Kids who misbehave...

I subscribe to the de-Broglie bohm interpretation of Quantum mechanics, so I'm with you that everything is predictable given infinite computing resource.

However, the reason I misbehaved at school was because:

1. The school curriculum was ridiculously easy, I got 'good' grades without being attentive and perfect
2. It was a very very low ranking school, everyone was misbehaving
3. It was fun

So what I learnt was its ok to muck about and have a good time, as long you still get the job done.
Read your first paragraph and kind of agreed. Started your second paragraph and assumed you've been smoking the funny stuff. Did not read further.

Most people misbehave due to lack of respect and want of attention in one form or another and sometimes to experience some fun aspects from what they are doing. By and large, many people lack decent levels of respect or completely misunderstand it these days and you can witness it by the smallest things they do.
I subscribe to the de-Broglie bohm interpretation of Quantum mechanics, so I'm with you that everything is predictable given infinite computing resource.

However, the reason I misbehaved at school was ...

Irrelevant, because your behaviour was entirely predetermined by preceding events, apparently.
If everything is predictable and unchangable. Stop looking both ways before crossing the street.

Until then you don't believe what you're saying.
When I was in secondary school I found it very annoying how the other classmates misbehaved. I wondered why they did this and came to the conclusion they just didn't have the respect, self awareness or any comprehension of their actions or for the larger things in life - this was when I was around sixteen.

I ponder things often and enjoy philosophy as well as the meditative aspects of Buddhism.

Lately now I'm at the ripe old age of nineteen :) I have been thinking more about our actions and the reasons we make them. I believe everything is predictable. As in if you had a computer that was fast enough and you could enter everything that has ever happened and existed then it could return you information on anything that will happen in the future.

So to summarize the reason I think this is because the actions we take are based on these things.

- What we know.
- Our configuration (what makes us unique and the way we think).

That is all!

What we know is dictated by the people who already exist around us when we are born. eg. what they tell us, show us, give etc. Then we make up our mind what to believe based on how we think which is determined my the DNA of your parents. Your parents meet due to the things in their life and their way of making sense of the world.

So you could also say you are the product of all your parents, grand parents, great grand parents etc.

The reason kids misbehave is obviously none of their doing however there must still be positive/negative gusts from the people who can offer it to get their ship sailing in the correct direction! However this will only happen if the people who are needed end up in that situation... and it goes on...

Now I bet you didn't think you would be reading this!? I didn't think you would get this far either!

So what do you think and I'm interested in how this comes across to you?

OP was one of the kids in this video.
Why don't you explain why you think he's wrong, instead of the "you don't understand" hand-waving, then?

Why not read wiki, rather than me trying to explain something that is hard to explain, or even the link i gave earlier.
Enviromental fators still have a factor in deternism. Its just whats going to happen is going to happen.
I don't believe that everything is predictable, and if I did I think that it would make free will redundant, and if there was some kind of higher being he would simply be mocking us. As it is i'm an atheist so.... :D
I don't believe that everything is predictable, and if I did I think that it would make free will redundant, and if there was some kind of higher being he would simply be mocking us. As it is i'm an atheist so.... :D

You dont need a deity for it to be predicatble.
Its just all energy follows physical laws, so if you could model it you could predict everything. Its not realy predetermined as such. Its junt everything follows set laws.
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