which will have a much higher density still) can be used as "batteries".

not all batteries are what we automatically think of. essentially that is what pumped storage is, a massive water battery.
Absolutely. The old night storage heaters were, in essence, doing what a lot of people are doing now with their home battery systems. Take energy while it is cheap and feed it back when you need it.

Hydro (via pumped water), stored heat and hydrogen production are all great ways of storing excess renewables in addition to electrical batteries.
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16 Jun 2005
In the middle
I don't think the good judge has much patience with them tbh.
17 Dec 2009
It’s so interesting watching the reactions here and then comparing them to the reactions to historical causes like the anti war movements, MLK, suffragettes etc.

In the slight chance that these people are right, (I’m not saying they are, that’s a different discussion), but if, if they are, I hope those criticising them take a semblance of responsibility for their children’s suffering.
22 Nov 2006
It’s so interesting watching the reactions here and then comparing them to the reactions to historical causes like the anti war movements, MLK, suffragettes etc.

In the slight chance that these people are right, (I’m not saying they are, that’s a different discussion), but if, if they are, I hope those criticising them take a semblance of responsibility for their children’s suffering.

The big difference is those causes knew how to present themselves, how to have a debate which wasn't just hysterical shouting and they had public support.

This JSO lot have so far only managed to annoy the public and have only gone after the softest of targets, so they look weak as well. Their only supporters seem to themselves. In fact there are instances where random members of the public physically attacked them while others cheer.
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23 May 2006
It’s so interesting watching the reactions here and then comparing them to the reactions to historical causes like the anti war movements, MLK, suffragettes etc.

In the slight chance that these people are right, (I’m not saying they are, that’s a different discussion), but if, if they are, I hope those criticising them take a semblance of responsibility for their children’s suffering.
you are conflating 2 things....... I support what they stand for and i do more than many to reduce, reuse and recycle.... but that does not mean i have to support their methods.

i wonder if you would be so forgiving if you missed a vital hospital appointment (which thanks to our NHS you may have been waiting months for) or if you missed an important life marker like a family member dying or something.....

The fact that the mother of one of them who got banged up had the front to complain that she was going to miss a family wedding just screams cognitive dissonance imo.

Absolutely nothing they do will change how i live my life as i have already done the low hanging fruit...... but more importantly it isnt going to get people on the fence onside either, if anything it will push those people the other way.

christ.... they even stopped trains for gods sake......... public transport!. talk about an own goal, they should be congratulating people getting the train to and from work not making their lives more miserable.
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17 Dec 2009
you are conflating 2 things....... I support what they stand for and i do more than many to reduce, reuse and recycle.... but that does not mean i have to support their methods.

i wonder if you would be so forgiving if you missed a vital hospital appointment (which thanks to our NHS you may have been waiting months for) or if you missed an important life marker like a family member dying or something.....

The fact that the mother of one of them who got banged up had the front to complain that she was going to miss a family wedding just screams cognitive dissonance imo.

Absolutely nothing they do will change how i live my life as i have already done the low hanging fruit...... but more importantly it isnt going to get people on the fence onside either, if anything it will push those people the other way.

christ.... they even stopped trains for gods sake......... public transport!. talk about an own goal, they should be congratulating people getting the train to and from work not making their lives more miserable.

17 Dec 2009
Yeah, this lot ain’t no Martin Luther King. At least he represented his cause. This lot all come from rich privileged backgrounds preaching a load of impractical crap.

I can assure you it was seen as very impractical at the time that black and white children go to the same school.

Interesting that you denigrate their backgrounds, would you be more inclined to listen to them if they were poor and uneducated, why?
1 Mar 2010
Aviation it is legit to demand why aviation fuel isn't taxed like petrol - disproportionate climate damage prerogative for the few ,

a personal carbon budget is the way to go, no more than two flights a year ? but, people want to travel to the EU despite brexit proclivity
14 Jan 2018
Yeah, this lot ain’t no Martin Luther King. At least he represented his cause. This lot all come from rich privileged backgrounds preaching a load of impractical crap.

Well so far nobody is listening and if left unchecked the consequences will be dire.

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