Keeping up with the Markles

There isn't any evidence unless something was caught on CCTV including audio and it's unlikely someone is going to admit to any wrong doing. Therefore it's playing the race card because she's appealing to people to take her word for it.

Careful there, just using the term "race card" mean's you're a racist, apparently.
Hang on, and I haven't watched the full interview but wasn't it Harry that the comment was made to and Harry that said there was a problem the tone of how it was made? You are all pilling on MM here but surely its Harry that has made this an issue.

Imagine the context Harry felt it was ok to relay this information to his wife (apparently without him challenging it) and what he thinks of it being subsequently broadcast on a chat show and headline material.

Bad context but didn't stand up about it? Awkward.
Neutral context? Life crippling embarrassment at this result.

They both had parts to play in this claim being put out but motives, who knows.
There isn't any evidence unless something was caught on CCTV including audio and it's unlikely someone is going to admit to any wrong doing. Therefore it's playing the race card because she's appealing to people to take her word for it.

There's no evidence that Charles Manson killed anyone, maybe he should have been a free man?
There's no evidence that Charles Manson killed anyone, maybe he should have been a free man?

Am not familiar with the case but unless you have evidence it's no different from someone falsely claiming rape and ruining someone's life as a consequence because that person doesn't wish to use the appropriate legal channels. Similar in fact to what happened to Sir Cliff Richard, denigrating and damaging his reputation via trial by media from the BBC and others for the sake of a story whether it has any truth in or not doesn't come in to it.
There isn't any evidence unless something was caught on CCTV including audio and it's unlikely someone is going to admit to any wrong doing. Therefore it's playing the race card because she's appealing to people to take her word for it.

What? So no one can ever make a claim that something done or said was racist unless they have it on film/audio? That might be the most stupid thing in this thread so far and that is really saying something Congrats!
What? So no one can ever make a claim that something done or said was racist unless they have it on film/audio? That might be the most stupid thing in this thread so far and that is really saying something Congrats!

Unless you can prove it then it's just someone's word against someone else's. It's slander or libel if written so if you damage someone's reputation without any proof then the law should come down on those making unsubstantiated claims.
They both had parts to play in this claim being put out but motives, who knows.

You are right none of us know motives here. Although it seems a good percentage are convinced her motive is to "play the race card". She might indeed be lying or be mistaken or maybe just angry that the Palace failed to have their backs when the tabloids piled on and so it coming to the wrong conclusions. She might also believe there was some underlying concern about the babies skin tone that some would call racist. Only Harry, Meghan and the person who made the comment actually know.
Only Harry, Meghan and the person who made the comment actually know.
thats wrong. only the person who made the comment and Harry and whoever in the room would know. Meghan wasnt even there at the time of that supposed conversation took place. She reacted to what Harry told her that night.
Unless you can prove it then it's just someone's word against someone else's. It's slander or libel if written so if you damage someone's reputation without any proof then the law should come down on those making unsubstantiated claims.

I give up with you. You make as much sense in here as the Brexit thread. Zero.
Its racist to say that all white people are racist, yet I dont see mass arrests for these allegations...

Or even investigations.

Yet a man who flew a banner saying white lives matter was investigated and lost his job over it.

True story. SMH.

Maybe these lives don't matter but id like to think that with equality they do at least somewhat.
There isn't any evidence unless something was caught on CCTV including audio and it's unlikely someone is going to admit to any wrong doing. Therefore it's playing the race card because she's appealing to people to take her word for it.

A few posts back, I said "I've heard it all now". I'm taking that back.
The fact that this thread has blown up into a race argument shows how powerful such an accusation can be, however flimsy.

All we have to go on: someone said something that was maybe racist but we don't know what it was or who said it and we're not going to be told.

Way to stir the cauldron, Meg.
There's no evidence that Charles Manson killed anyone, maybe he should have been a free man?

He went through the proper legal prosecution process and was found guilty by (hopefully) a competent judge and jurors who weren't influenced by media and other external factors, it's a bit different than some kangaroo media court that involves a biased media and a load of people who spent 4 years believing that Russia stole the 2016 US election and then argued that it was conspiracy theory that the 2020 election could be interfered with at all. At this point the media could tell people that the sky is pink, misleadingly fact check it with word play, censor all claims that it was blue and about half the country wouldn't even question it.
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The fact that this thread has blown up into a race argument shows how powerful such an accusation can be, however flimsy.

All we have to go on: someone said something that was maybe racist but we don't know what it was or who said it and we're not going to be told.

Way to stir the cauldron, Meg.

Why is Meghan getting the blame when it was Harry who would've told her and Harry that said he wouldn't ever reveal it?
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