*** League of Legends ***

New Patch Details

RE: Release Notes Akali
· Twin Disciplines(Passive) will now gain 1% spell vamp for every 5 additional attack damage, up from 1% for every 10 additional attack damage

· Molten Shield now reflects damage to all normal attacks instead of just melee attacks

· Flash Frost pass through damage will now break spell shields

· Mystic Shot attack damage ratio decreased to 1.0 from 1.1

· Idol of Durand
o Taunt radius reduced to 500 from 520.
o Damage radius increased to 520 from 500.
o Adjusted team colored range circle to more accurately represent taunt range
· Resolute Smite's particle will now more properly represent the area of effect

· Judgment now reduces the duration of new slows by 50% rather than granting immunity to slowing effects. Judgement will still completely clear any exisiting slows when activated.

· H-28G Evolution Turret
· Maximum turrets changed to 1/2/2/2/2 from 1/2/2/3/3
· H-28G Evolution Turret rank 4 now grants +100 bonus health to new turrets
· Cooldown modified to 26/23/20/17/14 from 24/22/20/18/16
· CH-1 Concussion Grenade no longer affects towers or buildings
· CH-1 Concussion Grenade ability power ratio increased to .6 from .55

· Requiem mana cost reduced to 150/175/200 from 200/300/400

· Attack range increased to 125 from 120
· Magic resistance gained per level increased to 1.25 from 0

· Electrical Surge ability power ratio increased to 0.55 from 0.45
· Lightning Rush
o Energy cost reduced to 100 from 110
o Lightning Rush now provides 10/20/30/40/50 magic resistance and armor for 4 seconds
· Slicing Maelstrom
o Ability power ratio increased to 0.4 from 0.33
o Maximum number of bolts increased to 6/10/15 from 6/8/10 (this still retains the cap of 3 hits per target)
o Removed the cap of applying only 1 Mark of The Storm per target
· Mark of the Storm (passive) stun duration reduced to 1 second from 1.25. Mark of the Storm has a diminished stun effect if applied more than once within seven seconds.

· Caustic Spittle has been remade and now grants:
o Passive: increases attack Speed by 10/15/20/25/30%
o Active: deals 60/110/160/210/260 damage and reduces the target's armor by 5/10/15/20/25 for 4 seconds
· Bio-Arcane Barrage cooldown reduced to 15 from 20
· Void Ooze cooldown reduced to 12 from 13

· Seismic Shard
o Cooldown reduced to 10 seconds from 12 seconds
o Duration of the slow reduced to 4 seconds from 5 seconds
o Mana cost reduced to 70/75/80/85/90 from 80/90/100/110/120
· Brutal Strikes
o Changed the active effect to increase Malphite's armor and damage by 20/25/30/35/40% instead of increasing his damage by 30/40/50/60/70%
o Cooldown reduced to 16 seconds from 20 seconds
o Fixed a bug where the cleave percent would take double the amount of bonus attack damage
o Passive cleave percent increased to 30/38/46/54/62% from 30/35/40/45/50%
o The cleave passive will no longer proc while hitting towers
· Ground Slam
o Mana cost reduced to 60 at all ranks from 60/70/80/90/100
o Updated the tooltip to display how much bonus damage Ground Slam gains from armor
· Unstoppable Force is now unstoppable and cannot be interrupted by disables
· Granite Shield (passive)
o The shield now recharges after 8 seconds instead of 10 seconds
o The shield will now automatically restore to full after 8 seconds of not being hit. Previously it would not replenish until a new shield activated
o Fixed a bug where the shield particle would not appear for a second after the shield activated
o Fixed a bug where the shield strength would not update after buying a health item until a new shield activated
· Updated recommended items

· Fixed a typo in Javelin Toss

· Base attack speed increased to .613 from .558

· Fixed a typo in Pantheon's lore

· Devastating Blow now cannot be dodged

· Siphoning Strike now cannot be dodged

· Fixed a bug where Spell Flux was doing less AoE damage than intended when used in combination with his Arcane Mastery ability

· Deceive
o Cooldown increased to 11 from 10
o Duration to 3.5 from 4 seconds
· Hallucinate
o Cooldown increased to 100/90/80 from 90/75/60
o Duration reduced to 18 from 30
o Guardian Angel no longer revives the clone although will apply the passive particle
· Backstab (passive) bonus damage reduced to 20% from 25%
· Two Shiv Poison no longer blinds the target
· Jack In The Box will now break stealth upon cast

· Feint duration increased to 2.5 seconds from 1.5 seconds
· Stand United no longer shields Shen

· Starcall mana cost reduced to 40/50/60/70/80 from 42/54/66/78/90
· Astral Blessing mana cost increased to 90/110/130/150/170 from 80/100/120/140/160
· Infuse will now infuse half of the mana value to the target, and half of the value to Soraka. Soraka will get the full benefit of Infuse when she casts it on herself.

