I can't see any tests for GSYNC compatibility there
That review was done before GSync compatibility became possible.
I can't see any tests for GSYNC compatibility there
That review was done before GSync compatibility became possible.
Yes... I was really questioning why Daniel linked this review in response to a question from @ChrisPyzut about testing GSYNC compatibility on the 950F.
For those of you who were eager to see if the LG 34GK950F-B works with GSync, then good news folks! We can confirm that the LG 34GK950F-B does indeed work with GSync when enabled from the NVidia control panel.
No flickering or artifacts were noticed when running Pendulum Test, Doom 3, Fortnite, PUBG and CS:GO using a GTX2080Ti and an Intel Core i7 9900-K.
So far so good. Several hours of Destiny 2 and no issues on the 950F with VRR enabled.
edit - Also if you can test if LFC is working or go really low frames (30/40)? Thank you.
yeah sorry, I misunderstood
not 100% sure to be honest, HQ delayed out Jan & Feb shipments till march
from what I can see we are getting 60 of each coming in the UK - I am trying to pull this forward
How this monitor is this rare?
Yeah, but it doesn't have the pretty, glowy ring thingy at the back - very important!The F is about to become a bit rarer, it works very well with Gsync!!!
Anyone that bought the 950G now have buyer's remorse with news that the 950F appears to be GSYNC compatible? Generally speaking I think GSYNC monitors will still perform better than Freesync models, which typically lower lag and better response times, however, I don't know if all users can identify these differences that are still at the millisecond scale, and in the case of this LG model, the Freesync model does bring more features to the table with (limited) HDR, wider colour gamut and higher refresh rate... if I was chosing, the GSYNC model is difficult to justify, especially at a higher price.
So there are 2 B grade model F's in stock - but they are the same price and only come with 90 days warranty. I'm guessing they would be returns from people unhappy with bleed etc?