So frustrating, this game isn't fun anymore. I need to take a break.
I spend so long reading about the game, watching streams and practicing champs only to lose all the time.
How does anyone get out of bronze when people think blitz is the counter to darius top and brand is a good jungler (same game that one).
I had one person state that pick order is always determines your lane ie first pick is always top, end pick is always mid 3rd always adc etc.
I main jungle or support (jungle first pick) but if people get there before me it's fine, but not when they can't jungle ie start at wraiths, go to wolves then back to base...
Or the aatrox jungle starting machette and 5 pots when he has so much sustain he doesn't need it.
Sorry for rant. How do you get through this? I don't flame, I try to help and carry where i can but it's just constant battering.