Laws against low flying aircraft?

30 Nov 2004
Oop North
Just to make this more fun, we're getting a fly past from 2 Pumas later at about 50-100 feet. I should probably phone all the local horse riding clubs, wouldn't want anyone to maybe get hurt by a heli that might fly over them at somepoint today.
11 Nov 2007
Now THAT'S a pretty sight. Did you happen to get a photo of it top or bottom on to you, showing the whole planform? If so, post it!

Spitfires are bloody loud - the one you heard more than likely was one of the later ones with a 2000+hp Griffon engine.

If you are considering legal action, best bet is to contact a specialist in air law. Bear in mind the cost may be prohibitive. Was any actual damage or harm caused on the ground? How did you arrive at your height estimate?
29 May 2006
z3b3dy said "So you want to be informed about every low flying aircraft beforehand, how? What about police helicopters? Also what about vehicles on the ground making loud sudden noises like some motorbikes and boy racers in their Corsas (I presume they don't all drive Corsas though)? "
Not as a homeowner but farms, yard and other livestock place should be informed and do get informed. Flying low without permission is against law for a reason.

Last time a motorbike rally came though the area they rang us up before hand. I had no problem with them as we just changed our plans to make the day as safe as possible. Same for the last air show. Last time an air ambulance helicopter came low and close we had time to put all the horses in stables and minimise risk. The problem is the unplanned planes flying low without permission.

Of course we cannot be informed about idiot boy races that drive very dangerously. All we can do is report them to the police. Motorbikes I never had a problem with I find most of them have respect for us.

Police helicopters are trained to not fly low around farmland, yards and other places unless they absolutely have to. It's about minimising risk. Flying low is as dangerous as doing 100MPH in a 30MPH zone. Sure sometimes nothing happens and everyone is ok but people die and get hurt from it and it's an unneeded risk.

There are some real inconsiderate people in here that clearly don't care about life or peopling getting hurt or killed. The type of people who find it funny, until one of their friends or family that got hurt or killed. Unless it directly effects them they don't care. Flying low has killed many and hurt many.

Creature said "Just to make this more fun, we're getting a fly past from 2 Pumas later at about 50-100 feet."
If it's a planed event they should be already informed.
I cannot believe how many people don't realise just how dangerous and how many problems low flying planes cause. Talk about inconsiderate.
20 Jan 2005
Co Durham
We used to live on the flightpath that the RAF pilots use for going out to the lakes etc.

Some of them would fly too low over the town. The problem is that you need the indentification number to complain which is immpossible when a eurofighter has just flown over your house at mach 1+ and you only hear the bloddy thing after it has gone over you.
12 Dec 2006
ChrisJSY said "Why would a child be put into hospital by low flying aircraft. "
A child might be in a horse riding lesson, a low flying aircraft scares the horse and the child ends up in hospital. A teenager is bringing their horse up from a field to a yard, then the planes fly low scares the horse which bolts down the road. If there was an air show precautions' would be taken.

Perhaps the teenager is working at a farm or kennels when the low flying aircraft sends the dogs or other animals into a frenzy panic.

It's not just young people, adults working at farms, kennels, vets and with other livestock need to know about low flying aircraft beforehand. This isn't funny a lot of people and livestock have been killed by low flying aircraft.

They should ban mobile phones, because in Father Ted they guy he rings keeps falling off ladders and having accidents. :D
18 Aug 2004
The Toilet
We used to live on the flightpath that the RAF pilots use for going out to the lakes etc.

Some of them would fly too low over the town. The problem is that you need the indentification number to complain which is immpossible when a eurofighter has just flown over your house at mach 1+ and you only hear the bloddy thing after it has gone over you.

if you can give them the exact time the air traffic officers should be able to determine which it is, especially if its a repeat offender.
30 Nov 2004
Oop North
Creature said "Just to make this more fun, we're getting a fly past from 2 Pumas later at about 50-100 feet."
If it's a planed event they should be already informed.
I cannot believe how many people don't realise just how dangerous and how many problems low flying planes cause. Talk about inconsiderate.
They phoned about 10am and asked if it was ok, I said yes. Hey presto, military choppers at low altitude.

