*** League of Legends ***

If you are going to record use lol recorder and upload it, then give the link(if memory serves me)

But as McKnight says better to arrange to pay in the group.
hmm, I do have the larger files (recorded in 1080p but it just takes ages to upload. I might do one just to see that quality.

Can't use lol recorded on mac.
re-enforccing scots earlier point,

just level 2 dumped on an ezreal thresh combo was level 6 when they were still 3 all because of that blue buff.....

get the advanatge and push it hard. Ez was so far behind all team fights were 4 v 5 as he struggled to come back into the came after being 50 cs and 4 kills down and 2 towers down in 15 mins.

not his fault either just got hammered.

their jungle decided despite them being level 3 and me being 6 he would wait for a gank. You can imagine how that went down Level 3 vs a MF ulti.

those 3 seconds make all the difference. and we helped Red too but the path to lane is so much quicker for blue side.
just level 2 dumped on an ezreal thresh combo was level 6 when they were still 3 all because of that blue buff.....

I'm sorry but all this tells me is that your opponents were either unlucky or terrible.

The fact they were lv3 when you were 6 is not because of a 1cs xp advantage, it is because you flat out beat them which can happen even if everyone is equal level.

Yes, a level advantage makes a difference and it allows for more pressure but it is NOT, I repeat NOT an auto-win condition for bot-lane, hell even when double golems was "the thing" in pro play it only made a real difference in 1/5 games where the blue side took advantage of it. Considering whenever I play support and me and my ADC help with blue/red we lose at most 1cs, that gives the enemy duo a 1cs window to use their level advantage before we are equal.

The only reason it can make a difference is because people take more risks in solo queue, as a result any advantage at all is exaggerated, however relying on that is retarded, I would much rather have my jungler ganking other lanes sooner than having to play safe for 5 seconds.
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they were unlucky, unlucky that i hit level 2

you seem to miss the point

double kill at level 2 free farm to 4 they come back to lane our jungle realises our advantage and helps us dump on them more.

I wouldn't dare say he was unskilled as he had no chance to proove his skill. aggressive wards from my support and jungle basically gave me lane victory let alone advantage.

2 things ezreal could have done.

1. go back instead of trying to gain xp on low hp at level 3

2. not listen to his jungle on that completely retarded gank attempt. I know thw idea was to pull them back but a levekl 3 vs 6 advantage isn't going to be reversed by a 1 man gank. Maybe if their Orianna had come too (but if she had kayle would have pushed mid hard and fast)

The bottom line is level 2 advantage when you are your opponents counter is a game changing advantage.

he is the league above me and wins consistently with ezreal so I don't see how you can say it was unlucky for him.

I agree it's not an auto win but I saw the advantage and my team helped me push it all the way. 25 minute win but at 7 - 1 around 12 mins i had been involved in 6 kills. if he hadn't been behind on xp I wouldn't have had the chance to do what i did that's the fact.
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Played as Miss Fortune last night with a solid leona support.
We hit mid around 25mins, after taking their bot tower and Drake.

A team fight ensues, we lose our Riven and Akali, while taking their LuxAPC and Wu with their Ashe at low HP, we retreat My health is full, Ashe Unleashes her ult at our fleeing jungle Jarvan who has 40hp and a certain kill.

I Flash in front of Crystal arrow, and save Jarvan....dumbluck sure, but I was happy clapping at just how awesome it felt to pull it off.

I love this game, I shouldn't but it keeps opening up to me.
I initially thought this was not a good move as it's jarvan's job to keep you alive not the other way round.

But if it was just a case of saving him no harm if No loss then it probably works out and keeping a tank alive particularly late game can save the game if protecting a rush against the crown towers
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Played a few games of this last night after spending the majority of my free time on DOTA2.

Not sure where I think I'll stay. I know a few friends who play LOL so thats a huge seller to me. But I love the extra complexities in Dota2. Drives me insane not being able to deny :P I miss the courier.

