*** League of Legends ***

Me and my friends have stopped playing too.. Not sure why, just got to the end of our attention span after a couple of years I guess.

IMO, far too many champs about now to make unranked play any fun - you rarely get balanced matches anymore.
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Yeah the whole unlocking champions things kinda put me off the game, I want to play the newly released ones but have to play silly amounts to unlock them and its just a waste of time, I'd rather just play dota.

May try it again though when the visual update and jungle changes happen, they look pretty decent.
Hmmm I started a while ago so can't comment on a new players from my perspective but my son started not so long ago and hasn't stopped playing. Definitely wouldn't go for smite in preference just fire it up and play. The game mechanics are straight forward and generally low level has little or no strategy - ie champs go where ever. A whole load of streams on twitch just find one of the popular ones.

I generally only play in a team now though the team finder is also very good.

Also read the first post of this thread most of the tips should still apply
Sup guys, I'm a total nub at LoL and I'm playing a lot of ARAM, I wondered if you could all give me some idea of a basic masteries for the several class types.

Such as a basic rune and mastery setup for AD, AC and maybe a tanky build?

I've got no clue and it's hindering my ability to just learn the basics in game.
Are you Level 30 yet?

If not don't buy any of the tier 1 and tier 2 marks, they are not worth it so you are better of saving your IP until you hit Level 30. It certainly shouldn't hinder your ability to learn the basic game.

Basic quints you want to get are

Attack Damage Marks, Armour seals, Magic Resist Glyphs, and Attack Damage Quints.

That should be your first set and should be good to use for your Top Laners, Junglers and ADC.

Next aim to get some Ability Power Marks and Ability Power Quints for your Mid Lane champs.

that is all you need until you get good at the game then you can start having a look at the others Runes that are available.

I have about 12 Rune pages for various setup and builds depending on situations and who I am playing against.

page #1 for ad carries, page #4 for mana ap carries, page #3 for manaless ap carries (kat, akali)

Hey, i'm from Liverpool as well, JOIN US!

Yeah i've been palying since late S2 Bronze S2, Silver S3, Gold 4 at the moment. Was on an 8 game win streak in ranked last night after motivating myself to keep in good positive spirits and went on tilt with players who didn't want to win which I don't think is a conspiracy but actually the way ranked works.

First time in ages I ahd competent teams who might not have done amazingly but were willing to overlook petty things and work together and it was a flurry of wins, then I got into a game with two premades, one called "Ni***Z" and his premade "kush (Something or other)" first pick their team was Katarina whom I main and after i'd told everyone to do their best and we'll win and that's all i'd ask he told me to stfu, called me a faggot, told me to *F my dead nan* and instalocked Twisted Fate despite how many easy counters he had available and said he'd carry without me and to die.

Fast forward 20 minutes, his premade went Feral Flare Udyr, was 1/12/3 and went AFK and TF was 3/9/0 and dancing in lane ranked. That's when the game's started going down, I main support and I had two adc's ina row just give up because I either got a kill, or someone on our team died once. Went from my Gold 3 promos down to about 50 points, really demotivating.

TL;DR: For anyone who is looking to play this game, in my complete unbiased opinion League of Legends has the absolute worst player base and community of any game I have EVER played. If you're easily stressed out or want fun, please do NOT play this game you will save yourself a lot of time and energy.
Hey, i'm from Liverpool as well, JOIN US!

Yeah i've been palying since late S2 Bronze S2, Silver S3, Gold 4 at the moment. Was on an 8 game win streak in ranked last night after motivating myself to keep in good positive spirits and went on tilt with players who didn't want to win which I don't think is a conspiracy but actually the way ranked works.

First time in ages I ahd competent teams who might not have done amazingly but were willing to overlook petty things and work together and it was a flurry of wins, then I got into a game with two premades, one called "Ni***Z" and his premade "kush (Something or other)" first pick their team was Katarina whom I main and after i'd told everyone to do their best and we'll win and that's all i'd ask he told me to stfu, called me a faggot, told me to *F my dead nan* and instalocked Twisted Fate despite how many easy counters he had available and said he'd carry without me and to die.

Fast forward 20 minutes, his premade went Feral Flare Udyr, was 1/12/3 and went AFK and TF was 3/9/0 and dancing in lane ranked. That's when the game's started going down, I main support and I had two adc's ina row just give up because I either got a kill, or someone on our team died once. Went from my Gold 3 promos down to about 50 points, really demotivating.

TL;DR: For anyone who is looking to play this game, in my complete unbiased opinion League of Legends has the absolute worst player base and community of any game I have EVER played. If you're easily stressed out or want fun, please do NOT play this game you will save yourself a lot of time and energy.

I find stories like this quiet funny.