I don't phone all the stables because it would take far too long and my day is far too hectic to worry about something like that. I phone the one just off base and that's it. I have not once recieved a complaint from anyone regarding low aircraft, that includes Hawks/Hurricanes/Hercs at under 500 feet, even though I knew about it well in advance and told no-one (I like suprises for the RAF bods here y'see)
10 Apr 2004
Does Pottsey not know how to use press the quote botton?

Sadly not!

But that is such an epic sight!

I wish I got that kind of thing where I live! Not close enough to Filton in Bristol to see it either :(

As for the complainers, its all this namby pamby health and safety ******** which is bringing this country down.

I can't hurt myself at work and claim it was my own fauit, nooo, the work place HAS to get involved and fill out piles of paperwork.

Grr :(

We used to live on the flightpath that the RAF pilots use for going out to the lakes etc.

Some of them would fly too low over the town. The problem is that you need the indentification number to complain which is immpossible when a eurofighter has just flown over your house at mach 1+ and you only hear the bloddy thing after it has gone over you.

It wouldn't be M1 just over your house. There wouldn't be any glass left. It would be 500 knots as posted above.
12 Dec 2006
If it's bombing a built up area, that's a bit naughty, so you'd probably be OK to shoot it down. Perhaps he was lost and though he was over Dresden?

I'd have thought it's pretty unlikely though... the Spitfire is a fighter (and as far as I am aware, didn't carry bombs - though I will accept that I could be wrong about that) and I've not seen anything on the news recently about a Spitfire doing any bombing in the UK.

Were the bombs making big craters?

If unscheduled bombing causing injuries is not on, is it OK if they schedule it?


Some later Spitfires were cable to carry bombs. Though it wasn't very good at it, from what I've read. I doubt any have carried any for 40 yrs though.
12 Dec 2006
To be honest I never even realised it was a spitfire. I love it how when its just a reported plane that is flying low you get the statistics come out about health and safety but when its a spitfire then suddenly im moaning. And bringing out war stories is low lol

I never said that I didnt enjoy the show it was very impressive, just a little close to my family for my liking. He did barrell rolls and even flew upside down for a while but I would have preferred to watch it at an airshow.

To me at the time it just looked like some rich kid in a plane showing off to his mates without any concern for whats below. So it doesnt really matter if you want to call me names, everyone to their own opinions i guess. The safety of my family and those around me are more important than whether you think i moan too much.

Glad you liked the pictures ;)

I would be surprised if a display pilot with a very rare aircraft was taking risks with it. But anything is possible. I guess report it.

I'm still in shock you didn't know it was a Spitfire. Its sounds like nothing else.
28 Nov 2002
Maybe Pottsey should warn us before using an unorthodox quoting method

many people have been killed or injured because of such inconsiderate acts
18 Aug 2004
The Toilet
for pottsey's info too, if you ring up air traffic towers and complain a few times about low flying planes/helos then you are then put on an avoids list for aircrew.
If you live at the end of a runway or whatever though its tough ****, they aint gunna stop using a runway for one person!
18 Feb 2003
z3b3dy said "So you want to be informed about every low flying aircraft beforehand, how? What about police helicopters? Also what about vehicles on the ground making loud sudden noises like some motorbikes and boy racers in their Corsas (I presume they don't all drive Corsas though)? "
Not as a homeowner but farms, yard and other livestock place should be informed and do get informed. Flying low without permission is against law for a reason.

Last time a motorbike rally came though the area they rang us up before hand. I had no problem with them as we just changed our plans to make the day as safe as possible. Same for the last air show. Last time an air ambulance helicopter came low and close we had time to put all the horses in stables and minimise risk. The problem is the unplanned planes flying low without permission.

Of course we cannot be informed about idiot boy races that drive very dangerously. All we can do is report them to the police. Motorbikes I never had a problem with I find most of them have respect for us.

