Kickstart classic RPG - Wasteland 2!

I had been trying to decide how much to give too, I just went for $100 (+$15 shipping). I never buy collectors editions but it sounds very promising and it's to support my favourite genre of game which doesn't really get any love these days, so to me it's worth it... and I get a badge! :p
Extra reward for the $30 tier according to Brian's twitter:

"Good news... @ChrisAvellone just agreed to write a Wasteland novella for the $30 tier. We'll add that to the list."
I had been trying to decide how much to give too, I just went for $100 (+$15 shipping). I never buy collectors editions but it sounds very promising and it's to support my favourite genre of game which doesn't really get any love these days, so to me it's worth it... and I get a badge! :p

I really wanted to go for that one too, but i have know idea what the import tax situation will be like on, what will most likely be a $115 item, so just $15 from me :(
Total is over $3 million including the Paypal money. Looks like Fargo will be getting a few more designers on the project :)

Oh, and the mod tools of course.
I had been trying to decide how much to give too, I just went for $100 (+$15 shipping). I never buy collectors editions but it sounds very promising and it's to support my favourite genre of game which doesn't really get any love these days, so to me it's worth it... and I get a badge! :p

What did it come to in GBP (assuming you're based in UK)?
A major update from InXile on development, including an early screenshot:

Brian Fargo said:
We also have our first pass at a Wasteland 2 screen shot to share that is running inside the Unity engine. The process up till now has been in getting up to speed with Unity but also much discussion about look and feel. Our environment art director Koy Vanoteghem has written a nice piece below on our approach and process.
I like the look of it, its still very early days yet so hopefully the nay sayers will change their mind.

I've seen some tweaked versions of that screenshot and they look even better (mainly toning down the saturation).

Hopefully the scorpitrons aren't overused (I'm getting bad flashbacks of Fallout Tactics) :p
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