Kingdom Come: Deliverance / Open-World RPG / Medieval History

I just did Nest of Vipers again. Really well designed quest. Only thing is, it is too hard to poison the food without being seen. I'm sitting at a campfire, I drop poison in, then the whole camp attacks me! With a high enough stealth rating, you should be able to do it with people seeing you... That would push the rpg mechanics to a higher level.

The ideas here are really good, but the execution is always just a little lacking for me.

I'm really enjoying my second playthrough now. Got the dreaded monastery to come soon though!
I’ve been playing for about 60 hours, I’ve still only done a few main quests. I get so immersed in the world, I go off hunting, then side questing, then killing bandits, raiding Cumam camps, night time pickpocketing etc etc. I must get some main story quests done at some point.
Love this screen from reddit

There's a really stunning spot over where you go and meet some bandits (after the monastery infiltration). Swamp-like, and really extremely impressive, and I'm not aware of another spot even close to being similar elsewhere on the map.
Gah! There are just so many technical problems!... I'm doing Baptism of Fire. A really good quest, but the game's technical deficiencies are ruining it. For a start the load times are ridiculous, breaking the flow of the story, then when I got to the fight I got stuck in the scenery and picked off by archers

Edit- I have heard it is pretty poor, but I am actually gonna get From The Ashes I think. I just sold £3.50 worth of those steam trading cards, so I might as well!
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I attempted to start From The Ashes earlier, just after doing the main quest there.... Yeah, i don't have anywhere near enough money! Gonna have to buikd up a lot more!
I'm nowhere near ready for the Tournament I just looked at my blocking/defense stats, it's laughable!

1.7 Patch Notes

– Optimizations –

  • Texture streaming massively improved. Pop-in of the more detailed textures or body parts should be much less apparent.

  • We have optimized despawning of items. This should positively affect performance for some players.

  • NPCs no longer randomly drop items while going into less detailed LOD state. This should slightly improve performance.

– New features –

  • Tournament! - The tourney takes place every few days in the courtyard of Rattay Upper Castle. Depending on how far you've progressed through the story, ask either the Samopesh blacksmith or Sir Hans Capon to make the necessary introductions.

  • Dice minigame improved - We have added a new set of dice with a "Joker" side and three types of straights to score. It is now easier to gain points with wild dice, so we raised the score limit to 4000 points.

– Quest bugs fixed –

  • Lord Divish now returns to Talmberg after the cutscene in Epilogue.

  • Bandit recruiters in "If You Can’t Beat ’em" quest are no longer afraid of corpses and the quest can be progressed even if you bring them physical proof of your success.

  • Quarry robbery in the "Gallows Brothers" quest now has a proper ending if the player refuses to join the robbers.

  • Fixed infinite fader before Uzhitz sermon, which arose during a certain patching order.

  • Fixed issue that caused Lord Capon to visit baths before starting the "Next to Goodliness" quest.

  • Fixed issue that caused Kunesh's axe to disappear during loading thus preventing completion of Unexpected Visit quest.

  • Fixed issue that prevented the player from getting cat-paw immediately after beating Gambler in "Miracles While You Wait" quest.

  • Fixed issue that caused Fritz and Matthew to attack each other after "A Rock and a Hard Place" quest.

  • We also squashed a bug that caused inability to hand over their share.Soldiers continue to load trebuchet even if you talk to Sir Robard and deliver quest "Ruin".

  • We also fixed a rare situation in which players could not talk to Sir Robard during "An Oath is an Oath" quest.

  • Changed behavior of the captured Cuman, with this patch he talks to the player even if the player has a really low reputation with Cuman faction. To be fair he did have a reason to distrust you!

  • There is no longer an infinite fader after killing an opponent in the fist-fighting quest line.

  • Erik at Vranik fort now has death protection, which prevents consequent cutscenes in the quest from failing.

  • Failure of "The Prey" quest caused by meeting thugs from "Debts Must Be Paid" quest when traveling with Hans Capon fixed.

  • Fixed issue that sometimes caused Captain Bernard to stop training the player after taking the "Marauders" quest.

  • Fixed incomplete dialogue option in "Saintly Remains" quest.

  • Fixed cutscene in Rocketeer quest.

