*** League of Legends ***

Support is great IF you and your carry know what you are doing. Supporting a random is hell on earth, but I've always loved playing Morg/Naut/Blitz/Sona (even Zyra) support and zoning, setting up kills, saving my team's butt, and generally getting my carry fed.

Annie + Graves level 3 (and again at / or level 6) all in :D no better feeling.
Annie + Graves level 3 (and again at / or level 6) all in :D no better feeling.

it's odd cus yes annie support from 6 onwards can own a lane but she's so useless when not fed and so easy to burst down if playing vs caitlyn or varus for example.

thresh is still my preferred support and failing that leona. I love duoq Leona Vayne when on TS. if you match well with a friend it makes for such an easy life. COmms like just "go when you can get a stun on the carry" and if i charge my shield he just knows i'm going hunting for a stun. and he's on it kill everytime.

but yeah synergy between support and carry or Support and jungle usually wins bot.

found duoq Support and jungle can get any adc in the lead as they just work on ward comms for ganks.

this sums up my champ pool perfectly :o
So frustrating, this game isn't fun anymore. I need to take a break.

I spend so long reading about the game, watching streams and practicing champs only to lose all the time.

How does anyone get out of bronze when people think blitz is the counter to darius top and brand is a good jungler (same game that one).

I had one person state that pick order is always determines your lane ie first pick is always top, end pick is always mid 3rd always adc etc.

I main jungle or support (jungle first pick) but if people get there before me it's fine, but not when they can't jungle ie start at wraiths, go to wolves then back to base...

Or the aatrox jungle starting machette and 5 pots when he has so much sustain he doesn't need it.

Sorry for rant. How do you get through this? I don't flame, I try to help and carry where i can but it's just constant battering.
So frustrating, this game isn't fun anymore. I need to take a break.

I spend so long reading about the game, watching streams and practicing champs only to lose all the time.

How does anyone get out of bronze when people think blitz is the counter to darius top and brand is a good jungler (same game that one).

I had one person state that pick order is always determines your lane ie first pick is always top, end pick is always mid 3rd always adc etc.

I main jungle or support (jungle first pick) but if people get there before me it's fine, but not when they can't jungle ie start at wraiths, go to wolves then back to base...

Or the aatrox jungle starting machette and 5 pots when he has so much sustain he doesn't need it.

Sorry for rant. How do you get through this? I don't flame, I try to help and carry where i can but it's just constant battering.

you just haven't played enough

that means nothing if it feels like you are playing with people who haven't played at all before

It means everything.

I guarantee if you play 1000 more games you won't be bronze anymore.

Blaming your teammates is a trap new players fall into when in reality it's their own fault. There's nothing wrong with being bronze if you're new to the game. You just have to play more and improve.
I never found Bronze that bad, beyond the fact that people made stupid decisions. I found getting through Silver far more toxic, I imagine mainly due to the fact it was full of people who had just gotten out of Bronze and thought they were gods gift to LoL.
It means everything.

I guarantee if you play 1000 more games you won't be bronze anymore.

Blaming your teammates is a trap new players fall into when in reality it's their own fault. There's nothing wrong with being bronze if you're new to the game. You just have to play more and improve.

You're wrong, the players I play with are so bad I don't think some of them are even using a mouse. Making such stupid mistakes, if you ever saw any of my games you'd see

EDIT: ignore that, so frustrating. I have just found a way of recording games that loses no fps so going to record a game or two and ask for constructive criticism. These may also help other newbies out <3
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You're wrong, the players I play with are so bad I don't think some of them are even using a mouse. Making such stupid mistakes, if you ever saw any of my games you'd see

EDIT: ignore that, so frustrating. I have just found a way of recording games that loses no fps so going to record a game or two and ask for constructive criticism. These may also help other newbies out <3

Please do record your games. I used to feel the same as you, however the more you play the more you realise it really is all on you. Especially in bronze. A gold or plat player in bronze would carry most of their games despite their poor team mates.

Constructive criticism will only help you. :)
You are more then welcome to come and play with us Slinkie, what's your IGN? Although you would be jumping in the figurative deep end which can be jarring for some people at first :D
I never found Bronze that bad, beyond the fact that people made stupid decisions. I found getting through Silver far more toxic, I imagine mainly due to the fact it was full of people who had just gotten out of Bronze and thought they were gods gift to LoL.

Around the Gold 5 area is just as bad. People just get gold and just troll.
You are more then welcome to come and play with us Slinkie, what's your IGN? Although you would be jumping in the figurative deep end which can be jarring for some people at first :D

I would recommend some of the ocukers do jump into team games, totally different experience.
I recorded some games, one has uploaded, the other is still waiting to go up. Annoyingly both games I played with teams that co-operated, no troll picks and suiciding players and no abusive messages. Typical when I record but hopefully there is something there to take from it.

1 game is jungle nocturne, the other is jungle aatrox (as I though we needed a tanky player). Comments on builds/ play etc. I know in the noc game I did a couple of bad ults, one never hit as the enemy vanished into the fog and the other that brought me into the middle of a load of enemy champs.

First vid here, second vid still going so will update probably in the morning.

I might record a few more games, it's really easy now I know how to although for some reason there's no sound, i'll try and figure that out.
It's probably really easy to record because the quality is ****ing atrocious. Again, you are more then welcome to come play with us if you want, it'll probably be the quickest way to improve.
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