Kyle Rittenhouse - teen who shot three people in Kenosha

More like a smoothbore musket like it ought to be per the founders only frame of reference, modern rifles are too convenient and thus made for low-testosterone individuals.
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More like a smoothbore musket like it ought to be per the founders only frame of reference, modern rifles are too convenient and thus made for low-testosterone individuals.
It was clear in the videos, he really didn’t expect to actually need to use the rifle, and looked out of his depth. Crazy.

One of the guys shot who got his pistol out was just as stupid, it was like watching two 12 year olds playing COD for the first time.

I get flack from our US guys for thinking that, they think Rittenhouse conducted himself perfectly, full of restraint.. LOL, I’ll never really understand their gun culture, our equivalent are the skinny people who walk round with their snarling pit bulls/staffies etc.
it's a shame they had knowledge of 'semi-automatic' weapons when the 2nd amendment was written isn't it

Why do you think it would have mattered? If you understand the purpose of the 2nd amendment then it wouldn't have been invalidated because semi-automatic rifles exist
I don't think he is a murderer

I don't think he went there specifically intending to kill anyone, instead just wanted to larp around with a gun playing 'grown up'.

I do think he used self-defense when everything kicked off

I also think he is a terrible little scrote, albeit an innocent one.
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The guy was looking for trouble, he found it, although he didn't initiate the attack. The US police are now essentially powerless, so there's probably going to be more of this.
The guy was looking for trouble, he found it, although he didn't initiate the attack. The US police are now essentially powerless, so there's probably going to be more of this.
How are the US police essentiallyu powerless?

They are still barely governed by any outside force and it's still extremely common for them to get away with things that should get them sacked on the spot if not imprisoned.

All that has changed in the last few years is that the press are taking more notice of when they shoot someone in the back or kill/cripple them in a jail cell.
US police in many instances are pretty much unaccountable even today for anything that doesn't happen in front of a TV camera, and even then it's barely noticeable (as seen when they were actively trying to blind reporters and targetting the likes of legal observers who had documentation from both the civil authorities and police to be on scene).
You must be blind or something. He got off I accept that. You need to check your facts like a normal person would.

That wasn't any of the facts being referred to, since nobody is arguing about what the verdict was. You're either not bothering to read or you're being deliberately misleading.

Some people with a history of violent crime who were followers of a violent racist movement tried to murder someone during a violent disturbance that the police had been ordered to ignore. Their intended victim defended himself, using reasonable force in the circumstances. This was all captured on video. That's not getting off on a technicality. Being allowed to defend your own life when people are trying to kill you is a core part of the law in most times and places.

Some people are outraged about it because they believe anyone who isn't wholly obedient should allow themselves to be murdered by The Righteous or because they believe anyone of what they regard as the most inferior race has no right to live anyway. Fortunately, those people aren't yet quite powerful enough to make their wishes law. Not yet, but they're trying. They might succeed. We might see the return of racist lynchings, "re-education" camps and ultimately genocide, the only internally consistent outcome of the ideology.
How is that not the obvious issue here? You didn't understand the issue with insurance and really the ultimate issue here was the cops not doing their jobs and these armed vigilantes types filling in the void.
That's the sensible option, armed vigilantes? LOL

I feel it is you that has not understood the reason for insurance, or are now going to dowiehole because you butt into a conversation without comprehending first.
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So what should local businesses do if there are no police? Let the rioters do whatever they want seems to be your answer?
That's why they have insurance. Round and round and round, Tony was right.

Maybe there is a connection between guns and simple-mindedness...
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That's why they have insurance. Round and round and round, Tony was right.

Maybe there is a connection between guns and simple-mindedness...
So yeah, let the rioters do whatever they please and **** the law? Brilliant. How about one further and maybe, just maybe the rioters shouldn't have been there in the 1st place. Guess there is a correlation between those that think rioting is a perfectly fine form of protest and simple-mindedness...

As to your assumption that insurance cures all, what about those places that did have insurance and yet payouts weren't even covering the cost of the building damage caused by the rioters, let alone stock or the emotional trauma caused by seeing your livelihood go up in smoke or the physical damage caused to individuals inside these properties by the rioters? **** em who cares seems to be your attitude.
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