Kerbal Space Program

What do you mean don't work? They definitely decouple. I have heard people complain about stability issues, apparently some 'part strength' value wasn't changed when they scaled up the part so they're more likely to snap than they should be.
sometimes they decouple, sometimes they dont. Almost as if the part is stuck to the craft rather than the decoupler.
I suck so much at this.

But funnily enough the stupidest aircraft actually worked...I mean the hell...

I even tried to land the beast, but I overshot the runway and tried to land on the grasslands, which was an utter failure.

But i am surprised it even lasted a return trip.
Success! Well kind of. Tipped over but not surprising was trying to balance on an engine lol. Matching the speed and trajectory of the moon to land straight down on it is hard, spent 5 mins 2km off the ground burning left/right/up/down:D

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I've been having the opposite issue, I've not managed a particularly clean efficient design in 1.6 that can fly to the moon yet. Once I'm in orbit however, my moon landing stage is dead easy to fly - I can land it on the moon without using rcs :)
My current rock has one large main 2m rocket and tank, then 6 more around the outside :/ Once in space it flies like a barge and it doesn't look that nice.
Need to reinstall kosmos so I can get some nicer RCS tanks - make the landing stage prettier :D
Completely stealing this idea from the KSP subreddit, but how about we hold an 'OCUK Kerbolympics'? With different events like Fastest Round Trip to the Mun and Minmus (with and without landing), Fastest Trip To Reach & Safely Return From Space, Longest Distance Reached With an Aeroplane. Anyone game? :D
I'm game :)
I've done raise to a height with friends :D

Another suggestion:
Raise to a named altitude with a horizontal take off plane + land again properly (no parachute)

After seing scot Manleys newest video, combining 3m core rocket with 1m side boosters, works awesomly well.

I've seen a lot of people using the 'onion peel' design recently. Not sure just how efficient it is however, i mean most people use it to take something to orbit that could be done with far less fuel tanks.

PinkFloyd: Erm... do we have to land on the runway? :p Might make another thread for it...
Completely stealing this idea from the KSP subreddit, but how about we hold an 'OCUK Kerbolympics'? With different events like Fastest Round Trip to the Mun and Minmus (with and without landing), Fastest Trip To Reach & Safely Return From Space, Longest Distance Reached With an Aeroplane. Anyone game? :D

Ha. This sounds fun. Not sure I'll do well in any of them though. :p
I've seen a lot of people using the 'onion peel' design recently. Not sure just how efficient it is however, i mean most people use it to take something to orbit that could be done with far less fuel tanks.

PinkFloyd: Erm... do we have to land on the runway? :p Might make another thread for it...

I've always done onion peel designs. They're great. But yeah not most efficient, do allow me to get loads of fuel tanks up into space. Best in 0.15 was 30full fule tanks in a sun orbit.
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