But yes, just "attack" from any angle you can - it shouldn't be so, but unfortunately in cases like this, you have to make it more time consuming (and therefore costly), to constantly have to deal with you than it is to just fix the problem to get rid of you.
I remember a case with Corsair that I hassled them so much they just gave me a new product to get rid of me, but I wasn't about to take "no" for an answer.
I picked up the rifle, and took it to the rifle range to test it before sending it off to an expert. The vendor or their supplier, have intentionally damaged the chamber. They literally must have been slamming the bolt and firing pin into the back on the chamber over and over, and now I can barely even get a round into it, even by hand, the gun is completely ruined.
The rifle was nothing like this when it left my possession.
I had a look on google reviews of the supplier, and there is a review on there from what is claimed to be an owner of a gunship, saying that this supplier had done similar to them.
Unfortunately I have no way of proving this, admittedly I went in naive, but I had NO indication I would get messed about like this, quite the opposite before handing the rifle in.
The credit card company have basically said I still need to take it to an expert, and are now giving me a blanket response. I can't do that, because on the face of it, it now very much does look like I have caused the damage by missuse. The credit card company said that I need to take up the fact they had caused the damage with the vendor, which is pointless.
They are *******, they knew damn well that (in the condition I left it anyway) if I had taken it to an expert they would have put a report in my favour.
Absolute scum bags.
Unfortunately there is nothing more I can do now, other than maybe try to repair it myself to get it back at least to the semi operational state it was in.
I might throw in a complaint to the CC company aswell, it wont get me anywhere, I know it wont, but I can forward that to the FOS and it'll cost them £350 whether its upheld or not, I kinda feel like if I have to go down I am taking them with me.
Lesson learned, take photos/videos etc, I and never assume what you think it a reputable vendor isn't a cheating lying scumbag.
TBH I would always grab some proof before sending something back.
So you can't ask a gunsmith to repair it then?
I guess the issue to me is, if the magazines are dodgy then its only a matter of time before you end up in the same position again right?
Your last resort I guess is craft a very good letter before action. If your resigned to no positive outcome from the shop then you have nothing to lose.
Your contract is with the shop and not the manufacturer. You can take the shop to court, since when you returned it to them it was your property, whilst in their care it was further damaged.
Personally after this I would be posting on every possible forum about now poor the guns are.
TBH I would always grab some proof before sending something back.
So you can't ask a gunsmith to repair it then?
I guess the issue to me is, if the magazines are dodgy then its only a matter of time before you end up in the same position again right?
Your last resort I guess is craft a very good letter before action. If your resigned to no positive outcome from the shop then you have nothing to lose.
Your contract is with the shop and not the manufacturer. You can take the shop to court, since when you returned it to them it was your property, whilst in their care it was further damaged.
Personally after this I would be posting on every possible forum about now poor the guns are.
So what they've done is whacked the back of the chamber so much instead of the "hole" being round, there is a little indent sticking out inside which is making it very tight for the round to go in, as I now have nothing to loose I'm going to try and take a de burring tool to it.
There is no point paying a gunsmith to fix it, as it'll be £££££££ to end up with rifle that still doesn't work very well. However I might be able to get it back to the state it was previously, maybe.....
I'm not going to pursue further no point, I strongly suspect it was the supplier not the vendor, that damaged it, although I suspect the vendor is quite happy to be complacent about the whole thing.
Looking at that Google review for the supplier, they clearly done this before to avoid honouring a warranty, absolute scam artists, really dodgy.
Very disappointed the CC company didn't want to know either.
I'd guess the CC company hands are tied as well. I know hindsight is a wonderful thing, but had you had pictures prior to sending off and could show them the extent of the damage after it's been returned to you, they could have probably gone after them for the damage.
At best now all you can do is leave a couple of bad but factual reviews. I imagine gun enthusiasts is a small world in this country, so there's probably not many sites to target.
May be a long shot here, but i've found raising a subject access request asking for absolutely everything relating to your case works often. Whether that's because it just creates tons of hassle or makes them think you will become problematic i'm not sure.
After my last post as on 14th Feb I had basically given up all hope, but the Mrs convinced me to try and speak to someone about it so thought why not.
Anyway, asked around at the club for recommendations of a gunsmith and a place came up I have actually already bought another rifle from somewhat recently, so went there and spoke to them.
He said initially that he wouldn't be able to write a repot or comment at that stage but would be able to fix the damage that was caused, for approx £60, which I thought was worth doing as at least I would have the rifle in some form of operating state, as it was prior to returning it. So dropped it off week before last.
Anyway, the guy called me last Saturday and basically said that he could replicate everything I had been saying, said the rifle was basically horrendous, doesnt cycle properly and said that although probably something I would not experience due to shooting only at a range, but basically said if a round was loaded but the breach open, and you pointed the rifle upwards, the live round would literally just fall out of the chamber, something he said was very dangerous.
Anyway, they have written a report for me the contents I have pasted in the spoiler but the document is all on headed paper etc.
Repair Report
Firearm Chiappa M1-22
Serial Number **************
Problem / Damage Not cycling properly and damaged by dry firing.
Findings and work carried out
The below report is wriEen from the rifle as delivered to us for repair, the following observaKons are
based upon the rifle as seen during this Kme.
The chamber edge was damaged due to firing pin strike from dry firing, this was worked off to allow
the cases to enter and extract from the chamber.
The acKon was cleaned to remove any heavy oiling and fouling that may infringe upon the acKon
The gun was then live tested with a variety of brands of ammuniKon and found not to be cycling with
any consistently.
To get the rounds to cycle more consistently needs the magazines to be held in a slightly forward
posiKon. Without this the manipulaKon the acKon would not feed the new case into the chamber
due to not being aligned correctly. Occasionally the bolt would not pick up a live round and
therefore fire on an empty chamber I.e. dry fire.
Another alarming finding is that it is quite possible for a live case to drop over the back of the bolt
and disappear into the trigger mechanism. It actually happened 5 Kmes during my invesKgaKon with
this rifle and if it were to happen on an organised range could be dangerous and embarrassing.
The work required to make this rifle cycle consistently would be extensive if not impossible. It
requires the magazine catch to be built up and reworked to hold the magazine in the required place
and also the magazine well to be reworked to present the magazine correctly to the bolt.
I consider the work required to make this rifle serviceable is not worth the value of the gun and the
correct course of acKon is to return the rifle and look for a replacement as even if it works it is sKll
capable to lose live rounds into the trigger mechanism.
Name "gunsmith"
Date 14/3/2023
But the guy also said on the phone they also deal with this "supplier" and wanted some further photos and I think he is going to try and get this properly fixed for me or even a replacement organised. I have not sent the report over to the CC just yet as I have asked him if it will affect anything he is doing. The CC company wont do anything until monday anyway.
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