Kingdom Come: Deliverance / Open-World RPG / Medieval History

Patch 1.4.2 on PC is out and fixes: crashes at various places, quests notably affected by the same bug (Sport of kings, Pestilence, Questions and Answers), issue with missing Erik in the quest The Die is Cast and some other minor bugfixes. Console versions are coming very soon.
I should be in the bed I slept and saved in. Anyway, I played the dice game and when I left, was transported miles through the air to the bed the game should have loaded at!

This game never ceases to amaze me!

I waited until nightfall and proceeded to murder the guard with an arrow to the head. No one saw, no alerts etc. I grabbed the shields and set off several miles down the road to drop them off. Upon talking to the quest giver, he went crackers and told me that I shouldn't have killed anyone. How did he know!?!? Quest failed.

LOL, this game sounds amazing. I can't wait to play!
I'm still enjoying this game immensely. It really is great at times. God knows when I'll finish it!

I'm still finding it so unpolished though. Bugs seem to be mostly sorted for me now, but If it isn't a bug it's just something badly designed or lazy. For example, I had a quest where I had to meet someone in a church at night. I met them there and a cutscene played. When the cutscene finished I took control of Henry again... And the door to the church was somehow now locked with a very hard lock. I had to fast forward the time about two days before it opened! This isn't the first time it has happened either. I'm currently stuck in the courtyard in Rattay because even though it makes no sense, the only door to the yard is locked even though everyone else can just walk through it!
I'm still enjoying this game immensely. It really is great at times. God knows when I'll finish it!

I'm still finding it so unpolished though. Bugs seem to be mostly sorted for me now, but If it isn't a bug it's just something badly designed or lazy. For example, I had a quest where I had to meet someone in a church at night. I met them there and a cutscene played. When the cutscene finished I took control of Henry again... And the door to the church was somehow now locked with a very hard lock. I had to fast forward the time about two days before it opened! This isn't the first time it has happened either. I'm currently stuck in the courtyard in Rattay because even though it makes no sense, the only door to the yard is locked even though everyone else can just walk through it!

The bandits you spoke to locked it on the way out and slid a key under the door. It's in the cut-scene so you must have missed that bit
That's hilarious. Apprently you gotta pay attention. I love that Pighardia had to wait two days to get out. Hysterical :D

It never occurred to me that they might lock the door then put the key under the door...I don't get it. What is the thinking behind it? But then, I suppose they had to make their own fun in those days!

just reading the KCD forum, loads of other people got stuck in the Rattay garden...Some amazing things pop up in this game!
Had an odd bug last night while attacking a bandit camp on horseback. After a while Henry would leap up and stand in the saddle and all controls apart from the mouse look would stop, nothing to do but reload.

Having read around a bit it looks like this happens when you are hit by a sword a few times while riding so stay a distance from the bandits and it shouldn't happen! Would be good if they fixed it...
Apparently, the 1.4.3 patch is due out this coming week at some point. Unfortunately, I won't be able to play for a couple of weeks, although having said that it'll give them time to release another patch to fix even more bugs.
Well I finally sat down and finished the main story and yep bugs right up to very somewhat drawn out end :)

The bugs were so blatant that you wonder why they haven't been fixed but I'm not a game developer so I'll let that slide as I still really enjoyed the whole experience. Like all my favourite games I'll play it again at least one more time but I'll apply one of the re-balance mods unless the devs add an even more hardcore mode themselves.
Had a quest which was bugged and I couldn't complete it - really annoying but found this handy little mod that lets you select the quest/activity and be able to totally reset it.

Link to Nexus mods
Link to the file with the quest/activity names

Worked for the quest I was stuck with, reset it to the very beginning so hopefully now I can complete it without any dramas.

I know a few users have had issues, hopefully this works for you also.
Still really loving this game. Not sure I've got much left of the campaign now. Got a really cool light black armour on and it is a good balance between not being seen and giving me protection when I need it. The game is really at its best when you are being stealthy imo.

