Laser eye treatment - who's done it?

Has anyone asked or does anyone know if it's possible that sometime in the future the risk of dry eye will be eliminated? It's just the side effects holding me back.
I mean seeing the blade cutting your eye open, and being able to smell the burning eye tissue when they use the laser, Jesus. No thanks. :eek:

From my personal experience I did not notice any bad smells throughout the operation. While the operation isn't that comfortable it's worth it in the long run.
From my personal experience I did not notice any bad smells throughout the operation.
I could smell the burning of the laser, but it was no worse than the smell of chlorinated water at a swimming pool. It wasn't the worst part of the procedure, in my opinion. To be honest, you don't really feel much other than the suction ring around your eyes, and even that is merely uncomfortable rather than painful. Your eyes are numb, so you can't feel anything they do to them.
To be honest, you don't really feel much other than the suction ring around your eyes, and even that is merely uncomfortable rather than painful. Your eyes are numb, so you can't feel anything they do to them.

I agree. The dryness in the eyes for the hour after the operation was the most uncomfortable part for me.
I am pleased to be able to report that this "wuss" (thanks JAzz :P) was able to overcome his fear; I went back, and successfully got through the surgery yesterday. I went for LASIK in the end, despite being told by the previous surgeon that another flap couldn't be created. When I went in to see the surgeon he talked me through the LASIK procedure and then asked me if I had any questions, at which point I mentioned what had happened at my previous attempt. He said that he could create a flap without issue, and said that he believed LASIK was still the best choice for me, due to the benefits of faster recovery and less discomfort. I decided it'd be best to go with his suggestion, as the thought of LASEK/TESA didn't really appeal to me except as a last resort.

The procedure itself went without a hitch, though they took the precaution of propping up my knees to help me avoid passing out. Apparently it took about half an hour, though my perception of it was much shorter - I felt as though I was in there for around 10 minutes. I didn't get away completely unscathed, however, as I passed out in the recovery room. I guess I'm just one of "those people" who can't hack stressful situations, but ultimately it wasn't a big deal.

I woke up this morning with that same sense of awe many people describe. While my vision is still somewhat blurry, which is to be expected, the improvement has astonished me. I have been told to expect the blurriness to clear up over the next few days or so. It's entirely bearable, however. While it's early days, and the procedure was a bit of an ordeal, I would still say at this point that I think it's worth it. The fact that you have an excuse to wear shades for a week is almost reason enough to have it done :P

Good to see you manned up and went through with it :D One of the best decisions you'll ever make!

Has anyone asked or does anyone know if it's possible that sometime in the future the risk of dry eye will be eliminated? It's just the side effects holding me back.

I think LASEK reduces the side effect of dry eyes.
I think LASEK reduces the side effect of dry eyes.
Speaking of which, you mentioned in a previous post that you use Clinitas drops as they last longer; are you using their "Ultra 3" drops? I find that I am having to use the Refresh drops quite frequently when I'm using a computer. My vision seems a bit sharper when I've used the Refresh drops, so I'd like to keep them feeling that way for longer, if at all possible.
Speaking of which, you mentioned in a previous post that you use Clinitas drops as they last longer; are you using their "Ultra 3" drops? I find that I am having to use the Refresh drops quite frequently when I'm using a computer. My vision seems a bit sharper when I've used the Refresh drops, so I'd like to keep them feeling that way for longer, if at all possible.

These are the drops I use and that is where I buy them from. They are quite different from the refresh drops, best way I can describe the difference is to say Clinitas are oily so keep your eye lubricated longer but refresh is more watery and they give your eyes an instant refresh (excuse the pun!). When you put Clinitas initially your vision is blurry but settles down quickly, refresh is instant and gives you super clear vision. I found that Clinitas doesn't give you as super sharp vision as when you use refresh but last so much longer and keep you with clearer vision for longer. Got sick of putting refresh in every 15mins!

Make sure in the early stages of your recovery try to use preservative free drops.
Has anyone noticed an increase in floaters ?

I have quite a few floaters in my vision, noticeable when staring outside up at the sky or on a white canvas. :/
Following on from recommendations in this thread, I've had my initial consultation at the London Vision Clinic. Now booked in for surgery with Dr Dan Reinstein at the end of next month.
Has anyone noticed an increase in floaters ?

I have quite a few floaters in my vision, noticeable when staring outside up at the sky or on a white canvas. :/

Well almost 6 years on since I had my eyes zapped and I still see some floaters, tbh its there when you want to notice it.... just get on with life and they vanish.

Laser treatment was the best thing I ever did in my miserable life, at least I do not need to reach for glasses ever again, my visions still 20/20 and no difference.

dry eyes is a side effect but its not as bad as most say, remember one can blink a few times and it will help create a natural tear drop lotion for your eyes. Its only when your playing games or net or starting at your screen be it a pc or mobile then you not be blinking and making your eyes dry....
try and get in a natural habit of just blinking here and there ;)

I do not regret it... despite being the most paranoid and scared person on the planet, the whole experience was faster and less painful then having my fillings removed and a trip to the dentist.

Its only when you done it and noticed the whole thing took but 10 mins and u spent 2-3k, wish I could do a job with that sort of ratio per minute!
I had my one year check up this morning and I've now been officially discharged! From -8.75 in both eyes to about -0.25 in both now! :D

I still suffer from dry eyes and notice it some evenings, but I'd rather be using drops than wearing glasses.. It doesn't help that I'm sat staring at a laptop for most of the day either!
eye drops can get addictive, I know that lovely feeling of how refreshed and cold and relaxed your eyes get once you get that droplet over your lovely round eye ball ;)

Just run into a naturally habit of blinking and less monitor usage is always good.

Technology is what kills, don't forget to look up every now and then otherwise you miss life ;)
I had my one year check up this morning and I've now been officially discharged! From -8.75 in both eyes to about -0.25 in both now! :D

I still suffer from dry eyes and notice it some evenings, but I'd rather be using drops than wearing glasses.. It doesn't help that I'm sat staring at a laptop for most of the day either!

Took me about two years to stop getting dry eyes all the time, I still carry eye drops around with me just in case! :)

I had treatment last September, so far so good and very impressed with the results.

I do suffer from dry eyes and more so in my left eye. After the procedure and during the period of my post check ups I would pick up a box or two of the eye drops sold by the clinic.

These are now all used and I wondered if anyone could recommend some eye drops?

I've very recently tried some by Optrex (Sore Eyes) drops, but on applying found I was getting a very slight burning sensation, something I didn't experience with the ones from the clinic. I also thought the Optrex ones to be very "watery" and very soon after having applied them didn't feel much benefit from them.

Any thoughts or recommendations much appreciated.

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