Every so often someone will come out of the shadows to have a moan on about what happened to them and how toxic the LoL community is.

LoL is a lot of fun when you play yeah it has its bad points but its getting over those bad points and ignoring the trolls is how you become a better player.

Mute button is your friend.

And to anyone looking to learn a MOBA you can't go wrong learning League. Its a lot more fun that DOTA 2, Strife, Smite and Heroes of the Storm. The learning curve is steep so be prepared to put the time in in order to get better. But once you have learnt the games and a few champions like the rest of us you'll only be playing league and looking at other MOBAs as if they are some sort of maingy dog.

You'll know when you have the LoL bug, when you wake in the morning and you'll spend your breakfast time eating yoru ceral whislt Watching Nightblue3 or Trick2G on Twitch or reading LoL reddit.

Also like the poster above has experienced. Don't expect to win every game and try not to take anything to personal as going on tilt and playing will set you back further than you realize.

Just play and have fun.
It sounds like you're addicted to the game so probably a biased opinion. I agree totally with BenCannibal, this is coming from someone who used to play COD 4 on the 360 which had a terrible community of kids screaming 9/11 down the mic to americans etc etc. LoL is absolute aids, trying to learn the game and smurfs will afk if you do one thing wrong. Catch ebola seems to be their new phrase when you lose and it's your fault apparently.
It sounds like you're addicted to the game so probably a biased opinion. I agree totally with BenCannibal, this is coming from someone who used to play COD 4 on the 360 which had a terrible community of kids screaming 9/11 down the mic to americans etc etc. LoL is absolute aids, trying to learn the game and smurfs will afk if you do one thing wrong. Catch ebola seems to be their new phrase when you lose and it's your fault apparently.

Addicted to the game....no

However I really do enjoy playing it a lot.

Yeah things like what you describe do happens but its not like that every game and like I said if you are getting a hard time you have to look at what you have done/did. and worse come to worse mute them.
It really is like that every game. I have like 450 wins and every game in ranked someone rages, its incredibly frustrating. If I could start over knowing what I know, I wouldn't have even touched LoL. Community is awful, I hate having to unlock champions, especially with runes in the way.
Sorry just seems like an addiction if the first thing you want to do when waking up is watch someone else play LoL, a bit like a crack addict waking up and first thoughts are taking a hit.

The things I described happen a lot, more than half of the games I play.
Sorry just seems like an addiction if the first thing you want to do when waking up is watch someone else play LoL, a bit like a crack addict waking up and first thoughts are taking a hit.

The things I described happen a lot, more than half of the games I play.

Actually it has nothing to do with addiction, its to do with learning from others and trying to get better and admitting your own mistakes. Hence why I watch LoL streamers. and 20 mintues viewing whilst eating breakfast with BBC news in the background is hardly like taking crack.

More than half of your games...wow.....maybe you should not bother playing then.

Funny I have over 1000 games and i can honestly say hand on heart that this doesn't happen to me as often as it does to you. I'd say 1 game in 6 someone starts mouthing off. It might happen more than that its just that I don't spend half the game reading chat. Like I said Mute is your friend.

Did you ask yourself why they are directing the hate at you? Are you feeding?

I guess Lol isn't a game for you.
Not feeding at all most of the games I'm one of the better players on our side. I didn't say the stuff I see was directly aimed at me either, could be aimed at team mates or people on the other side. Even Tune has said above he experienced the same.

I guess if you just mute everyone or refuse to read the chat then yeah you will miss it, but I don't particularly enjoy having to mute everyone or play ignorant to make it a pleasant experience as then communication goes totally out the window.

The fact is I can play many other multiplayer games without experiencing any of this for a long time, yet it seems a common occurence on LoL. I still play the game I just agree with the original point that the community is toxic.
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Not feeding at all most of the games I'm one of the better players on our side. I didn't say the stuff I see was directly aimed at me either, could be aimed at team mates or people on the other side. Even Tune has said above he experienced the same.

I guess if you just mute everyone or refuse to read the chat then yeah you will miss it, but I don't particularly enjoy having to mute everyone or play ignorant to make it a pleasant experience as then communication goes totally out the window.

its not like you write a battle plan out in chat to co-ordinate your attacks....lol

And you certainly don't need chat to win, so please dont make out that having chat on is the be all and end all of the game and that its imperative that you can read chat for you to enjoy the game....please.

Ask yourself do you want to enjoy the game or do you want to enjoy the game whilst people are flaming you in chat.
That wasn't the point being made though was it, all I'm agreeing with is that the community is terrible in general compared to other games I've played. I can still enjoy the game and play it yes but that's not what I was agreeing/disagreeing with. They simply don't do enough to ban the toxic kids who infect the game on their multiple accounts. Just because it's avoidable doesn't make it okay.
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