I'm surprised and a bit ticked off, but you know it's gonna be a good game.
Everything you see basically could be just DLC. Pretty pathetic imo.
1. New weapons and ammunition types (melee and guns)
2. New Special Infected
3. New Survivors
4. Five campaigns (and they're considering including the 4 from L4D along with them)
5. New pickups that haven't been revealed yet
6. All of the original gameplay modes plus one not yet revealed
7. Different methods of attack for panic events (needing to push a button to start it and push another button somewhere else to end it)
8. New Director AI that creates dynamic weather and even pathing in a level (not just confined to a "go left or go right" decision, the example given in the article cites a graveyard that may just be a straight line or a complex maze with dead-ends)
Please administer to the patient with a pince of salt as I do not know the original source of this post's information!
However, some of those points look really nice!
well i dont care that it will only be a year since the last one. £30 for over 200 hours of game play? yes please
All i saw in the trailer was new survivors and few weapons.. and the same infected & a tank
this game is set later, there needs to be new special infected.. have the disease spread to some animals or something, make new special infected sprout wings just ANYTHING that makes it fresh.
Melee is still in there, there are a few gameplay vids over on IGN. The pan looks funny, but pointless, the only other one I saw was the axe, which is an insta kill swipe. Looks like a bit of fun, but a bit of a gimmick.Yeh, now I've seen all the tweaks and changes, it'll do. The first one is awesome, so the 2nd will most likely be as well. Blatent cash in, but meh.
I get the feeling the old melee ability has been removed (right click taken off) and the melee weapons have been brought in to replace that. They'll probably work in tiers the same way as the other weapons, with the chainsaw being a tier 2 or whatever. If this is the case win win.
You can pretty much guarantee that the link will be on L4D2's preorder list![]()
So they refuse to do a proper sequel to Counter-strike, the most popular online shooter of literally all time but they'll do a sequel to Left 4 Dead after six months? WTF?
Melee is still in there