"Just stop oil"

Presumably, they'll only serve about half of that at most, but still it's long enough to keep her out of the spotlight for a bit/damage her attempts to build a bigger public profile around this sort of activism and indeed act as a precaution against her dong similar stunts again unless she fancies being returned to jail.
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Why? What's the cost to society?

Reduced access to art and cultural objects, increased cost of securing such things, costs to repair any damage done by the activists.

I saw a post by an American influencer a little while ago in the British Library, she mentioned that there was even a copy of the Magna Carta but that they didn't get to see it unfortunately.

I'm not sure if she knew why, but that sort of thing is a disappointment for people who want to come and see these things, in that case it was a couple of JSO activists trying to break the glass that caused it to be removed from display. Many people from around the world come to see things like famous paintings, historic artifacts etc..
It's a throw away comment, a bit like dropping the soap in the prison showers.
I very much doubt @Diddums actually meant they'd get raped, but you already knew that, so I've no idea why you're so hung up on it.
James O mentions SecretBarrister a fair amount on his shows, I wondered if its linked to BlackBeltBarrister on YouTube as he also has an official channel describing things as per the law and then his secret channel is his personal opinion.
James O mentions SecretBarrister a fair amount on his shows, I wondered if its linked to BlackBeltBarrister on YouTube as he also has an official channel describing things as per the law and then his secret channel is his personal opinion.

I doubt they are connected other than they are barristers.
What is it you think the soap thing is referencing?
Are you for real???
I know what it's referencing for gods sake, as does anyone that uses the phrase.
What it doesn't mean is that anyone using it wants anyone to be sexually assaulted.
This seems to be another case of someone being the exact thing they accuse you of being.
Give your head a wobble will you.
I hope they only use eco-lube lol. It would also need to be delivered on leaves that fell to the ground and not picked. :D

No plastic or metal tubes are allowed.
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Nothing more than wanton criminal damage but come on museums, surely you can stop tins of soup getting through your metal detectors!!
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