LoL Wiki2 PDs= 0.8*0.8=0.64, 64% chance to hit meaning you got 36% dodge from combining two 20% dodge chances
I am completely unable to play LoL at the moment because i seem to have a cool down/ability deployment bug where my abilities refuse to deploy for no good reason.
On a similar note, on respawn the counter gets to 0 then its a good 5-10 seconds before my champion actually respawns.
i had just 1 game like that. i'm level 9 at the mo. all 3 of our inhibitors went down, we were defending against 2 mega creeps in all 3 lanes for about 15 minutes. But we won in the end. So satisfying. Felt sorry for the other team.
I think this is the point when a game goes to late game it can easily come down to one mistake from either side as to who loses.As you say you was on the back foot but if you kill a couple of champs the 60 sec+ respawn time can allow a major push then you pick another 1 off and so the team can never get to full strength whilst you can recall and teleport back etc.
Why i like this game as its never over
Hey guys, i just started playing this, and it seems really good. Could I get the mumble server password?