Kids these days, eh?

Do you concur with the poster before you or is he just being elitist?

Most town's and cities have a Poundland and home bargains. Nothing wrong with either IMO

Yeah its a ******** but its just the place I live, I love it in a weird way.
99% of the people here are massively racist and terrified of change, Its very embaressing.
If you want a laugh I could go on my facebook and find 100 posts from people I know with comments like "oh i bet it was a foreigner etc", It happens every single time we have a death in the town
I get it, you don't like Boston, my opinion is, i used to really enjoy it. Boston Stump, the high street - but we never ventured away from those areas as yes, the rest of it was ****. You said it wasn't picturesque, it most definitely is.

But now the high street is a shadow of its former self.

Speaking to some of the big store owners, they are building outside of Boston now, near the Tescos. Their thinking is that the high street is a dump and so will create a retail park area.
So you're happy with what's become of Boston?

What was once a picturesque town is now a **** hole. Upmarket high street shops now replaced with Poundland, B&M and Polish stores as far as the eye can see.

We used to go to Boston most weekends. food shop then a coffee in town - haven't done that in years now.
Nope never said that. But it stopped being a picuresque town in the 80's and has been declining since. There was never a upmarket highstreet in Boston by any means. Bostons wages are low and unemployment is high and there are no job prospects other than retail and Cauli cutting so anyone with any hopes of a decent job leaves.

The locals love to blame the migrant population for the decline of the town but in reality it was happening well before any migrants moved to the area and the jobs the eastern europeans do are the jobs the local layabouts refuse to do so its hardly a "They took er JERBS" situation.

There's nothing to do in the town other than get drunk and fight so im hardly suprised thats how things have gone and no money has ever been pumped into the area by the government or local council. All the local council members are basically lining their own pockets and doing mates favors and its been like that for years.

Im from Boston and I've got a 9 year old girl myself, just scary as hell bringing kids up in this world now.
I can genuinely imagine how scary it is now. I rarely visit the place and i am all to aware how bad its become. Stay safe with the family and if you can, leave the town behind.

I've said this for years but the best they could do to the place is burn it all down and plough it back into the land
I was there in the 90's and early 2000's, really like the old market town vibe.

Maybe not, 'upmarket', but it had Oldrids/Downtown, Marks and Spencers, designer clothes stores etc, but now it's Poundland and Polish stores. Was in Oldrids a while ago and wow, it has gone downhill. Looks like they are selling the remaining stock and then going to bug out.
And what has changed about that specific scene?

The docks area always looked run down and hasn't changed, same with rough areas like fenside (that was typically full of "Chavs").
Wooo Fenside bruv! :D Just kidding, but i grew up there, right down the bottom where it opens up into the fields so it was always quiet for the roughest part of town! There were some genuinely non chavvy and nice people there but 300 yards down the road was chav central :D

There used to be a drug dealer on Fenside called "Bomber" and it was always comical when going past his house as there would usually be a smackheads stood on the road shouting at the house "Bomber... got any "BREAD"" only to be replied with "Nah mate, not got any "BREAD" but should have a few loaves tomorrow"

The town has always looked run down for as long as i could remember and yes it does have some very historical and nice building but the rest of it is a ********.
Isn't that most towns these days? My local one is Stratford on Avon, tourists come from all over the world for Shakespeare and the theatre, but stray too far from the tourist bits and it's a chav and druggie infested ****hole.
Wooo Fenside bruv! :D Just kidding, but i grew up there, right down the bottom where it opens up into the fields so it was always quiet for the roughest part of town! There were some genuinely non chavvy and nice people there but 300 yards down the road was chav central :D

There used to be a drug dealer on Fenside called "Bomber" and it was always comical when going past his house as there would usually be a smackheads stood on the road shouting at the house "Bomber... got any "BREAD"" only to be replied with "Nah mate, not got any "BREAD" but should have a few loaves tomorrow"

The town has always looked run down for as long as i could remember and yes it does have some very historical and nice building but the rest of it is a ********.

Always take the dog for a walk down the river bank on fenside. Never had a problem with the locals there. I live on the outskirts of Boston Wyberton end but the center is pretty much a no go these days but when I moved in 2007 it wasn't like that.
Just seen a picture of her. That's so sad :(. Stabbed whilst playing with her little sister.

Hit me this one, my little girls 9 in September, I couldn't imagine that. Just awful.

I Live near Boston and its sad to see how it has declined over the last 25 years. I was at college there in the late 80's and early 90's and worked at the Ford dealer in the mid to late 90's, back then it was a normal market town and very safe.

The decline started in the early 2000's when the migrants started to come over, farmers used them as cheap labour and remember the wages were low back then. Bit by bit they have slowly taken over you can walk through the town center and not hear a word of English, crime is rife. My wife and I used to go regularly but since Oldrids department store and M&S have gone (Oldrids Downtown is still there but it is out of town) we don't bother unless we need to. My wife always make sure she is there during daylight especially during the winter as many of the Russian and Eastern European lads hang around in gangs around the market place.

Boston also had a higher murder rate per capita the London not so long ago.
What's with kids that mope around shops doing f all, apart from swearing at customers and staff? I didn't do this when I was their age. Managers throw them out. Why can't kids go round each other homes and play console games or mope in their gardens?
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