*** League of Legends ***

No - you can still listen into mumble and particpate, obviously you won't be able to talk - but just being on so we don't have to call ss is a big deal :)
I'm now level 26, after a while. If anyone is up for a game, add me: 30Hz. I play singed top, kat/lux mid, mumu jungle or ez ad carry :). I'm... ok, not great but ok, I just need some practice :D

Give olaf a shot in toplane, so much fun and so good, if you do choose to buy him.

Id suggest building him merc treads or Ninja Tabi depending on if the enemy team is ad heavy or ap heavy, then get sunfire cape, randuins omen, spirits visage and then thornmail.

Works a treat!
Give olaf a shot in toplane, so much fun and so good, if you do choose to buy him.

Id suggest building him merc treads or Ninja Tabi depending on if the enemy team is ad heavy or ap heavy, then get sunfire cape, randuins omen, spirits visage and then thornmail.

Works a treat!

good build but lacks Warmogs.
I've just started getting in to this game but I can't stand playing with trolls, wasting around 20 mins each game... Do you all play custom 5v5 games or ranked ect? I'm still quite new @ lvl 23

Add me: alex20002 or alex20000... I'm not sure. Me and a friend normally duo queue.
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I've just started getting in to this game but I can't stand playing with trolls, wasting around 20 mins each game... Do you all play custom 5v5 games or ranked ect? I'm still quite new @ lvl 23

Add me: alex20002 or alex20000... I'm not sure. Me and a friend normally duo queue.

You just have to deal with trolls until lvl30 where you can play ranked, which in general tends to have far less trollage from my experiences anyway.
Virgin Media has been slow lately for me otherwise I'd play more (horrible lag but somehow manage to pull through with Vayne :D)

If you guys want a few games, add me on SOS Ojisan - Lvl 30 - All rounder except support.
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