The art styles of both have their merit, think LOL looks a lot more dated but charming.

I'll give this a few more games and see how I feel.
Hate this game so much sometimes...

I was just on promo to Gold 1 but had some Russian premade bot lane as Lee Sin and Pantheon. They invaded as a duo at the start and both got killed and then proceeded to feed all game, both dying at the same time all the time. They ended up with 14 deaths each.

Even though the opposing team had no ADC for the last 15 minutes we still couldn't win because they were beyond useless!

Trust me to get these ***** on my promotion game.
I initially thought this was not a good move as it's jarvan's job to keep you alive not the other way round.

But if it was just a case of saving him no harm if No loss then it probably works out and keeping a tank alive particularly late game can save the game if protecting a rush against the crown towers

Agreed, for all your reasoning. Looking back it was an instinctive move as they could have made a push for mid, and I had Leona between me and the other team.
I had pulled ahead with cs way more than Ashe,in early game, and I was running a BThirst, with life steal Quints so my health was maxed throughout the TF. It panned out since Jarv rushed back and setup the next gank.


Question: zepher or Phantom Dancer, and when to choose between the two?
Agreed, for all your reasoning. Looking back it was an instinctive move as they could have made a push for mid, and I had Leona between me and the other team.
I had pulled ahead with cs way more than Ashe,in early game, and I was running a BThirst, with life steal Quints so my health was maxed throughout the TF. It panned out since Jarv rushed back and setup the next gank.


Question: zepher or Phantom Dancer, and when to choose between the two?

Depends on situation at the time; Get into the habit of having a "base build" but also tinkering with it when needed. Don't always go BT, LW, Phanton, Infinity... As at times you might need more MR, Armour, or sustain...

Phantom Dancer is good on ADC's, I tend to build it on a fair few of my builds if I can :)

So what's everyone's rank and what are you looking to achieve next season?

I'm unranked but looking to (hopefully) get gold!

I'm B1, stuck in this division though, only getting 5 points for a win :( - Next season I'll aim for gold, hopefully a good promo season will get me promotion any ways.
Question: zepher or Phantom Dancer, and when to choose between the two?

I normally only get PD as my second or third item after getting DMG items first for most ADCs. Rarely get Zephyrs for ADCs though, only when im really into the late game and I have loads of money I would sell my boots for it.
So what's everyone's rank and what are you looking to achieve next season?

I'm unranked but looking to (hopefully) get gold!

Did my placement matches and ended up Silver V. I have been playing on and off for the last 2 weeks and managed to get to Silver III.

Solo q is a bit of a crap fest with whom you get on your team. I main top and normally win or draw my lane (unless I am against teemo or kennen!) but there is nothing more disheartening than seeing your other lanes getting killed non stop!

I do get nervous in promo matches though. I reckon if I had started Season 3 earlier I could have gotten to Silver I. Hey ho though, just hope in my next placement matches for Season 4 that I do not get dropped down to Bronze.

Does anyone know if that can even happen.

PS: What is the OCUK chat channel called in LOL. Will join and see if i can make some friends ;).
Started in S5 this year and worked up to S2, but stopped playing ranked about 6 weeks before the end of the season - just full of too many toxic players for my liking. Rank degraded down to S3 due to inactivity. I don't think I'll be trying next season

- GP
I made Gold 5 a while back then lost motivation to play, knowing that there was no way I could make Plat before the end of the season. :p

Just been maintaining my rank since, aiming for high Plat/low Diamond next season. :)
Currently diamond 4 and going for diamond 1 next season. Shouldn't be too hard if I get Vayne every game. :p

Practising Jinx a lot in normals as well so hopefully I can get her to a similar level to my Vayne so I have other things to rank up with.
I went from being Silver 2 after placement matches to Bronze 1 due to inactivity and now I'm Silver 5. This is like the bare minimum of ranked games played as I much prefer playing with people I know...although I've said to a couple of my mates that I'm going to give ranked a proper go in Season 4 if they'd duo with me.
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