· Transfusion cast range reduced to 600 from 650
· Tides of Blood buff duration increased to 10 from 8
· Tides of Blood cast range increased to 620 from 570

· Elixirs will now activate immediately if purchased when your inventory is full

· Summoner Cleanse now removes Silence and Blind effects
· Death Recap has been reprioritized to be more relevant to what caused a player's death
· Bots will now properly respond to Taunt
· Improved loading time by up to 25%
· Users with slow machines should no longer be kicked out of the loading process if they take longer than the server expects
· Added an option to turn of the snow particles on Summoner Rift (Winter)
· Added two ignore options: "/ignore ally" for ignoring the allied team and "/ignore enemy" for ignoring the enemy team
· Line Missile targeting status now is properly represented in the options menu
· Fixed a bug where gravity based spells would not immediately apply damage
· Fixed a bug where the HUD scaling option would not work the first time the game client loaded
· Fixed a client crash that would occur when loading into the game with a key pressed down, which was commonly occurring when using third party applications such as Ventrilo or Teamspeak
· Fixed several client crashes
· Fixed several server crashes
I am completely sick of this game, im giving up on it. The balance has been screwed up something shocking. It was best when LoL was good (until 5 months ago), now its just embrassing. For those who have known LoL since before christmas might feel what I'm feeling. They just kept on rolling out champion after champion to the point of where they will never be balanced in relation to the other champions.

I'm sick of what the majority of the community has become too, nothing but people raging, going afk, complaining and idling. The game has just lost the majority of the fun in it. I'm too sick of the imba characters walking around who take 2 months before a patch is released to rectify them (by at which they'll have introudced a new champion and the circle of life repeats). It was great while it lasted, but not haveing had a fun game in the previous 15 games I'm abandoning hope.

Ironically, just after this message Riot decides to rebalance things :)

Now facing a Heim + healer combo is no longer an auto-loss, Shaco has been toned down (the loss of the miss chance on two shiv will help a lot) and cleanse is again useful for mellee fighters......
I am completely sick of this game, im giving up on it. The balance has been screwed up something shocking. It was best when LoL was good (until 5 months ago), now its just embrassing. For those who have known LoL since before christmas might feel what I'm feeling. They just kept on rolling out champion after champion to the point of where they will never be balanced in relation to the other champions.

I'm sick of what the majority of the community has become too, nothing but people raging, going afk, complaining and idling. The game has just lost the majority of the fun in it. I'm too sick of the imba characters walking around who take 2 months before a patch is released to rectify them (by at which they'll have introudced a new champion and the circle of life repeats). It was great while it lasted, but not haveing had a fun game in the previous 15 games I'm abandoning hope.

imba characters? Shaco needs a small tweak and so does ezreal but even still theyre not both always picked in games, are you just picking the completely terrible heroes? xin xao everyone complained about and after a minor tweak hes rarely picked, jax isnt worth playing anymore...
I've added the OcUK massive to my friends listm downloaded mumble and look forward to a night of gaming, also got a crate of beer and a fresh deck of ciggies, kicked the girlfriend out and diverted all calls to voicemail

bring the noise!
Yes you can play for free, but you can buy small advantages with micro-transactions. It is possible to gain each of the small advantages without paying, but it would involve a lot of play time to do so. Still fun though.
I've added the OcUK massive to my friends listm downloaded mumble and look forward to a night of gaming, also got a crate of beer and a fresh deck of ciggies, kicked the girlfriend out and diverted all calls to voicemail

bring the noise!

Unfortunately didn't get a game in with you tonight mate, will have to rectify that on Sunday :D
Interesting to see what players think of the strength of various heroes: http://lol-europe.com/board/showthread.php?t=29316

Survey link in first post, results so far on page 3. seeing sivir voted as tier 5 by so many is a bit strange

Sivir is without a doubt the strongest pusher of any hero i have seen and one of the greatest support chars a team can have.

Boomerang Blade is incredible harass early game, then mid late game boomerang blade + ricochet can take out an entire army of creeps like an ATM cash machine. There is no damage reduction per hit on the boomerang and it hits both ways so its just insanely good.

