just level 2 dumped on an ezreal thresh combo was level 6 when they were still 3 all because of that blue buff.....
I initially thought this was not a good move as it's jarvan's job to keep you alive not the other way round.
But if it was just a case of saving him no harm if No loss then it probably works out and keeping a tank alive particularly late game can save the game if protecting a rush against the crown towers
Agreed, for all your reasoning. Looking back it was an instinctive move as they could have made a push for mid, and I had Leona between me and the other team.
I had pulled ahead with cs way more than Ashe,in early game, and I was running a BThirst, with life steal Quints so my health was maxed throughout the TF. It panned out since Jarv rushed back and setup the next gank.
Question: zepher or Phantom Dancer, and when to choose between the two?
So what's everyone's rank and what are you looking to achieve next season?
I'm unranked but looking to (hopefully) get gold!
So what's everyone's rank and what are you looking to achieve next season?
I'm unranked but looking to (hopefully) get gold!
Question: zepher or Phantom Dancer, and when to choose between the two?
So what's everyone's rank and what are you looking to achieve next season?
I'm unranked but looking to (hopefully) get gold!