Police helicopters are trained to not fly low around farmland, yards and other places unless they absolutely have to. It's about minimising risk. Flying low is as dangerous as doing 100MPH in a 30MPH zone. Sure sometimes nothing happens and everyone is ok but people die and get hurt from it and it's an unneeded risk.

There are some real inconsiderate people in here that clearly don't care about life or peopling getting hurt or killed. The type of people who find it funny, until one of their friends or family that got hurt or killed. Unless it directly effects them they don't care. Flying low has killed many and hurt many.

Creature said "Just to make this more fun, we're getting a fly past from 2 Pumas later at about 50-100 feet."
If it's a planed event they should be already informed.
I cannot believe how many people don't realise just how dangerous and how many problems low flying planes cause. Talk about inconsiderate.

I'm not trying to say I agree with illegal flying but more trying to make the point that you can't possibly plan for every type of disturbance. In the end animals are animals and can be spooked by anything, my parents fields are rented out to local farmers so we have a mixture of cattle and horses in them at various stages of the year. Depending on the time of year we have RAF Hercules doing low flying over our land night and day along with the odd police helicopter and I'm pretty sure the farmer doesn't get any advance notice from the RAF.

I've seen more horses spooked by cars than planes and helicopters where my parents live. From the OPs picture you really have no idea how far away the plane was (1 mile? 5 miles?) and if so how to bigger radius should warning be given?
29 May 2006
peetee said " im fairly sure pottsey doesnt have a scooby what the hell hes on about. He seems to be very naive and ignorant on this topic.
I help run events involveing 100's of people so know how it works. Along with spending lots of time on farms and horse yards.

It's not me being naive and ignorant on this topic. You lot are. A lot of you dont realise how damaging low flying aircraft are to farmers and other livestock owners. Just look at all the millions the RAF had to payout in compensation due to damage, injury and death both to humans and animals, all due to low flying aircraft. I do know about the topic as I spend a lot of time on farmland. Look at all the people killed or hurt due to low flying.

" The MoD has paid out a total of £7m in compensation for low flying aircraft in the last three years to a total of around 400 successful claimants."
"The most common claims are those involving injury to, and death of, livestock and/or damage to property"

You still think it's me being naive and ignorant and there is no problems with low flying aircraft? I am sure the MoD just paid out all the money for the fun of fit.

A low flying plane is much worse than a car beeping a horn. A car beeping a horn is rarely going to cause a stampede. A car beeping a horn is rarely going to cause livestock to die.

Sure you cannot possibly plan for every type of disturbance but when its illegal to fly under a set distance and flying under that distance causes massive problems you can plan for it. As the only people flying under that distance should be doing it planed and with permission.

Concorde Rules said " As for the complainers, its all this namby pamby health and safety ******** which is bringing this country down."
This is not a case of namby pamby health and safety ******** which is bringing this country down. You don't realise how much chaos low flying planes can cause. A lot of you seem to live in your own little world, no matter how many problems something causes as long as it doesn't affect you then you don't care.

It's not like ringing a phone or a car beeping a horn. Low flying planes do cause stampedes, death and injury to animals and people.
11 Mar 2004
Some later Spitfires were cable to carry bombs. Though it wasn't very good at it, from what I've read. I doubt any have carried any for 40 yrs though.

It was as good at it as any other single seat fighter doing something that it wasn't originally intended to do.

They were hanging 2 250lb and a single 500lb off them by the end of the war, which is a respectable amount.

It was never as robust as say the Typhoon or P47, but then it was much smaller and arguably it is better to be small and not get hit rather than large and be able to take a lot of damage.
30 Jun 2007
You don't realise how much chaos low flying planes can cause. A lot of you seem to live in your own little world, no matter how many problems something causes as long as it doesn't affect you then you don't care.

Im sure everyone is aware of how much chaos low flying planes COULD cause. How about how much chaos they actually DO cause? 400 succesfull claims over 3 years isnt exactly mass chaos being wreaked by low flying aircraft.
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