On the Hunt ulti + Starks Fervor = team battle mashup win.

I have found the secret to Sivir is in her movement speed. You want to be moving as fast as possible to get around the battle field, pushing where ever you can keeping an eye on the minimap. She is considerably weaker late game but her ability to destroy creep waves from the base lane in an instant makes her incomparably valuable

Item Build:
Philosophers Stone
Boots of Mobility
Starks Fevor
Trinity Force
Phantom Dancer(sell stone)

Cleanse and Ghost (hit and run, hit and run, escape the gank)
I am getting hooked to this game.Just wish they had a better disconect system.If somebody dc they should have 2 mins to rejoin or else some1 else should be able to take over there place.Im sick of getting 5v4 or 5v3 for 10 mins until they finaly rejoin whilst the enemy is all level 11+ and they stroll up level 1 :)
I look forward to gaming with you all although i cant use mumble until the missus is out as she says im to much of a geek lol.
Im still playing ashe but if any1 has any tips they would be greatly appreciated :)
Im still playing ashe but if any1 has any tips they would be greatly appreciated :)

Tals would be the best one to ask for help with Ashe, only tip I'd give is use your Ulti arrow to stun champs across the map in other lanes so the champs in that lane can kill while stunned. Hard to master, but funny when it works! :D
Ashe is all about keeping your distance, stay at near enough your max range and if an enemy comes at you use volley, back off a little and pepper with slow until volley is ready again, always step back if they get a bit closer. After a while you'll be able to judge how much damage an enemy can do to you so you know when to stop backing off and just shoot them down. Items are all about armour pen and attack damage really, attack speed is nice as an afterthought but you need the hard hitting first.

Play her very aggresively because you can always back off unless you're against a very quick stunner (look out for flash spells), wear someone down till they either have to back off or you can kill them by chasing. Let other people go mid lane though as you're much stronger on the side lanes especially if you have someone that can either stun or provide mana for you.
whats this game like then, is it a c+c type game that you can also play as 1 character in a team of up to 5 people online? (similar to say, a wow character?)
also is it a large file to download/install

Ashe is all about keeping your distance, stay at near enough your max range and if an enemy comes at you use volley, back off a little and pepper with slow until volley is ready again, always step back if they get a bit closer. After a while you'll be able to judge how much damage an enemy can do to you so you know when to stop backing off and just shoot them down. Items are all about armour pen and attack damage really, attack speed is nice as an afterthought but you need the hard hitting first.

Play her very aggresively because you can always back off unless you're against a very quick stunner (look out for flash spells), wear someone down till they either have to back off or you can kill them by chasing. Let other people go mid lane though as you're much stronger on the side lanes especially if you have someone that can either stun or provide mana for you.

Yes biggest tip I can give for Ashe is to play her aggressively, she hits hard to usually if someone advances and you send a volley and a hit straight away that does enough damage to make them think twice. I originally used to play with Teleport and Heal as my spells, however I moved to teleport and ignite - ignite imho makes you play more aggressively as an attack spell rather than a defensive spell. Teleport is great for firing the crystal arrow across the map and teleporting to where it will stun the enemy.

I tend to go Dorans Blade first (good health and attack), then BF Sword, Then Boots (Swiftness or mobility), then depends how the game is flowing - upping crit chance and going for infinity blade are imho very useful.

She is an easy hero to play imho - i'd recommend trying as many champions as you can, when you get good at one it becomes more difficult to then move to another (for me at least :)
whats this game like then, is it a c+c type game that you can also play as 1 character in a team of up to 5 people online? (similar to say, a wow character?)
also is it a large file to download/install


Download - I can't remember:) It's reasonably large, just start downloading - link on first post of this thread. What's it like - I guess it can be viewed as being an RTS game (which is where it's roots were) where you control 1 character with 4 others controlling the others in your team. Pitched up against 5 on the opposing team. Videos again in 1st post which will hopefully help in understanding it.
The download is at least 600-800MB and takes up 1.8GB once installed/updated.

Speaking of the download, when are they going to roll the patches into the install package. Its incredibly frustrating installing then having to wait an eon for it to complete ~11 slow, single core CPU intensive patches. Even worse on slower machines.

I am seriously considering applying for a job to work with them to sort out some of the technical issues:) For instance, the camera is extremely pants. No zoom stage interpolation with yaw gradient. No rotation. No gradient velocity zones on the mouse border edges for moving the camera. These are all things that were developed over a decade ago but have not been implemented.
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