"Leytonstone Tube station stabbing a 'terrorist incident'" - BBC

Yes he did, but there is no context any further than "Syria"

He could be opposed to the Assad regime, he could be opposed to the UKs bombing of Syria and the idea of potential civilian deaths as a result or he could even know a Sunni rebel that was caught in the crossfire somewhere.

Why does what he shouted automatically associate him with the Daesh ideals?

The conflict over there is EXTREMELY complicated, and far more than just "Daesh vs the West"

It doesn't matter.its still politically motivated and as such terrorism. Doesn't matter which side he's on. Most people haven't called him an IS terrorism for that reason.
The Guardian is reporting an eye witness saying that attacker was performing a "sawing action" with the knife.

What the hell is a sawing action

What people have to remember as well, this does seem more like a lone wolf attack. Its not as easy as it is to obtain heavy guns like they have coming from the middle east, Russia etc like they get in Europe style attacks. And we are not in US where they can pick up guns without any effort.he may have not been part of a bigger ring and have links to build stuff.

So knife attacks would be easy to plan, quick and easy to hide and pull off

Like the Lee rigby attack
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Yes he did, but there is no context any further than "Syria"

He could be opposed to the Assad regime, he could be opposed to the UKs bombing of Syria and the idea of potential civilian deaths as a result or he could even know a Sunni rebel that was caught in the crossfire somewhere.

Why does what he shouted automatically associate him with the Daesh ideals?

The conflict over there is EXTREMELY complicated, and far more than just "Daesh vs the West"

no one said he was ISIS, just that it was a terror incident - his personal views about Assad aren't too relevant

you're arguing against something no one has claimed... aka a straw man
The point I'm trying to make is that the word Terrorism is banded about without true context.

The context for the investigation being led by counter-terrorism officers is his shouting "This is for Syria". If it later transpires the man was suffering mental health issues and has no links to terrorism then fine, but the correct resources need to be in place at the initial stages for obvious reasons.
Presumably you can prove that Saudi Arabia has executed someone for not being a Muslim?

There's a fair few cases of people being sentenced to death for Apostasy however I cant find any reports of the sentence being carried out.

Or do you mean they weren't muslim in the first place?
#YouAintNoMuslimBruv - at least someone's got some common sense

I saw that on Twitter trend and it's a load of crap tbh and is just a sensationalist fad. Where common sense comes into this is anyone's guess. What gives them the right to call takfir on another Muslim? If you are a Muslim yourself then you are as dumb witted as the person who started trending that.

Condemn the act, yes! and understand the reason for their political or even personal motivation to carry it out.
I guess it depends if you're looking for the punishment of not being Muslim, or the punishment for practising a different religion, in which case you could fall foul of the idolatry law as well.

Apostasy laws can be abused quite easily.
I saw that on Twitter trend and it's a load of crap tbh and is just a sensationalist fad. Where common sense comes into this is anyone's guess. What gives them the right to call takfir on another Muslim? If you are a Muslim yourself then you are as dumb witted as the person who started trending that.

Condemn the act, yes! and understand the reason for their political or even personal motivation to carry it out.

It's not just a hastag, someone shouts it in the video. That's where it came from.
I'm so cynical that when I heard the guy shout 'You aint no muslim' the first thing I thought was who exactly is he saying that to?
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