*** League of Legends ***

Question: I was part of the beta and very early game which was only a US server. Though now I've been playing a lot more, I've wondered if I could switch my account over to the EU server? I been looking about but found nothing.
Dont remember playing anyone from here but to be fair i dont really remember any names from last night as a whole. Played with a pretty bad group at the start of the games and then mixed it up to play some higher level stuff after losing silly amounts of points :\

looking at your recent games, no it wasnt me. Name is Animbly ingame.

Ah I see, was just wondering is all :)

Also, really starting to like Akali


To be fair, that's not my usual performance. I think we pulled in lower ELO people because we were showing a new guy (Ashe) the ropes but still.... :D
Nice score McKnight.. Dam bit better than my performances the other night for sure :D

Will start getting on for a few more games again over the next couple of days, brush the weeks worth of rust off.

Ended up playing a 5v5 ranked with the players ranked 1, 2 and 7 with another 2 from the top 25 last night. Friendly bunch but we made a couple of bad choices in our lineup initially and generally lost by the time we got to the loading screen. Still learnt a bit, did fairly alright and will hopefully be playing them again soon enough. Definitely beatable with enough practice though with my group.
The matchmaking in this game is truly awful, how is this game even remotely balanced?
Team 1 levels
all ~100 wins

Team 2 levels
30 600 wins
30 500 wins

Team 2 was a 4-man premade team but what the hell? obviously the game was not even close and no fun for anyone. I'd rather wait an extra few minutes than waste 25 "playing" a game like that.
Hey Mother! How's Gc in Eve? Anyway, what is your ingame name so I can build a list for play?

Hey - Karashur on LoL.

Not active in EVE at the moment.. Went away for a month of holiday, and don't really feel like picking it up again right now. Didn't help that Goons took GC's space while I was away so lost everything :D
In the end "wins" means very little, perhaps just how long theyve been playing rather than how good they are. I regularly saw players with 4-600 wins when i played normal that were complete arse at the game. With my whole <250 wins i can quite comfortably play in the top150 solo ladder and play better than a large portion of them, 5v5 has suffered a bit from matchmaking but its mostly our own fault in the end.
Good fun last night playing in match with McKnight & other OCuk members. Sorry for my early departure but the wife is expecting any day and has me running around fetching this, that and the other.
Anyway, weekend is soon here so hopefully I'll be able to get a full game in.
If I start playing this now will I get my ass handed to me?

I played Dota a lot (as one of the veterans), and know the learning curve that can have and how little of a chance newbies stand against more experienced players - so am hesitant as to whether theres any point starting this now.
If you played dota then it really wont take you long to get in to it, the only reason you wouldnt start now is if you have a bad reaction to losing .... in which case you know games like this arent for you. For the most part you wont be put against experienced players at first anyway, only those of your own level.
In the end "wins" means very little, perhaps just how long theyve been playing rather than how good they are. I regularly saw players with 4-600 wins when i played normal that were complete arse at the game. With my whole <250 wins i can quite comfortably play in the top150 solo ladder and play better than a large portion of them, 5v5 has suffered a bit from matchmaking but its mostly our own fault in the end.

A high number of wins usually indicates an experienced player, I've won 100 games and probably 200 games played total and I'm being matched with players that probably have 1000 games played. No matter how slow you are to learn the game, if you play 5 times as much, you are going to have an advantage in terms of skill and runes.
Maybe it's less important when you get to level 30, but nobody on our team was level 30.
I'm highly addicted to this game, play every night, already level 30 after two weeks (although I bought dbl xp/ip), i'm just sick to death of leavers and utterly incompetent team mates, my ranked gaming career is 6 wins and 14 losses but thats all solo queues so I guess I'm open to the luck of the draw?

my char name is ambernectar if any of you would add me and play with me (ooer missus) that would be awesome because I'm fast losing the will to live/play due to all the leavers I'm currently suffering!

on every night from 7pm and I play morgana :)
If you add McKnight's character to your friends list (McKnight27) you should be able to join us in some fun. You will need to download Mumble comms software (freeware) to listen to the Overclockers experienced guys dishing advice and orders.
Good fun last night playing in match with McKnight & other OCuk members. Sorry for my early departure but the wife is expecting any day and has me running around fetching this, that and the other.
Anyway, weekend is soon here so hopefully I'll be able to get a full game in.

Absolutely no problem mate, completely understand :D

Also Shaggyd's recommendation goes to anyone here thinking about trying the game. Just add me "mcknight27" or "talsworthy" and we would be happy to play a few games with you teaching you the ropes, etc. There's at least 15 of us on every night.
I am completely sick of this game, im giving up on it. The balance has been screwed up something shocking. It was best when LoL was good (until 5 months ago), now its just embrassing. For those who have known LoL since before christmas might feel what I'm feeling. They just kept on rolling out champion after champion to the point of where they will never be balanced in relation to the other champions.

I'm sick of what the majority of the community has become too, nothing but people raging, going afk, complaining and idling. The game has just lost the majority of the fun in it. I'm too sick of the imba characters walking around who take 2 months before a patch is released to rectify them (by at which they'll have introudced a new champion and the circle of life repeats). It was great while it lasted, but not haveing had a fun game in the previous 15 games I'm abandoning hope.
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