Kickstart classic RPG - Wasteland 2!

I know :p but Fallout took it to the next level, died as we knew it, and now its spiritual predecessor has taken its place and carrying it on. Foe da win!

Eh, New Vegas was pretty decent given it was hampered by the FP perspective and using Gamebyro middleware. Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel and Fallout 3 were the black sheep of the series, IMO.

Which reminds me, I should carry on my Fallout 1 and 2 saves...
As a big fan of the original Fallouts, I find FNV quite good, and very much so modded to the gills. Far better than FO3 and, tho I've never had the displeasure, I've heard the horror stories about PoS.

Bethesda did a ridiculously poor, juvenile job of their story, factions, quests, etc. and how it all worked together when compared to the rich foundation they were clearly fumbling from.

The fact that Obsidian are led by a few people who worked on the old Fallouts generally did shine through, despite Gamebryo, bugs, etc.
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If you haven't tried Josh Sawyer's (project director on New Vegas) mod I'd recommend it. Ramps up the general difficulty considerably and fixes some outstanding bugs. He had to make it in his own time because Bethesda stopped funding any patch development. You'll need all of the DLC (in other words, the Ultimate Edition).

Download link here:
Heheh, downloaded that the day it was posted on NMA :D I second your recommendation for others.
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Oh yeah, I'm keeping up with it. And hardcore mode? I consider that the 'standard mode' and have chosen it every time for my 3-4 playthroughs ;)
Oh yeah, I'm keeping up with it. And hardcore mode? I consider that the 'standard mode' and have chosen it every time for my 3-4 playthroughs ;)

Sure, normally I'd have picked that right away, but I've lost count of how many times Veronica has charged into a pack of Cazadores\Legion Assassins\Deathclaws with a 9mm pistol and dropped like a sack of potatoes. :p I'd prefer to keep her around for the quests and her sense of humour ;)

Still on my first playthrough at level 12, since I don't have the gaming time that I used to.
Haha. I'm a save-whore so reloading isn't too much of a bother, and thanks to only needing two hours of sleep every night I'm able to game and mess around more than I should. Really love taking my sweet time with exploration and planning out equipment/tactics (not saying you don't!).

Usually takes me 30+ hours before I even reach round that way, tho I guess you could slip past deathclaws up north or take that other 'pass' in the hills to get her in the first few hours/levels... or just much sooner than I draw things out! :o

Anyway, roll on Wasteland 2..
Haha. I'm a save-whore so reloading isn't too much of a bother, and thanks to only needing two hours of sleep every night I'm able to game and mess around more than I should. Really love taking my sweet time with exploration and planning out equipment/tactics (not saying you don't!).

Heh, I only reload if the Courier dies :p Save scumming is silly.

Usually takes me 30+ hours before I even reach round that way, tho I guess you could slip past deathclaws up north or take that other 'pass' in the hills to get her in the first few hours/levels... or just much sooner than I draw things out! :o

I followed the road through Nipton and Novac the first time, the cazadores north of Goodsprings and on the 161 are too strong for a low level character :p

Anyway, roll on Wasteland 2..

Heh, sorry about the slight deviation :) I'm told WL2 is intended to be more light-hearted and colourful than Fallout (so towards the Fallout 2\Old World Blues atmosphere). No real 50s elements either, more like 80s, eg Mad Max.

The screenshot's obviously an early pre-alpha, but I'd like to see more attention to detail (eg the terrain, interiors and so on).
Heh, I only reload if the Courier dies :p Save scumming is silly.

Habit formed from loads of RPGs and similar crashing/whatever after not saving for hours and losing so much progress. So I manually save ever 15 minutes or so when not in safer areas. Not to abuse quests or anything like that, just so I don't have to go back and re-do much when I do have to reload, which is pretty rarely, ironically :o

I followed the road through Nipton and Novac the first time, the cazadores north of Goodsprings and on the 161 are too strong for a low level character :p

Possible with a stealth-boy and a relatively decent sneak, but too much trouble and breaks the pacing of the game in my view.

Heh, sorry about the slight deviation :) I'm told WL2 is intended to be more light-hearted and colourful than Fallout (so towards the Fallout 2\Old World Blues atmosphere). No real 50s elements either, more like 80s, eg Mad Max.

That reminds me of people jumping to laughable conclusions just based on the 'vibrance' or alleged 'cartoony-ness' in this one screenshot and them not realising/knowing that the original Wasteland wasn't some ultra bleak, serious game.. and it's so early still.

The screenshot's obviously an early pre-alpha, but I'd like to see more attention to detail (eg the terrain, interiors and so on).

Indeed, plenty of time for that. Well, hopefully 'plenty' :eek:
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That reminds of people jumping to laughable conclusions just based on the 'vibrance' or alleged 'cartoony-ness' in this one screenshot and them not realising/knowing that the original Wasteland wasn't some ultra bleak, serious game.. and it's so early still.

You mean like RPGCodex? To be fair they do have some nuggets of wisdom in amongst the "decline" style comments and nitpicking. :p

Indeed, plenty of time for that. Well, hopefully 'plenty' :eek:

Fargo says the plan is to release in October 2013. If InXile manage to get close to the detail of Fallout 1\Tactics with the Unity engine, I'd consider that a strong achievement on the timescale and budget for Wasteland 2.
You mean like RPGCodex? To be fair they do have some nuggets of wisdom in amongst the "decline" style comments and nitpicking. :p

On the official forums, NMA, etc. RPGCodex would be another.. 'example'
....and yeah, great stuff sometimes.

Fargo says the plan is to release in October 2013. If InXile manage to get close to the detail of Fallout 1\Tactics with the Unity engine, I'd consider that a strong achievement on the timescale and budget for Wasteland 2.

About the size and detail of FO1 is what I have in mind too, objectively...which is hard since TB/Iso CRPGs have a special place in my heart. Considering the obvious state of the genre these days and what they're working with, if they can make it just decently close to the classics then it'll be money well spent indeed.
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First off, I am sure there is a more recent thread about this game, but I can't find it, so I am gonna post in here!...can anyone find it? I did a pretty thorough search!

Anyway, I just read that it has been delayed by about 6 weeks, which is bad, but the reason is that they raised a lot more money than they originally thought, so they are adjusting their targets:)
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carnt play yet their still finishing it and the extra moneys will only make it better as mr fargo wont let his baby out it its the best it can be (he was forced in other games by publishers so now he has that controle...(its a good thing)).
Why is that bad? If they have the money to improve it, let InXile take their time to make a better game.

If you read my whole quote it should make has been delayed, nobody can deny this is bad, but it is because they have more money than they thought, so will put more work in to it, which is good:)

I thought it was clear what I meant:p
If you read my whole quote it should make has been delayed, nobody can deny this is bad, but it is because they have more money than they thought, so will put more work in to it, which is good:)

I thought it was clear what I meant:p

Seemed like you were getting impatient :p I've been getting regular updates as a backer via email so I saw this coming, especially when they started hiring the Avellones of the RPG world.
I have just realised that this delay, if it is 6 weeks will put it roughly in-line with a 2week holiday from work that I booked last month:D...Should be around the same time as Watch Dogs as well, so I will be busy;)

PS. I might be going mad, but I am sure there was a more recent thread!...I remember posting in it:confused:
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