"Just stop oil"

Consequences for your actions, there is a novelty. For too long people have felt empowered to take the **** because of weak sentencing. "Dont do the crime, if you cant do the time "

That last part is fundamental re: the previous outcry re: sentencing a few weeks ago - they're ostensibly "prisoners of conscience" but, they don't act like it! The previous lot re: the M25 disruption could have pled guilty and just accepted the consequences of the actions they don't deny being a part of but instead they irritated the judge by trying to pull all sorts of shenanigans in the courtroom - essentially turning the defence into a charade of climate change lectures in the hope they could get some of the jurors to go for jury nullification. That backfired and they ended up with longer sentences than if they'd simply pled guilty and said it was because of their cause etc.

James O mentions SecretBarrister a fair amount on his shows, I wondered if its linked to BlackBeltBarrister on YouTube as he also has an official channel describing things as per the law and then his secret channel is his personal opinion.

I doubt it very much, the Secret Barrister is a woke lefty type.
these activists all say the same thing about how they that they feel they have no choice and are willing to face the consequences.
so when the consequences come, dont complain
Just another extremist group that go wrong way about things, pee the public off and you only get opposition..

What they want will punish the poorer people, climate change is real but not everyone can afford the hit to their pockets.
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