I had treatment last September, so far so good and very impressed with the results.
I do suffer from dry eyes and more so in my left eye. After the procedure and during the period of my post check ups I would pick up a box or two of the eye drops sold by the clinic.
These are now all used and I wondered if anyone could recommend some eye drops?
I've very recently tried some by Optrex (Sore Eyes) drops, but on applying found I was getting a very slight burning sensation, something I didn't experience with the ones from the clinic. I also thought the Optrex ones to be very "watery" and very soon after having applied them didn't feel much benefit from them.
Any thoughts or recommendations much appreciated.
I swear by these ones.. Lumecare Eye Drops. Optrex ones are rubbish and expensive in my experience. Like you, I found them too watery too and they didn't seem to do much.