LG 34GK950G, 3440x1440, G-Sync, 120Hz

Fair enough. Cant say I understand the philosophy of buying a $1200 video card only to dial down settings far enough to maintain a 144hz minimum refresh to mitigate tearing but each to their own.

I am personally planning on buying the G-version myself. I was just curious about his thoughts about this.
If I get this display, it will also be the gsync version. However, that is contingent on the street price being $1200 or less. The AW3418DW is $979 on Amazon at the moment, and will likely drop down into the low $800's again by black friday at the latest. Assuming the $1400 MSRP for the LG is accurate, $500+ extra for a somewhat better color gamut and similar specs otherwise is hard to justify.

In my case I have a RTX 2080 (no ti) so at max settings I'll be under 120fps anyways in many games. Hence, gsync is more important to me than strobing or an extra 24Hz of refresh rate potential.
If I get this display, it will also be the gsync version. However, that is contingent on the street price being $1200 or less. The AW3418DW is $979 on Amazon at the moment, and will likely drop down into the low $800's again by black friday at the latest. Assuming the $1400 MSRP for the LG is accurate, $500+ extra for a somewhat better color gamut and similar specs otherwise is hard to justify

Completely spitballing here, but I wonder if LG, who is supplying the UW4 panels to Dell and Acer have the panels on EOL and is privy to the next revision of each of those respective companies ultra wide models, and therefore know that they will all be much closer in price once the current gen panels/monitors have moved through the system...

Will be interesting to see the price landscape around xmas....
Thank you for taking your time.
I am talking about avarage framerate in a game not between games. If the framerate within a game goes between 50 and 150 then that is a mighty unoptimized game. I would expect the gap to be less. Your point still stands but to a lesser degree.

He will as he stated adjust the game settings to reach as close to 144fps as he can so the gap between the games will also be much smaller for this reason.

While I do get your point I don't think you can apply the salary scenario here. It sounds more like you have a gap in your system with a few people earning a lot more than the rest of the people? I don't think the difference in framerate will be this big in a game or even between games(after adjustments).

I am talking about the average across "all" games because this what people tend to bring up.

I have used salary scenario mostly to illustrate why average is not accurate, but I think it still applies to average scores from all games combined when undemanding games are counted to the average, like CS:GO, Overwatch, DOOM, or recently Wolfenstein II. They are increasing the average very significantly. Low scores from very demanding games are decreasing the average significantly on the other hand, but the difference is that there is no benefit from having so much headroom on top of your refresh rate and running 200+ or 300+ FPS in undemanding games, while running demanding games at much lower framerate than average from all games is a real issue that you won't be able to overcome without massive compromises in settings.

Games are very diversified with performance so it all comes down to what you are going to play. And as someone who used to play 30+ games per year, I can confidently say that the performance is going to be so variable that the average taken from all of them is going to be completely meaningless.
I am talking about the average across "all" games because this what people tend to bring up.

I have used salary scenario mostly to illustrate why average is not accurate, but I think it still applies to average scores from all games combined when undemanding games are counted to the average, like CS:GO, Overwatch, DOOM, or recently Wolfenstein II. They are increasing the average very significantly. Low scores from very demanding games are decreasing the average significantly on the other hand, but the difference is that there is no benefit from having so much headroom on top of your refresh rate and running 200+ or 300+ FPS in undemanding games, while running demanding games at much lower framerate than average from all games is a real issue that you won't be able to overcome without massive compromises in settings.

Games are very diversified with performance so it all comes down to what you are going to play. And as someone who used to play 30+ games per year, I can confidently say that the performance is going to be so variable that the average taken from all of them is going to be completely meaningless.

Okay. Yes, there will be a diffrence between games. He will adjust each game to get as close to 144fps as possible.

