I am completely sick of this game, im giving up on it. The balance has been screwed up something shocking. It was best when LoL was good (until 5 months ago), now its just embrassing. For those who have known LoL since before christmas might feel what I'm feeling. They just kept on rolling out champion after champion to the point of where they will never be balanced in relation to the other champions.
I'm sick of what the majority of the community has become too, nothing but people raging, going afk, complaining and idling. The game has just lost the majority of the fun in it. I'm too sick of the imba characters walking around who take 2 months before a patch is released to rectify them (by at which they'll have introudced a new champion and the circle of life repeats). It was great while it lasted, but not haveing had a fun game in the previous 15 games I'm abandoning hope.