Shame about Bit-Tech (can see your point though and did post earlier) glad your still updating here though - great build.
Thanks wissel I think some debating going on there might help, most recognise how the rating system isn't working right with people abusing it there, it worked OK until this year & it just kept getting worse.
Read abaout this on the other site, really glad your still here as well!!
Don't let the ******* get you down, you know who the best modder is!

Thanks redfist, it's really tough to define who is the best modder really, so many different approaches at play on there & pro factory vs makeshift workshop, case mods mixed with scratch builds, highly sponsored vs tight budgets, it is very unballenced for competition so that provokes people to gather external support to have a better chance & some treat it like marketing.
Knowing how unballenced the competitions are in modding I just accept it but I'm going to opt right out of any modding competitions because they are even too difficult for me to judge with being able to appreciate all approaches, people who don't look far into it they just see the end result & vote on that, it's just a messy competition really.
love the design waiting for an update
Thanks Mark, got 1 now.
Thank you for sharing this project with us...
I don't understand what's gone wrong - would you mind explaining in words of one syllable exactly what cheesed you off with Bit-Tech?
I do understand that this is a project that you have conceived and toiled long and hard over, pouring all of your time into, and for sharing that creative moment with us, I am particularly grateful for.
/non-constructive rant deleted/
1 Syllable, I guess it would be cowards.
Trolls who are too cowardly to troll people up front because they lack logical thinking so they been going all over BT knocking the ratings down on many excellent projects, they happened to do it to me when I was making a big effort to make it in time for the mod of the year deadline so it annoyed me breaking my focus.
Where are you finding negative comments?
I have not noticed any disrespect of waynio here. Maybe I've missed them but if there are any they are few and far between.
Patiently waiting for your next update of project.

I should have popped back in here sooner, sorry.
Negatives are over on Bit-tech...
It is a small minority on there, maybe even a tiny minority, I think it will pass.
Then why are you giving us a lecture about negative comment here??
We are not the guilty parties and have done nothing wrong.
So don't lecture us! Go lecture Bit-tech!
Wheres the fire extinguisher lol.
My opening question was " would you mind explaining in words of one syllable exactly what cheesed you off with Bit-Tech?"
I've scrubbed everything after that. Sorry if this caused offence.
I'm sorry for not getting back here sooner to you & doyll & anyone else.
Sorry I barked at you.
Just think the problems on Bit-Tech should stay there. We don't need them over here.
We have a nice build thread going here.
Maybe just contact waynio using Trust button and find out in provate.
True, reason I mentioned it was it made need for a little timeout while I cool off.
Looks like the discussion about the stars rating system is very much in progress and going strong...
For the record, I voted it a 5* mod, after I realised that there was even a star rating system.
I do hope that you are still working on this beautiful project, and that your commitment hasn't been wavered by some nay-sayers...
Shame they might have to dump something that worked OK until this year as it progressed further it got worse & it could all just be 1 person with multiple accounts, there have been some on there doing stuff like that, things people do when they get bored lol.
one day i`ll try doing something like that
I look forward to it fizban

do research if serious though, I went into scratch building kinda blind

it's only my last 3 attempts I've been getting much better, first 2 were a bit rough especially my first.
I have an update at last

it's a small one but it's an update.
Deadline is canned now for me & I'm continuing to post on BT still, even got a really late message from coolermaster saying to hurry lol, I figured they didn't accept my application.
This project needs quite a lot doing still anyway & will take time to do it all nicely, I don't think I'll bother with any modding competitions anymore though, I'm happy just modding on really.
Where it was since last session but now with the 3rd revision of the HDD covers & they fit in there nicely, I also had to drill the 3mm holes a bit closer to the edge so the rods could fit in.
The 5mm & 10mm rods with grub screws in for the tapped rods above.
View from underneath where they are countersunk screwed in & the 3mm holes I drilled straight through & extended them more outwards so they'll fit in.
How it is now with all the rods in place, this all needs a heck of a cleaning up by light filing & sanding to make it look a lot nicer, it'll get there.
Right here I noticed how the light caught the dual layer side panels creating a sweet contrast so thought I'd take a shot, bit like a preview of the intended look of what the contrasts will look like when everything gets anodised but not this colour.
I'm still wishing I put all the mounting points in on the design phase before I got on with making this but once I'm past this HTPC & stand everything else should be far more straight forward.
Some more shots.
Other news.
Been wanting to make my dad a nice xbmc for quite a while & was browsing around fleabay for a cheap mini-ITX mobo & seen an Asus E35M1-I Deluxe same as the one I'm using on mine but 2nd hand for £68, owner had it since August, took the memory out of my current rig & put it in, tested & it's all good, then I finally installed the Samsung memory I bought a bit ago from here into my current rig, it's 10mm lower than normal low profile memory, low voltage & highly overclockable, no heat sink & a black PCB, got it running at 2133mhz 10,10,10,28 @1.45v, really nice memory & will be nicer still when I take the stickers off.
More soon & woo hoo for Christmas smilies.