where aboots? let's lan
Walton at the moment
And guys sorry, I feel like i've kicked the hornet's nest here about the community but I stand by LoL having the worst community i've ever seen, it isn't the 1/6 games that's being quoted for me i've played over 4000 games since starting out in S2 and it's been a very very difficult game to enjoy.
As a rule of thumb i've had /all chat muted since last season as you get no benefit from being taunted by your opponent, and I do tend to mute toxic players when I get in. The issue is pre-game when two premade players start threatening to troll because they're working together, they'll speak their native tongue refuse to co-operate and flame you to bits.
The tribunal, our system that punishes palyers based on reports which is regulated and administered by players was shut down a year ago with no warning at all and now nobody who is reported is punished it's like "The Purge", unless they're reported for AFKing or negative attitude there is absolutely no punishment system, you're expected to put faith in a bunch of 15 year olds to not act childish and selfishly and that's not how it works.
Afking is prominent in at least 80% of my games, that's a realistic statistic it's not just me making it up, in 80% my games there are immature, selfish, unco-operative players that will happily tell you to die of cancer if they don't get their own way.
This is NOT a biased opinion this is from over 4000 games, at Gold IV at the moment it does NOT get better.
It's a fun game when you're ahead ingame and working together it is a HORRIBLE game if you aren't.