"Just stop oil"

It's not just CO2 emissions though for pollution is it ? Have you seen the state of India, it's a **** hole, polluted rivers[...]

Of course, pollution in rivers is bad but WTF does that have to do with the argument made?

just accept that India as a nation are far more destructive to the climate and environment than we ever will be,

Again, big country, big population, you still don't seem to grasp this per capita thing.
to claim Indians play no part and are innocent in a global crisis is absolutely laughable

Try to address claims actually made instead of making up claims because you don't have any real arguments beyond ranting.

Having 6 babies per woman isn't lots of babies ? Even having 2 per woman is MORE than the 1.5 we have, learn to accept figures of speech instead of being this guy

2.05 babies per woman...

How is 2.05 babies per woman "breeding like rabbits"? You just keep making bad arguments and you're getting all angsty at being called out.
How have you still not learned? Tell him to stfu and move on with your life, he'll still be here in 50 years arguing his points, where do you think the term "Dowiehole" comes from?

He quoted me with a nonsense argument not the other way around and yeah I'll point out BS claims about global warming, it might go over your head but that's on you.
He quoted me with a nonsense argument not the other way around and yeah I'll point out BS claims about global warming, it might go over your head but that's on you.

Your crap's been going over peoples' heads for 15 years on here and yet you still sit here going round and round in circles achieving absolutely naff all.

Do you enjoy this?
Your crap's been going over peoples' heads for 15 years on here and yet you still sit here going round and round in circles achieving absolutely naff all.

Do you enjoy this?

Do you agree with hurfdurf's sentiments here re: future generations?

"It pleases me to know that I’ll be gone, but the children of those responsible are going to suffer horribly. "

It will be poor people in places like India who are the worst affected initially.

Do you understand that India is a big country so of course it pollutes a lot in total, but the average Indian doesn't pollute as much as people do in various Western countries?

That's the crux of what I'm pointing out, I think most people can follow that but minusorange has decided to reply multiple times going off on tangental arguments that kinda miss the point and you've popped in just, well making some meta-commentary when perhaps even someone like you could follow those basic points.
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Do you agree with hurfdurf's sentiments here re: future generations?

"It pleases me to know that I’ll be gone, but the children of those responsible are going to suffer horribly. "

It will be poor people in places like India who are the worst affected initially.

Do you understand that India is a big country so of course it pollutes a lot in total, but the average Indian doesn't pollute as much as people in the west?

Answer the question:

Do you enjoy this?
That's the crux of what I'm pointing out, I think most people can follow that but minusorange has decided to reply multiple times going off on tangental arguments that kinda miss the point and you've popped in just, well making some meta-commentary when perhaps even someone like you could follow those basic points.
They're a big country through their own choices, just like somebody in the UK choosing to take a flight abroad, the Indians are choosing to be over populated, it's really not a difficult concept to accept

They also only use 12% renewables while 70% is coal, so tell me, how they are free from scrutiny in CO2 emissions like you're trying to make out, they're equally as complicit as we in the West are, so as Diddums said, kindly stfu
They're a big country through their own choices, just like somebody in the UK choosing to take a flight abroad, the Indians are choosing to be over populated, it's really not a difficult concept to accept

I mean you could totally ignore the issues with global poverty and previous lack of access to birth control and conclude that but... then you're just being a bit ignorant.

They also only use 12% renewables while 70% is coal, so tell me, how they are free from scrutiny in CO2 emissions like you're trying to make out, they're equally as complicit as we in the West are, so as Diddums said, kindly stfu

No one said they're free from scrutiny, they still emit way, way less individually (you know, per capita) which was the point being made so perhaps you could stfu as all you're doing is continually jumping in with tangential points that don't address what was argued.

And again, the very poorest... the ones without air conditioning, without the means to leave easily... they're the ones who will be worst affected, it's not really the fault of say the untouchables/lower casts in some random city that India still burns coal.