It does really drag in places though tbh... Ive just messed up the monastery quest on purpose just because it was getting beyond tedious!... It was really cool actually. Henry literally shouted at the Monk guy something like "I can't be bothered with this BS any more" then the quest failed. A rare example of a game capturing the feeling of the player through the dialogue of the playable character!
Having finished Far Cry 5, I am going through list of my unplayed games that I own and realizing I do not want to play any of them. Many I tried and found not for me (Ruiner, Tacoma, Sniper GW3..).

The only game I want to play is Kingdom Come, and I want to play it more than any other, but I really, really want to play a version that will be out in 6 months, with patches and DLCs, and new upgraded CPU.

Then there are other games I am excited about this year:

God of War
Red Dead Redemption 2
Metro Exodus

But apart from GoW those are still ways off. It is weird having nothing to play.
Having finished Far Cry 5, I am going through list of my unplayed games that I own and realizing I do not want to play any of them. Many I tried and found not for me (Ruiner, Tacoma, Sniper GW3..).

The only game I want to play is Kingdom Come, and I want to play it more than any other, but I really, really want to play a version that will be out in 6 months, with patches and DLCs, and new upgraded CPU.

Then there are other games I am excited about this year:

God of War
Red Dead Redemption 2
Metro Exodus

But apart from GoW those are still ways off. It is weird having nothing to play.

If you like grand strategy check out Europa Universalis 4. I've put a stupid amount of time into this game! :O
The only game I want to play is Kingdom Come, and I want to play it more than any other, but I really, really want to play a version that will be out in 6 months, with patches and DLCs, and new upgraded CPU.

I would say it is perfectly playable now. Maybe the odd bug but the major ones seem to be ironed out. Not sure there is much planned in terms of dlc is there?

PS. Pillars of Eternity 2 is out soon too!
If you like grand strategy check out Europa Universalis 4. I've put a stupid amount of time into this game! :O

Not my genre I am afraid :) But I have a friend who also has thousands of hours in it and Crusader Kings 2 so I hear about them often :)

I would say it is perfectly playable now. Maybe the odd bug but the major ones seem to be ironed out. Not sure there is much planned in terms of dlc is there?

PS. Pillars of Eternity 2 is out soon too!

Afaik they are working on improving the romance questline with Theresa and her own playable questline that was promised on kickstarter, plus probably some other unnanounced stuff. But we'll see.

Pillars...I kickstarted the first game and then never played it. I love Obsidian games, but for some reason I am just over 2D (or top down in general) games. It is weird because I grew up on Fallout 1 and 2, my first RPGs (and to this day, the best alongside Witcher series), but today I really want 3D great world to explore when playing. 2D doesn't do it for me anymore :(
Pillars...I kickstarted the first game and then never played it. I love Obsidian games, but for some reason I am just over 2D (or top down in general) games. It is weird because I grew up on Fallout 1 and 2, my first RPGs (and to this day, the best alongside Witcher series), but today I really want 3D great world to explore when playing. 2D doesn't do it for me anymore :(

That's a shame. Pillars was great, if maybe a little too safe in terms of straying from the old infinity engine formula. It was still a top tier RPG imo. It holds up well and Deadfire looks to be even better, and a bit more modern.... And I hope your aversion doesn't stretch to Divinity Original Sin 1 and 2....cause if it does you are missing out on a masterpiece!
Afaik they are working on improving the romance questline with Theresa and her own playable questline that was promised on kickstarter, plus probably some other unnanounced stuff. But we'll see.
About time! The most tedious missions were hers, and not because of the content, but because of the 'I'm busy now, can you come back later?' So you come back later, and again 'I'm busy now, can you come back later?' So you come back later but not quite so late, in the afternoon, 'It's too late now, can you come back tomorrow?' So you do ****** infinitum.
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