*** League of Legends ***

I'm finding LOL harder than dota!

Probably because i'm only at 2.5k MMR in dota 2 and am just starting to try LOL, i have no clue as to which champs are carry, support or jungle etc...
How is it easier to escape in DOTA? :confused: There is way more things that can stun you or make you useless, maybe you just played at a low level?

Well obviously dota is easier that LoL when you have no idea how LoL works or what the champions do. I'd say with the same amount of playtime in both games that dota is way harder.
I'm finding LOL harder than dota!

Probably because i'm only at 2.5k MMR in dota 2 and am just starting to try LOL, i have no clue as to which champs are carry, support or jungle etc...

Not really what we mean though. Every game is hard when you have 0 clue about it. Even rock paper scissors would be hard to play if you had no idea what to do.
On the discussion of community. Any game where snowballing can exist is going to have rage. LOL tbh is a lot better than DOTA or HON - I was in Hon early days and they couldn't care less about the community whereas LOL fairly early on realised this was a problem and did measures to address it.

That said! As with Chis - if you don't like the community play with people you know. We have a fairly nice community (see first page) so always feel free to join us. I never play with randoms now :)

Tune for some reason I have you down as Dota 2 player...but 400 wins impressive. I'm rubbish and have 1000+.... :)
I do play Dota 2 the most. Have 850 wins on dota, but not been playing as much lately, been playing a lot more LoL.

I have 261 normal wins on LoL apparently, thought it was more. But I have a 22 wins in ranked this season too and 74 wins last season.

But I disagree about LoL community being better, dota isn't great, but the english speaking people I do find are generally really nice. But the game is just plagued with russians. In LoL everyone speaks english but everyone is a raging ****. Even the enemy team. Only played 15-20 games of HoN so can't really say anything about that, but seemed alright from what I saw.
Hey, i'm from Liverpool as well, JOIN US!

Yeah i've been palying since late S2 Bronze S2, Silver S3, Gold 4 at the moment. Was on an 8 game win streak in ranked last night after motivating myself to keep in good positive spirits and went on tilt with players who didn't want to win which I don't think is a conspiracy but actually the way ranked works.

First time in ages I ahd competent teams who might not have done amazingly but were willing to overlook petty things and work together and it was a flurry of wins, then I got into a game with two premades, one called "Ni***Z" and his premade "kush (Something or other)" first pick their team was Katarina whom I main and after i'd told everyone to do their best and we'll win and that's all i'd ask he told me to stfu, called me a faggot, told me to *F my dead nan* and instalocked Twisted Fate despite how many easy counters he had available and said he'd carry without me and to die.

Fast forward 20 minutes, his premade went Feral Flare Udyr, was 1/12/3 and went AFK and TF was 3/9/0 and dancing in lane ranked. That's when the game's started going down, I main support and I had two adc's ina row just give up because I either got a kill, or someone on our team died once. Went from my Gold 3 promos down to about 50 points, really demotivating.

TL;DR: For anyone who is looking to play this game, in my complete unbiased opinion League of Legends has the absolute worst player base and community of any game I have EVER played. If you're easily stressed out or want fun, please do NOT play this game you will save yourself a lot of time and energy.

where aboots? let's lan :p
I do play Dota 2 the most. Have 850 wins on dota, but not been playing as much lately, been playing a lot more LoL.

I have 261 normal wins on LoL apparently, thought it was more. But I have a 22 wins in ranked this season too and 74 wins last season.

But I disagree about LoL community being better, dota isn't great, but the english speaking people I do find are generally really nice. But the game is just plagued with russians. In LoL everyone speaks english but everyone is a raging ****. Even the enemy team. Only played 15-20 games of HoN so can't really say anything about that, but seemed alright from what I saw.

Fair comment - the best thing is link up with others. It really is a team game and so much nicer playing with people you know and understand game style wise. Appreciate that isn't always possible
My name is Hilly, and I'm a LoL addict :(

residing in S1 currently, failed my last promotion due to idiots. 1st game in my promo, I was told for me to pass the promo I'd have to pay 5 euros, else they'd troll. Obviously told them to **** off, so they trolled.

