*** League of Legends ***

I am completely unable to play LoL at the moment because i seem to have a cool down/ability deployment bug where my abilities refuse to deploy for no good reason. Even targeted abilties, point, click...... randomly dont deploy and its always, always when something important is going on. Really very frustrating. For all other intents and purposes i am not lagging, its just using abilities. I am trying reinstalling to see if it alleviate the problem.

On a similar note, on respawn the counter gets to 0 then its a good 5-10 seconds before my champion actually respawns.
I am completely unable to play LoL at the moment because i seem to have a cool down/ability deployment bug where my abilities refuse to deploy for no good reason.

On a similar note, on respawn the counter gets to 0 then its a good 5-10 seconds before my champion actually respawns.

You seem to be having lots of problems with the game (ie lag last week and now your game crashing/not working). Think a reinstall might be your best bet and make sure your computer/connection is up to scratch as the respawn bug will be due to lag.
Ahh had some right terrible games today, why do so many people leave! Half the people I play with can't work as a team either, so frustrating. Really can't wait until my mates get back onshore to get the group back together.
How long are 5v5 games meant to last? As when im playing, they usually pass the hour mark, I just find it tiring after a while and it just becomes a war of attrition.
i had just 1 game like that. i'm level 9 at the mo. all 3 of our inhibitors went down, we were defending against 2 mega creeps in all 3 lanes for about 15 minutes. But we won in the end. So satisfying. Felt sorry for the other team.
i had just 1 game like that. i'm level 9 at the mo. all 3 of our inhibitors went down, we were defending against 2 mega creeps in all 3 lanes for about 15 minutes. But we won in the end. So satisfying. Felt sorry for the other team.

I think this is the point when a game goes to late game it can easily come down to one mistake from either side as to who loses.As you say you was on the back foot but if you kill a couple of champs the 60 sec+ respawn time can allow a major push then you pick another 1 off and so the team can never get to full strength whilst you can recall and teleport back etc.
Why i like this game as its never over :)
I think this is the point when a game goes to late game it can easily come down to one mistake from either side as to who loses.As you say you was on the back foot but if you kill a couple of champs the 60 sec+ respawn time can allow a major push then you pick another 1 off and so the team can never get to full strength whilst you can recall and teleport back etc.
Why i like this game as its never over :)

Agreed, it's never over till the fat lady sings - but the team have to still retain faith
Hi guys - sorry about lack of recent play, wife had a baby boy over the weekend and suffering from lack of sleep. :(
Problem with live games is that you cannot pause them for 30 mins to change nappies or or cook food.
Hopefully see you all online soon once a routine and some "me" time established.
Finally decided to member up lol..

Well i have to say Mumble is where it is at if you really want to get into this game.
The Team play and the conversations bring you back playing this time and time again even when you might be getting a little bored of the game.

and To all those that play with me will know this Saying..

Hey guys, i just started playing this, and it seems really good. Could I get the mumble server password?

OK - before I give it, I notice your post count is quite small :( What are you looking for from our group.

Apologies for putting the shutters up but it's a private mumble server and we are non competitive so just need to make sure you're looking to join for the right reasons :)
Had some great games this weekend, cheers guys. I don't know if I'll bother with solo queue that much anymore, like Aqueitas said above, the game is so much better with a premade and mumble. Finally got my w/l ratio positive and went on a 9 win streak thanks to some great teamplay. Should be on a bit this week too so hopefully grab a few more. (I'm Vertikill btw :))
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