Kyle Rittenhouse - teen who shot three people in Kenosha

He should also instruct them to arrest the mayor for allowing the riots to continue unabated. So much death and destruction caused by these extremists.

It's long overdue that western leaders declare Antifa as a terrorist organization. They've been allowed to destabilize entire countries without anyone stopping them. I would put Extinction rebellion in the same category.
He should also instruct them to arrest the mayor for allowing the riots to continue unabated. So much death and destruction caused by these extremists.
How much death?

IIRC at the moment there have been around 9 deaths across all the protests.
2 killed by Ritten, 2 killed by "lets drive into the crowd" people, a couple of independent murders, a cop killed by a "boogaloo boy" from memory, and one person killed (likely in self defence*) by someone at the protests.

And what power does the US president have to order the arrest the Mayor?

*Given the guy had been pulling out bear spray with a pistol grip from a holster to shoot it at random people - one of those random people being armed with a gun.
It's long overdue that western leaders declare Antifa as a terrorist organization. They've been allowed to destabilize entire countries without anyone stopping them. I would put Extinction rebellion in the same category.
Wht are you talking about now? Brexit has caused and will cause even more trouble and cost far more than either of those groups.
It's long overdue that western leaders declare Antifa as a terrorist organization. They've been allowed to destabilize entire countries without anyone stopping them. . . .
When did "Antifa" become an "Organisation"?
What countries have this imaginary "Organisation" destabilised?

The fact that you spell "organisation" and "destabilised" with a "Z" rather than "S" suggest that you are an American which probably explains everything.
How much death?

IIRC at the moment there have been around 9 deaths across all the protests.
2 killed by Ritten, 2 killed by "lets drive into the crowd" people, a couple of independent murders, a cop killed by a "boogaloo boy" from memory, and one person killed (likely in self defence*) by someone at the protests.

And what power does the US president have to order the arrest the Mayor?

*Given the guy had been pulling out bear spray with a pistol grip from a holster to shoot it at random people - one of those random people being armed with a gun.

Over 20 deaths including police captain David Dorn and the multiple child murders in the autonomous zones, plus the rapes, robberies and arson attacks...

Seattle police reclaimed the 3-week-old autonomous zone from Black Lives Matter protesters in an early Wednesday raid and arrested 32 occupiers. The police were carrying out an executive order from Mayor Jenny Durkan after a rash of crime and violence in which four people were shot and two Black teenagers were killed.

Not to mention the skyrocketing rate of shootings in Chicago.

Let's agree to disagree shall we :)

So you bring in utter irrelevances into the thread and then back off when someone disagrees...

The US constitution is one of the most amazing documents ever to have been written by humans and revolution is one of the fundamental rights granted in it. The 2nd amendment is key to guaranteeing that right.

That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it
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When did "Antifa" become an "Organisation"?
What countries have this imaginary "Organisation" destabilised?

The fact that you spell "organisation" and "destabilised" with a "Z" rather than "S" suggest that you are an American which probably explains everything.

Is that a bit of xenophobia trickling out? Not that it bothers me, I am very xenophobic myself, too, but it surprised me to see you let your other side slip out so publicly ;)
Many of them are being manipulated, their prejudices preyed upon, for other people's agendas. The last few years, but 2020 especially, has reinforced for me just how lacking self-awareness is in general.

What we are seeing are social ideologies becoming like a religion where those that follow are as equally zealous and as equally dangerous as any other group of extremists, particularly those full of radicalised angry young people. When there is no room in their mindset for an alternative narrative and when they act with violence and derision towards anyone who does not agree with them or follow their ideology, then they are no better than any other extremist organisation.

They believe in their cause so much that they cannot see (or do not care about?) the manifestation of so much thats wrong within their actions and behaviours. They live in a disconnected state where they feel entitled to visit violence and destruction on people who don't believe the same as they do and in their zeal, try to dress it up as "the right thing to do".

I'm still baffled by those people who choose to loot and vandalise properties then try and act like the injured party when communities start fighting back (and shooting back). But then, extremism in general baffles me.

Moral of the story - if your going to go on a rampage through a neighbourhood, then dont bring a skateboard to a gun fight!
They're the useful idiots that the Soviet defector Yuri Bezmenov talked about in his warning to the west a few decades ago, Black Lives Matter are a self confessed Marxist group aiming to overthrow Capitalism, destroy the family unit and usher in a collectivist system that's hostile towards the individual... but give it a fluffy name that a 3 year old can understand that has hardly anything in common with the ultimate goals of the movement and watch those useful idiots go...

Demoralization (15-20 years)
Destabilization (2-5 years)
Crisis (2-6 months)
Normalization ("indefinite")

I can't work out if we're at crisis or normalisation what with all of the totalitarian COVID rules being brought in. I'm surprised the government haven't given instructions on how to safely urinate in the toilet yet with police arresting people for missing the basin.
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Is that a bit of xenophobia trickling out? Not that it bothers me, I am very xenophobic myself, too, but it surprised me to see you let your other side slip out so publicly ;)
No, not at all; it is just that nobody educated in the British system mangles the English language in quite the way that our American leaders do ;)

Added to that, the post by @robgmun seemed to be very "American". "Antifa" has about as much reference to a specific identifiable Organisation as "Fascist", "Commie", "SJW" or any other meaningless term of abuse; I just wanted to determine how and why anyone could write such utter nonsense.
No, not at all; it is just that nobody educated in the British system mangles the English language in quite the way that our American leaders do ;)

Added to that, the post by @robgmun seemed to be very "American". "Antifa" has about as much reference to a specific identifiable Organisation as "Fascist", "Commie", "SJW" or any other meaningless term of abuse; I just wanted to determine how and why anyone could write such utter nonsense.

Just look at your own posts if you want to look at nonsense. And to think for even a moment that I'm American just because my spell checker corrects it that way just shows how detached from reality you are, what did we use to say? oh yeah #lolstockhausen :D
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