Kingdom Come: Deliverance / Open-World RPG / Medieval History

timed quests in this game are so badly done it isn't funny.
I couldn't see any way to identify a timed quest so when I ran into this problem which I admit was a PITA I decided to only have one side quest active at a time and concentrate on completing it. I don't know if it's related but I don't seem to have the same issues with broken quests as some so maybe it's better not to have too many active at the same time anyhow.
Q & A quest is the first fail for me now with a crash everytime you trigger a cutscene during it. I know the work a round but up till now I hadn't been blocked on a quest. Another hot fix arriving soon I guess.
Hmmm .... I can't get through doors! Literally stuck inside now and can't play the game. I can pass through if I open a door away from me but stuck the other way round.

I'm off to play FC5 now instead.
Very few issues here, got stuck in the scenery once and a side quest timed out because I left it too long.
It is still really really pretty.

In the video above you can see for example the table and beer mug being sharper with the texture pack.

Thanks for the vid. Aye, can see it in the table and beer mug. Also the GPU mem use is roughly 500MB higher most of the time compared to the previous version.

I think the HD texture pack was a surprise bonus(?) so it's better than nothing and nice, but a little underwhelming if honest. Can't help thinking the mod community will do a lot better though, like with Skyrim. Here's hoping anyway.
Ha. Just did the side quest where you have to win an archery contest to get an item... With 5 arrows left I was way behind and consigned to the fact I had lost and would have to get the item another way... Than hit 5 in a row to win by one point!

That was satisfying!

Now that my numerous technical problems seem to be much improved, I can actually enjoy the game without worrying every two minutes that something will go wrong. It really is very good.
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sneaking up on a camp at 1am and the soldiers are undressing from there armour.. made the fight a lot easier amazing atmosphere sneaking in the bushes with my black crappy clothes i found..
... So here's the latest magical moment -

I just loaded up my game and found that I was half way through a round of that dice game in sassau. Odd I thought, as I don't remember playing dice there, and I'm sure you can't save during the game anyway, plus surely I should be in the bed I slept and saved in. Anyway, I played the dice game and when I left, was transported miles through the air to the bed the game should have loaded at!

This game never ceases to amaze me!

Edit- I was way off when I said my troubles were behind me. The King's Silver sidequest is on another level of broken... And that is saying something for this game!
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I am getting significantly smoother performance and much shorter load times (fast travel) after this patch which is great. The problem is that whenever there's a cut scene the screen goes black and it crashes with "KCD stopped working". I'll have to wait for another hotfix as I can't progress.
sneaking up on a camp at 1am and the soldiers are undressing from there armour.. made the fight a lot easier amazing atmosphere sneaking in the bushes with my black crappy clothes i found..

Yea, one thing that annoys me though is if you sneak up on them while they are sleeping and quietly knock someone out, they all suddenly wake up and go straight for you. Which kinda makes stealth a bit useless.
I am getting significantly smoother performance and much shorter load times (fast travel) after this patch which is great. The problem is that whenever there's a cut scene the screen goes black and it crashes with "KCD stopped working". I'll have to wait for another hotfix as I can't progress.

Any mods running? Certain mods will cause seemingly random CTD's if they don't get updated with the game. Perkaholic is one i had problems with, after the 1.3 update.
Any mods running? Certain mods will cause seemingly random CTD's if they don't get updated with the game. Perkaholic is one i had problems with, after the 1.3 update.
No, I don't use any mods. There are others with the problem on the Steam forums too unfortunately.
No, I don't use any mods. There are others with the problem on the Steam forums too unfortunately.

It's a shame that the updates keep breaking other things. I finished the game around the time 1.3 hit and haven't played much since then. I did start fresh when 1.4 was released but only really to see the HD textures and see if performance had improved.

I didn't have any issues with the cut scenes then, which makes me wonder if the majority of the problems are because many are still part way through the game when the updates come and whether maybe a fresh start would solve many of the problems. Although i can certainly understand that people are not going to want to start over every time the game gets patched.
First real complaint I have with the game; I was tasked with stealing some shields. In order to do so I required a key from a guard. I waited until nightfall and proceeded to murder the guard with an arrow to the head. No one saw, no alerts etc. I grabbed the shields and set off several miles down the road to drop them off. Upon talking to the quest giver, he went crackers and told me that I shouldn't have killed anyone. How did he know!?!? Quest failed.
My first bug after 24 hours, I got stuck inside a tavern last night, just couldn't get through the door. Googled it and it is a known problem, people suggest jumping, crawling, spinning, dropping things, eating, unequiping things. Nothing worked but a save and exit and reload cured it, really glad they patched that in as some threads I read about it had people losing hours of game.
I hit a rather significant bug last night. I was trying to complete the quest "Pestilence", but every time I entered a specific building, the game would crash. I've managed to work-around it, but not in the way I was wanting to.
Patch notes update from vavra

Regarding patch 1.4.2 which is gonna fix some crashes and few other issues. Its done and being tested now. I would love to give it to you before the weekend, but we know how it "worked" last week, so give us some more time. Its gonna be released for consoles as well with 1.4.
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