Laura Trevelyan

Nope not correct.... Only white people.
What of the African slavers that the Europeans traded with? Several nations waged war on others in Africa to capture people for the slave trade. Plus there's the Arab slave trade to consider too.

it's a far more complex situation.

Go back to the 9th century and it was the Spanish Muslims that enslaved European Slavs (hence where the name comes from).

Like I say, complex and horrific.

Laura Trevelyan wants the UK government to pay reparations. Yet her family benefited from slave trade.
I personally think she should give up her entire wealth because it derived from slave trade.
I doubted she will ever do that.
I don't have any problems with people privately paying reparations to some sort of charity who can then spend on community projects (after schools clubs, youth clubs, youth education etc).

The idea of reparations won't be going away soon either. Given we will likely have a Labour run government in the next couple of years there will MP's like Bell Ribeiro-Addy demanding Sir Keir to pay out reparations:

Again I don't have any issue so long as it's not half hearted i.e. if reparations should be paid to correct some sort of perceived historical injustice we should go right back to the start of the supply chain and identify the leaders who were rounding up their own people and putting them in irons or cages to be sold on slaver markets. Look hard enough and you will find wealth families who are the decedents of those Kings who were rounding up people enjoying a nice life. If you want to take a step further maybe look at paying reparations to the ancestors of those 2000 British sailors and marines who lost their life's stamping out the Atlantic salve trade.
Realistically our biggest issue with this is that Indian (focusing on them purely due to the immense size of the country/growing influence) politicians have a perverse incentive to push the issue which then feeds itself as it festers without resolution and it will undoubtedly result in problems for Britain at some point (I think it already is...).
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I thought all these posts since I went into the workshop would be a rash of receipts being proudly shown for donations by the troubled and guilt ridden....
I don't have any problems with people privately paying reparations to some sort of charity who can then spend on community projects (after schools clubs, youth clubs, youth education etc).

The idea of reparations won't be going away soon either. Given we will likely have a Labour run government in the next couple of years there will MP's like Bell Ribeiro-Addy demanding Sir Keir to pay out reparations:

Again I don't have any issue so long as it's not half hearted i.e. if reparations should be paid to correct some sort of perceived historical injustice we should go right back to the start of the supply chain and identify the leaders who were rounding up their own people and putting them in irons or cages to be sold on slaver markets. Look hard enough and you will find wealth families who are the decedents of those Kings who were rounding up people enjoying a nice life. If you want to take a step further maybe look at paying reparations to the ancestors of those 2000 British sailors and marines who lost their life's stamping out the Atlantic salve trade.

If they want the money then they need to accept that those in this country need to leave, and if any have become wealthy need to leave any wealth they created in our country, you can not have it both ways.
There are a lot of races that have been hurt by other races.
They need to accept it and move on.

One thing I have always found strange, most people say we are from Africa and many Africans say we are one people, yet in this case we are not, double standards.
If there are reparations then I expect to get a big payout from our monarchy, the Italians, Arabs, Vikings ( Scandinavians) etc...
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Money makes money though doesn't it. You'd have to work out how much opportunity and status benefits the monetary benefit they had from slaves has given the family over multiple generations.
Bell Ribeiro-Addy she went to Queen Mary, University of London direct links to slave trade. She benefited from this country, would she give back her wealth or 50% of it?
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If they want the money then they need to accept that those in this country need to leave, and if any have become wealthy need to leave any wealth they created in our country, you can not have it both ways.
There are a lot of races that have been hurt by other races.
They need to accept it and move on.

One thing I have always found strange, most people say we are from Africa and many Africans say we are one people, yet in this case we are not, double standards.
If there are reparations then I expect to get a big payout from our monarchy, the Italians, Arabs, Vikings ( Scandinavians) etc...
The history of slavery goes back to the start of recorded history and yes if one group is seen getting free money there will be others wanting the same. Again though I don't have any problem with private money being donated but the moment public money is used that will open up a can of worms. Anyone with any sense would keep that can closed but given our MP's live in a bubble devoid of reason and logic it wouldn't surprise me someone like Kier Starmer might look at going down this route if he thought it could win him a handful of seats in some of the marginals.
I think the reparations conversation is another attempt by lobby groups to keep black people as victims.

It's like brainwashing. The only sad thing is that some black people have made a career on pushing an agenda that belittles the black community.
Couldn't have put it better myself. On top of that, think about what might happen if reparations were actually paid out, especially in the US. I would bet good money that they would blow right through it in months and go straight back to complaining about racism just like they have before.
Couldn't have put it better myself. On top of that, think about what might happen if reparations were actually paid out, especially in the US. I would bet good money that they would blow right through it in months and go straight back to complaining about racism just like they have before.
Why is why the matter should ignore pointless flat sums of compensation and focus on investing in broken communities so they 'complain' less.
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