  • Fixed interactor on the deer grave in "Hare Hunt" quest and the poacher camp cutscene trigger.Talmberg groom should no longer get stuck in the castle door.

  • Fixed looped dialogue with Rattay scribe in Mysterious Ways quest.

  • Fixed infinite dialogue loop after giving Theresa gifts.

  • Fixed rare issue that prevented player from talking to Morcock after dealing with Timmy in the "My Friend Timmy" quest.

  • Quest "Keeping the Peace" now properly triggers game over if the player leaves Rattay

  • Fixed autosave in "The Sport Of Kings" quest.

  • Bug in "Next to Godliness" quest where Hans Capon didn't enter the bath fixed.

  • "Hare Hunt" quest icon is now active only if the quest can be taken.

  • Issue with quest markers in "A Bird in the Hand" quest fixed.

  • Quest "Next to Godliness" now cannot be activated after Epilogue.

  • A rare bug with NPCs from different quests occurring during Talmberk siege fixed.

  • Combat Master Vanyek can now correctly duel with the player during "The

  • Die is Cast" quest.

  • Fixed objectives and logs in "A Needle in a Haystack" quest.

  • Eating from a bowl in the monastery should now work without an issue.

  • Fixed interaction between "Wounded Soul" and "A Man of the Cloth" quests.

  • Fixed interaction between "Wounded soul" and "Pestilence" quests.Small tweaks in the dialogue with blacksmith Zach in "All That Glisters" quest.

  • Bug which caused Hans Capon to talk only about "Robber Baron" quest even after finishing it fixed.

  • Rare bug that stopped progression after losing a dice game during "Keeping the Peace" fixed.

  • Bug that caused absence of important dialogue with Hans Capon during "Clothes Make the Man" fixed.

– Other bugs fixed –

  • Fixed rare issue that caused money disappearance during loading.

  • Fixed problem with uberlods that caused occasional disappearance of Pribyslavitz

  • Fixed another rare issue that caused combat lock on dead opponents.

  • Several small tweaks in the alchemy minigame UI.

  • Inflating breasts of sitting women have been resolved (Sorry guys!).

  • Fixed rare issue which caused a guard to evict a player from the jail for trespassing.

  • We emptied some overfilled chests in Rattay and prevented them from overfilling again.

  • Knocking out NPCs from stealth no longer makes their clothes bloody.

– From the Ashes DLC –

  • More shopkeepers in restored Pribyslavitz now sell repair kits.

  • Ambient music in Pribyslavitz now changes based on the number of buildings built.

  • Marius will now properly say why he won't do anything when the player is trying to build something from the Ledger.

  • Small graphical glitches fixed

  • UI buttons no longer flicker in Ledger.

  • It is now possible to smoke and dry food in bulk.

  • A new sound is now played when drying or smoking.

  • Judgments are no longer accessible after failing the quest.

  • Events on Rattay square no longer appear during the Bailiff's speech.

  • The chance of encountering enemies near Pribyslavitz is now lower after clearing the bandits.

  • Weaponsmith and armoursmith now properly display goods around the shop.

  • Weaponsmith and armoursmith now have more money.

  • Two of the woodcutters no longer stay in the village after the player banished them during one of the judgments

  • The smithy guard now guards the shop even after the shop upgrade.
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For anyone wondering about the tourney, I am pretty poor at combat but I won my first one pretty easily without losing a round so don't be put off!

Also, the much needed changes to that dice game are welcome.
All that editing and a stray bullet point at the bottom lol.. woops!

OK that's fixed, is the weapon training areas a good place to just block constantly and get that exp up?
The weapons training area is a good place to improve your fighting skills early on(well, all through the game really). Learning all the moves from Bernard(?) will get you at least one level in each combat stat I think.

I only play on medium, but I swear the game looks a fair bit nicer since the patch. I know they improved texture streaming, it must be that. The game looks sharper to me.
I don't know how this game even surprises me any more tbh.

I got ambushed when fast travelling and got in to an unavoidable fight against someone really hard. He got me down to very low health and then..... This gormless idiot says 'I must go and see Theresa' AND THE GAME ****ING AUTOSAVES! Last save is an hour ago... Before I even did the tourney.
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