* Flags!
Not just planting flags on EVA, but a full implementation allowing you to select from a mod-friendly collection of flags, which also supports having flag decals on just about anything (more on that later).
Assigned to: HarvesteR, Dan
Status: Under Development.
* Kerbal Seats
External seat parts which allow Kerbals on EVA to approach and sit on them. From Munar buggies to seats on solid rocket boosters, and anything in between and beyond.
Assigned to: HarvesteR, Dan
Status: Design Phase
* New GameDatabase Loader
A complete overhaul of the game's asset loading system, allowing for much better handling and usage of loaded assets, and also creating a new folder structure where mods can have their separate folders, regardless of what they add.
Assigned to: Chad, Mike
Status: QA Testing
* Loading Buffer Scene
This is a trick we've picked up from the Unity guys at the GDC. To better clear off memory when switching scenes, we first switch to a blank 'buffer' scene, to ensure unused assets are properly unloaded before switching to the next one. This should improve crashes when switching back and forth, especially to and from flight.
Assigned to: Chad
Status: QA Testing
* On-Demand Terrain Assets
This might be the most significant optimization we've done so far. Instead of having all PQS maps for every planet and moon loaded when the flight scene start, we now only load the ones needed for the current celestial body. Those maps are pretty huge, and there are quite a lot of them. Memory usage should be significantly improved.
Assigned to: Mike
Status: QA Testing
* The Kerbal Knowledge Base
This is the first iteration of a new game system that'll be a big thing later on. The Knowledge Base will show all known information about anything you can focus on the map. Be it celestial bodies, ships, or Kerbals floating around.
Assigned to: Jim (Romfarer)
Status: Under Development.
* Map Filtering
Too many vessels and debris cluttering up the Tracking Station will be a thing of the past now, with the new Map Filtering tabs. Just click on them to view only a specific vessel type on the map and sidebar list on the Tracking Station view, or right-click to combine multiple tabs.
Assigned to: HarvesteR
Status: QA Testing
* More Parts
Always more parts. More on that later.
Assigned to: Claira, Chad
Status: Under Development.
There's still more to come than what's on that list, but those are the highlights. The full changelog will get posted when the update is released.
At this point you're probably also wondering, what happened to the resource gathering thing? Well, resources proved to be far too large a set of features to implement in one go. We've still got a long way to go with that, and right now, we decided there were more important things that needed implementing first. The Knowledge Base is the first step towards the full resources implementation, but we're pushing the rest of those features to a later update (yes, update, not expansion.).
Anyhow, this is what our update is looking like so far. As ever, there is no public release date, so please don't ask if we're there yet. There's still some ways to go with this one.
That's about it for now I guess. More news as they develop.