Laurence Fox

Whilst I think we are all better off if crass outbursts like that are kept off-air:

I see the following search of Ava's tweets (@AvaSantina) is doing the rounds, seems like the naughty girl likes to use the notion of not shagging people herself:

Normally it wouldn't hugely matter, minor little crass outbursts, but the fact she is pushing for OFCOM to take GB News off air (no conflict with LBC/PoliticsJoe then?) really shows how shallow/obvious she is being and really needs calling out.
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Whilst I think we are all better off if crass outbursts like that are kept off-air:

I see the following search of Ava's tweets (@AvaSantina) is doing the rounds, seems like the naughty girl likes to use the notion of not shagging people herself:

Normally it wouldn't hugely matter, minor little crass outbursts, but the fact she is pushing for OFCOM to take GB News off air (no conflict with LBC/PoliticsJoe then?) really shows how shallow/obvious she is being and really needs calling out.
This already came up in speakers corner last week.

Trawling through someone's twitter feed to see if they used the word "shag" is not the smoking gun these people think it is

Include what she was replying too in the first place for a start.
Trawling through someone's twitter feed to see if they used the word "shag" is not the smoking gun these people think it is.
I'm not surprised you're missing the point, whether purposeful or not, but allow me to enlighten you. It's not that she used the word, it's that she specifically used it in the same insulting way he did.
I'm not surprised you're missing the point, whether purposeful or not, but allow me to enlighten you. It's not that she used the word, it's that she specifically used it in the same insulting way he did.

It’s not being used in the same way though? “He’s not going to shag you” is a jokey response to someone brown-nosing/white knighting. It’s not meant to be taken literally.

Thats very different from suggesting that someone is so repulsive that no self-respecting man would have sex with them.
I also gathered that when Fox said what he said, he was poking fun at those exact tweets

I bet if he pointed out those tweets during the interview, and then said, "Ava, don't worry, I wouldn't shag you either"

This would have blown over no one would have been "suspended" because there wouldn't have been any room for the left to mis-interrupt the joke
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I just file such people in the (no doubt nowadays near a hate crime expression) "Common as Muck" brain folder and remain grateful for not choosing to have a TV set :) One can at least see some purpose in their existence, if only as a foil to the great orators of this country ;)
This already came up in speakers corner last week.

Trawling through someone's twitter feed to see if they used the word "shag" is not the smoking gun these people think it is

Include what she was replying too in the first place for a start.
There is more than enough context to show her comments about someone saying he/other men wouldn't shag her and her 'feeling physically ill' is just stupendous hypocrisy..

In fact the obvious breadth of context also shows she uses it so casually that it's even more damning, never mind the ones with directly relatable context.

Actually, her biggest crime is now making Laurence Fox look bloody reasonable..
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They never criticised the police when they raided that 'lefty' art installation that was apparently going to be used to block access to press printers...

Only when the state comes for them that it's suddenly offensive to them, *********.
They never criticised the police when they raided that 'lefty' art installation that was apparently going to be used to block access to press printers...

Only when the state comes for them that it's suddenly offensive to them, *********.
Got a link to the story?
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