Lean and Green - modular dual PC scratch build

Sorry for taking forever on replying, I needed a bit of a time out, this is mostly a status update & an early look at something I'm going to make as an interval project.

Here is a preview of a HTPC I'm going to make before I continue with lean & green, it's for my dad & I want to get it completed before he gets home from Australia in February.

It holds mini-itx, sfx psu, 2x 2.5" HDD, 1 3.5" HDD, 140mm fan & marble power button new improved mini version, :D the form is simple & the cut work isn't complex so should be able to get it done quick once I start. :D

Because of where I made the psu sit I went with regular expansion slot height.





Slot for ventilation under the motherboard.





Got all the hardware & aluminium ready & waiting for action, everything in the design is covered this time so it should be a nice enjoyable project that I can quickly do before I step back into steep challenge mod lean & green.

I also upgraded my main rig to 2 670s in SLI after selling a bunch of parts I had getting no use :) but I lost my SLI bridge so had it performing as 1 card for a week, the SLI bridge I ordered came today though so I'm eager to have a good play with it, tried a run of 3dmark11 & heaven & wow it kills my previous 580, gave something like 3x the performance, so is an awesome upgrade. :D

Designed a dual layer homer eating his way out of the rig grill but I made the mesh holes too big so doesn't look too great, much smaller mesh holes & it should look OK, requires quite a bunch of hours to do though so some other time for perfecting this grill. :D


In more neutral colours.

With just getting the SLI bridge I'm going to resume modding on new years day or when the acrylic tube arrives so I can be 100% sure of accurate measurements, was going to get right onto it today or tomorrow but I only just completed this side project design & it would do me good to take some more days off so I can go at this new project mentally energised & not neglect my gamer side, would you believe I still haven't played all the way through the witcher 2 & I bought it on release day. :)
Class! Welcome back. Merry Xmas Waynio!
:D Thanks Tattysnuc & merry Xmas to you & everyone on here. :)


Can't wait to see how this turns out, love the idea of miniature version of the marble power button!
:D Thanks Red, I'll post a reply on this log when I start this quick new one, I still want to try & have lean & green completed before mid February too, tall order but I'll give it a go. :)

I must have just got bored waiting for the SLI bridge with doing the homer grill. :D

Here is the tweaked updated model with scrapped double 2.5" drives, relocated SSD which will also make cooling better & internal e-sata HDD dock replacing the double 2.5s which can be switched on/off with easy remove mini side panel, side & top panels plug in place with little rod stumps by the way so the slots cut out will provide grips to pull them out, front, back & bottom are screwed in place.

The rearrangement gave some more breathing space too. :D


SSD relocation which will also aid in directing incoming air down to the motherboard.

HDD dock side has 2 side panels for quick easy access to the dock.


The sliding spring loaded block with gripper.

Bit of structure hidden to show it better.

One more look before I do this thing.

I'll make it printable & then enjoy the rest of this year before getting into it, I might or might not start before new years day, depends on if I get a sudden urge to make something or game on until new year. :D

All the best everyone. :)
Harumph. Got me all excited then :(

Then I saw your other log, and all was right with the world again :)

Nice one geezer, but looking forward to the climax of this version of perfection :)
Harumph. Got me all excited then :(

Then I saw your other log, and all was right with the world again :)

Nice one geezer, but looking forward to the climax of this version of perfection :)
:D Got something here, not really an update but I fixed a future problem on this project.

Re made all the motherboard trays overnight, seems I didn't account for the extra 1mm allowance for the motherboard IO shield so had to squeeze motherboards into place, they are good now, done it for Midlag Crisis & both systems in Lean & Green, also added a light line for the PCI/IO piece on the ATX mobo tray. :)










This goes back to paused now. :D

Been stocking up on new hard drives too, would have stung me so much if I bought them altogether so I bought 1 whenever I could afford 1, got the last 1 the other day, the HTPC in this will now have 14TB of storage, bought Hitachi Touro external USB3 drives, they have 5400RPM cool spin drives inside them, got 3 4 TB ones & a 2TB one, I'll have to hack them open voiding the warranty but I'll get a pile of spare parts & I saved £80 on each one vs the OEM drives. :)
Very good idea to sandwich acrylic with metal sheeting! How did you bond the sheets? I commonly use solvent cement with my acrylic work.
Sorry about the extensive timeout from this one everyone. :o

LAG by name LAG by nature. :D

I grouped many of the pictures together trimming from near 1000 to below 100 in 8 updates which I'll do 1 per day & already started new progress on it so I can seamlessly move over to current progress & I'll post this everywhere I post that was interested as a recap to properly resurrect this project.

Design play for a modular dual PC to cut back my power usage, yup it's heavily detailed but I wanted something that lights my eyes up whenever I look at it, :) low power for when I don't need it which is most of the time & power system for when I do, will save £200 off the electric bill per year which sadly so far I've missed out on £400 which could have paid for the ps4 I want to do a case for, that's the downside to knowing what I'd have saved & taking a year break from this one while I do another project to help get my mind recalibrated. :)

Coupling section.


ATX system

Altogether with pedestal which I'll make 2 draws shorter for mystery reasons which you'll see eventually. :D

Materials, some of the bars was 4m long so had to cut them in half on the stairs so I could move them to the cellar, this load weighed a lot especially the 10mm plate.

I worked the project going from most difficult or time consuming working my way through to the easier stuff so the project would get easier instead of harder, this is the 10mm aluminium plates & I realised how much I had ahead of me so I just had to try & switch my mind off while I did it as if I was sleep walking (modding), which helped. :D

Turbo speed video of 1 of the coupling pieces being cut.

These ATX system side panels took ages to do.



Back HTPC panel.


Back ATX panel.


Front ATX panel.

Group hug & stack o parts. :D

Started printing my designs using an a4 printer so had to precisely cut & join the templates, huge time saver & produces highly accurate templates, I use sticker sheets because glue spray didn't work too good for me.

Parts for the ATX PSU section.

Remake of the ATX front panel to support a fan controller.

New fan controller panel.

How it will look.

The ATX PSU section curve pieces which will have rods going through the holes.

More ATX PSU section panels.



Switcharoo of the PSU fan guard because the stock one made it too high & I wanted to test how difficult the fan grill would be to make, practice that turned into a part of the project, won't be seen though.

Wasn't going to make feet for it, felt no need to but with many saying it's top heavy I designed & made funky feet based on a flying squirrel but not just any flying squirrel, mighty flying squirrel that will hold up a heavy load. :D

The parts all interconnect making them really strong, also used rods for holding pieces in place, aluminium dowel rods.








Recap 2 of 6 complete (cut it back to 6 instead of 8).
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