Another had a disconnect, followed by two wins and one super close game. Crazy close.

323 wins this season in ranked (just shy over 50%). Really after finishing in gold for the season end, but not sure that's possible now!
Same sort of boat hilly! I'm sure over a larger time scale I'll move up the rankings but if I could delete the games where my team had DC/troll my win % would sky rocket :p
My name is Hilly, and I'm a LoL addict :(

residing in S1 currently, failed my last promotion due to idiots. 1st game in my promo, I was told for me to pass the promo I'd have to pay 5 euros, else they'd troll. Obviously told them to **** off, so they trolled.

Another had a disconnect, followed by two wins and one super close game. Crazy close.

323 wins this season in ranked (just shy over 50%). Really after finishing in gold for the season end, but not sure that's possible now!
I'm pretty much in the same camp.

Silver 1 currently 2 games into my gold promotion (one win one loss).

The loss was a guy playing as nautilus mid..., who proceeded to feed 9 times in the first 15 odd mins (twice to an invade before laning phase had even begun, died - ran back to fight - died again....).

I've had in both games the mid declare "GIVE ME MID OR I GO AFK", or "I PLAT MID, HAPPY TO DOUBLE MID IF ANYBODY TAKES" - or AD manaless champions go afk if you take your second blue (as a many dependant jungler).

That's ignoring the countless complaints you get for not ganking lanes they push to the tower (who then get ganked) - or expect you to sit in there lane behind them for 10 mins incase enemy jungle ganks them....

I've also noticed that whenever somebody says "I PLAT, LET ME MID & CARRY YOU FREE ELO" - then inevitably feed & play horribly.

God I really hate the LoL community.
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It's never your own fault on LoL :D they always blame someone else when it goes wrong. It's the main reason many people never improve.

You get all the blaming being a jungler, something which irks me no end. Polite suggestions of not pushing the wave, warding or communicating when players roam is usually met with swearing...

To be fair, other players can cause a loss - a huge feeder in a lane vs a snowball champion will make a game incredibly hard/virtually impossible to win (assuming the player who gets fed is competent).

While improving your own game-play is all you can do & overall you will get promoted on average if you're good enough. Individual games on the other hand can be lost by other players poor performance.
Had a game yesterday where Tryn was laning top with Yi and he kept running into the tower to try and get the kill. Then started raging when Yi was destroying everyone.
Had a game yesterday where Tryn was laning top with Yi and he kept running into the tower to try and get the kill. Then started raging when Yi was destroying everyone.
Ahh, Tryndamere - seems to attract some of the worst players in the history of LoL.

Thinking his ultimate lasts forever, or when they go against somebody with a stun (who simply stun/out run them) keeps killing them.

I find at the lower ranks it's a case of being able to carry is key, as overall you will win enough to rise into gold & beyond. After that teamwork & teamplay is key, as being able to carry 22 - 1 (no joke, recent ranked game) isn't going to happen against skilled players.
I think many people just lack the concentration required, they think they can just play it casually and still win, not checking the map, not placing wards, not timing things correctly. Then I see the top players on twitch making amazing plays and realise even if you're good you're likely never going to be that good.
I think many people just lack the concentration required, they think they can just play it casually and still win, not checking the map, not placing wards, not timing things correctly. Then I see the top players on twitch making amazing plays and realise even if you're good you're likely never going to be that good.
Indeed, some of the plays I've seen have been amazing online.

Another thing which makes a huge difference is learning how to estimate expected combo damage, for example with cho'gath (easy to learn with his true damage ultimate) means you can plan a full combo (silence, onto spikes, ignite, flash, ultimate) & they either die to the ultimate or shortly after to the ignite.

So many players stay in lane without having enough HP remaining to survive this combo when in reality they need to get some MR/HP or return back to base if they have no flash. So far whenever I hit 6 if I have flash I pretty much always get a kill because players don't think enough or consider just how much damage the enemy may do.

The other side is learning cool-downs & the skills of all the champions, I'm now familiar with pretty much all champions skills & check online the cool-downs of my lane opponent during the loading screen.
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