Kyle Rittenhouse - teen who shot three people in Kenosha

Well you’ve merely made an assertion, if you’d like to attempt an argument then post one in the Trump thread.

No one is able to provide an argument, because none of the Trump supporters can appreciate objective reality or any sort of objectivity.

I also won't even entertain the argument that Trump is the "law and order" president whilst vast amounts of his campaign staff and employees are sitting in jail/convicted felons. It's bonkers. Truly.
I haven't looked as yet

But I will later...please stop getting feelings and stick to facts :)


How is that feelings? I literally provided you with a factual run down of violent crime rates for the states.

Do you know what is "feelings"? Seeing a few riots in some Dem controlled governors and automatically assuming the Dem leadership/governors are encouraging it/don't care/ are mega soft on crime.
No one is able to provide an argument, because none of the Trump supporters can appreciate objective reality or any sort of objectivity.

I also won't even entertain the argument that Trump is the "law and order" president whilst vast amounts of his campaign staff and employees are sitting in jail/convicted felons. It's bonkers. Truly.

Well that’s false, I have argued that local and national incentives differ here and actions at a local level risk the election in the thread mentioned before. I’ve provided examples. If you’d like to present an argument or rebuttal yourself then go ahead... just making assertions here is pretty empty.
I know, and it was rubbish.

Yet you have no argument.. and didn’t rebutt it. You seem to be deliberately trying to trash this thread instead with inane replies... I’ll invite you again to post in the appropriate thread and put some thought into presenting an argument.

How is that feelings? I literally provided you with a factual run down of violent crime rates for the states.

Do you know what is "feelings"? Seeing a few riots in some Dem controlled governors and automatically assuming the Dems are encouraging it/don't care/ are mega soft on crime.

Already what the law is. And a few riots? how about months in the same place?
And now those democratic governor wants the tax payers to foot the damage bill ...never going to happen

See you're getting all touchy.....
Yet you have no argument.. and didn’t rebutt it. You seem to be deliberately trying to trash this thread instead with inane replies... I’ll invite you again to post in the appropriate thread and put some thought into presenting an argument.

That's because it's tedious, it's an immensely complex question which is neither "GRR Dems bad at law and order or GRR Rep bad at law and order) and you will never admit you are wrong even if you were. This isn't my first rodeo.

There is nothing wrong with my replies. I have simply been replying to show how citing that the Republican leadership and Trump are tough on law and order compared to the Dem leadership , because of a few riots in Dem controlled cities is stupid.

I was also citing this insane argument that Trump is the "law and order" president which is objectively false.
Already what the law is. And a few riots? how about months in the same place?
And now those democratic governor wants the tax payers to foot the damage bill ...never going to happen

See you're getting all touchy.....

I'm not getting touchy. You said that the governor was responsible for the state law etc. I therefore provided you with statistics that show you, if that is the case, the Republicans could be deemed even worse than the Dems. No feelings, just cold hard numbers.

Obviously it is an immensely complex question, but keep up the whole "lol Dems are so weak on crime and Trump is so strong" rubbish if you want to. It won't make it true.
That's because it's tedious, it's an immensely complex question which is neither "GRR Dems bad at law and order or GRR Rep bad at law and order) and you will never admit you are wrong even if you were. This isn't my first rodeo.

There is nothing wrong with my replies. I have simply been replying to show how citing that the Republican leadership and Trump are tough on law and order compared to the Dem leadership , because of a few riots in Dem controlled cities is stupid.

I was also citing this insane argument that Trump is the "law and order" president which is objectively false.

Perhaps better to cite arguments actually made... and in the appropriate thread... if you’re going to assert something is “rubbish” then present an argument. That doesn’t mean make up an argument against some other point.

And again, can you discuss the Trump stuff in SC please.
I'm not getting touchy. You said that the governor was responsible for the state law etc. I therefore provided you with statistics that show you, if that is the case, the Republicans could be deemed even worse than the Dems. No feelings, just cold hard numbers.

Obviously it is an immensely complex question, but keep up the whole "lol Dems are so weak on crime and Trump is so strong" rubbish if you want to. It won't make it true.

See I already posted an answer.
But you (being a troll and trouble maker in this thread)are trying very hard to get this thread closed(as always)
See I already posted an answer.
But you (being a troll and trouble maker in this thread)are trying very hard to get this thread closed(as always)

You are the one who started talking about how it's all the state governor's fault. i then provided you with statistics that disprove your misconceptions.
Ah i see, the democrat mayors are doing it all on purpose to get votes, whilst at the same time the rioting is supposedly handing Trump the votes/the election.

I think initially it helped the Democrats, but people are realising that actually the Democrats are turning down offers of help and are actually the one's not helping the situation. Basically it's backfiring. They obviously aren't causing the riots "deliberately", they're just complicit by not asking for federal assistance.

Also, Trump has no responsibility for this at all, but as soon as Biden gets in it will be his responsibility and "his America".

That isn't anything I've said, nice straw man.

Your arguments are ridiculous.

You've made up a position I have that's false and then called it ridiculous.

Also, as a reminder, here is list of all the campaign staff, lawyers, long time friends and associates of the "law and order" president that have been convicted of crimes or who are in jail.

Welcome to reality.

Well here's "law and order" Joe Biden's staff, directly funding the bail of people who have been arrested. In fairness to Joe though, let's be honest, he was in his basement at the time and literally had no idea what was going on.

Well here's "law and order" Joe Biden's staff, directly funding the bail of people who have been arrested. In fairness to Joe though, let's be honest, he was in his basement at the time and literally had no idea what was going on.

That's it? To counter all the Trump campaign staff and associates that are now felons for a wide range of different crimes, you have.......some of Biden's staff helping to get protesters who might have been wrongfully arrested bailed out? Is paying someone's bail now seen as awful/unlawful?
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