Hurfdurf's: "It pleases me to know that I’ll be gone, but the children of those responsible are going to suffer horribly. "

I've pointed out that it's the poorest people in cities in say India who will likely bear the brunt of this stuff first, or indeed we could mention Bangladeshis faced with flooding. The grand kids of people taking multiple flights a year currently are far better able to escape the consequences than people dwelling in slums regardless of whatever tangential points you want to throw in about total pollution at a country level or polluted rivers etc..
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I mean you could totally ignore the issues with global poverty and previous lack of access to birth control and conclude that but... then you're just being a bit ignorant.
Yes I can because poverty is not exclusive to India likewise lack of birth of control, but it doesn't change the fact that those issues are a result of their own actions, they're not falling over and accidentally having sex with each other now are they

If hurfdurf wants to see descendants of those having 6 babies per woman suffer because of their actions, he is entirely valid to do so, he might be wrong for wishing harm on them, but his grievance is valid

This is the last reply, I've reached my quota of dowie interactions for the day
Yes I can because poverty is not exclusive to India likewise lack of birth of control, but it doesn't change the fact that those issues are a result of their own actions, they're not falling over and accidentally having sex with each other now are they

If hurfdurf wants to see descendants of those having 6 babies per woman suffer because of their actions, he is entirely valid to do so, he might be wrong for wishing harm on them, but his grievance is valid

You don't seem to grasp the impact of lack of birth control and extreme poverty here tbh... and I'm not sure it's likely that hurfdurf does want to see the descendants of slum dwellers in India suffer horribly nor does it make sense that they're to blame.

You got a bit muddled with per capita earlier, so you perhaps missed the other point that people in extreme poverty in places like India probably contribute far less than even the low national average for their country, especially if they don't even have cars or air conditioning etc. and these will be among those most vulnerable when a combo of heat and humidity makes their cities unlivable.
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We do have rail journey times less than two and a half hours also serviced by flights though.
And the cost of our trains is frankly ridiculous, maybe you get lucky with splitting it into loads of cheap single fares, maybe not.

Even if we converted the whole of the UK to EV overnight for all personal cars, coaches and trucks, we would delay this catastrophic climate emergency threshold target malarky by a few weeks. All whilst the rest of the developing and major developed world countries give less than 2 ****s about it.

Well done Britain, you've a achieved the square root of **** all :D
They're a big country through their own choices, just like somebody in the UK choosing to take a flight abroad, the Indians are choosing to be over populated, it's really not a difficult concept to accept

They also only use 12% renewables while 70% is coal, so tell me, how they are free from scrutiny in CO2 emissions like you're trying to make out, they're equally as complicit as we in the West are, so as Diddums said, kindly stfu

This is the reason why global warming will not be limited to +2°C (above pre-industrial levels). As billions of people in the over-populated developing world lift themselves out of poverty and start to have a more western standard of living their countries' CO2 emissions are guaranteed to increase dramatically. They will mostly use fossil fuels to generate electricity, fuel their vehicles, heat their homes etc because that is the cheapest way to do it.

Historically, the UK's CO2 emissions were important. We were the pioneers of the Industrial Revolution and the "workshop of the world" in the 19th century and we were the biggest CO2 emitter from 1750 until the USA's emissions overtook ours in 1888. However, today we are just an average emitter for a first-world country of our population size.

Our lack of significance is demonstrated by China's CO2 emissions in tonnes from 2014 to 2021:

2014 - 9,998,621,000
2015 - 9,866,905,000
2016 - 9,764,980,000
2017 - 10,011,107,000
2018 - 10,353,877,000
2019 - 10,740,996,000
2020 - 10,956,213,000
2021 - 11,472,369,000

China's total CO2 emissions over those 8 years was 83.165 billion tonnes.

Whereas, the total UK CO2 emissions over 171 years (from 1850 - 2021) was 74.9 billion tonnes

That's why the Just Stop Oil and Extinction Rebellion activists are wasting their time protesting here. They need to aggressively go after the USA and Russia and the new big emitters in the developing world. But why should anyone in Russia, China, India, et al. take any notice of the opinions of relatively rich westerners which will impede the improvement of their standards of living? It's a hopeless situation really.
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