It is a preference thing. He prefers 144fps before high graphic settings and the avarage and minimum fps will probably be around 100-144fps since he will adjust games to be there.
I prefer playing at Ultra with my 1080Ti and not having to tweak every ******* game in order to reach 144fps. So my preference is the G version since I hate tearing and don't wanna see it.
i refunded my aw34. got a really bad panel with severe ips glow (no blb tho), yellow tint once it got very warm (it was weirdly warm after 8 hours of gaming) and i couldnt oc it above 100hz. not gonna play fast paced games in 100fps its disgusting.. so 1300 euros refunded :D
i refunded my aw34. got a really bad panel with severe ips glow (no blb tho), yellow tint once it got very warm (it was weirdly warm after 8 hours of gaming) and i couldnt oc it above 100hz. not gonna play fast paced games in 100fps its disgusting.. so 1300 euros refunded :D

That's fair enough, and sorry to hear you went through the hassle, especially when paying full price! For both the Alienware and the LG monitor, there will always be some defective monitors shipped, but there should be more good than bad, and we have to hope that retailers and manufacturers do a good job of assisting when things do go wrong.
That's fair enough, and sorry to hear you went through the hassle, especially when paying full price! For both the Alienware and the LG monitor, there will always be some defective monitors shipped, but there should be more good than bad, and we have to hope that retailers and manufacturers do a good job of assisting when things do go wrong.
it was honestly more for me to try out 3440x1440 and isp. i have never ever seen anything above 1080p with me own eyes, and ive ever even seen an ips panel. i live in eu so i have literally 2 weeks to do whatever i want with the monitor and on a 13th day decide if i want to keep it or not. I decided not to keep it.

with that being said, i would still very much recommend aw34 and 21:9 monitors. 3440x1440 in ips is just ******* magnificent in every possible way. i have tried +20 games from various years (00's to 2018) and 99% of them fully supported 3440x1440 resolution. some either natively, some through wsgf fixes but it sure as hell worked. I cant wait to buy another 21:9 monitor

honestly the only games from my experience that didn't work with 3440x1440 were either very indie games, or very old games. if that doesnt work itll simply be 2560x1440 with black bars which is also perfect. its like 2 monitors in 1 if u think about it, no other monitors will display a different resolution without downgrading the image quality
Just ordered 34GK950G with 23.10 delivery date. The same shop where I got my 2080 Ti Sea Hawk so early (morele.net, Polish shop).

It was 1465 EUR however, so not the greatest deal, but I am done waiting, not going to waste another months on waiting just to save some 100 or 200 EUR.
Wow, October 23 delivery? I just went to morele.net and filtruj'd the Monitory section on the GK950G.

How are they so quick?
Just ordered 34GK950G with 23.10 delivery date. The same shop where I got my 2080 Ti Sea Hawk so early (morele.net, Polish shop).

It was 1465 EUR however, so not the greatest deal, but I am done waiting, not going to waste another months on waiting just to save some 100 or 200 EUR.

We shall live vicariously through you (assuming they meet that date...)! Cant wait for your impressions!
Wow, October 23 delivery? I just went to morele.net and filtruj'd the Monitory section on the GK950G.

How are they so quick?

I don't know how they do it, it was the same with my 2080 Ti Sea Hawk. Same as here, two units appeared suddenly with quick delivery, while these GPUs where not available in dozens of European shops I have checked and I still haven't seen anyone with this GPU, also no reviews, nothing.

Normally they are not so good, recently they were pretty disappointing with not the best availability and slow deliveries, but now with Sea Hawk and 950G they made up for this with advance.

We shall live vicariously through you (assuming they meet that date...)! Cant wait for your impressions!

I will be able to give pretty accurate info because I own LG 34UC98, which has UW3 panel which by picture quality is the same as UW4, so I will have side by side comparison. I have also tested Samsung CF791 side by side with my LG and it lost miserably even despite being much newer and theoretically more advanced, I also have OLED TV, so basically I have a direct comparison to everything.

The only thing I won't tell you about is 120 Hz, because I am used to 60 Hz so obviously I won't be able to catch any nuances about 120 Hz compared to other high refresh rate screens.

Although by this time TFT Central is going to release a review of at least one model so you will get your info there.
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Just an interesting thought/question (inspired by a post on another forum) regarding the whole 'buying the freesync monitor with an nvidia card', and one I hadnt considered before...

On my current 60hz potato monitor tearing, when it used to occur (ie back when my cards were to slow to drive it at beyond 60hz, or recently before I discovered nvidias fast sync) was super obnoxious and highly noticeable.

HOWEVER with, say, a 144hz freesync monitor, if there is tearing would it not be dramatically less visible/noticeable due to the 2.5x faster screen refresh? I hadnt considered this angle and sadly i have no way of experiencing tearing on a 144hz monitor but if it was barely noticeable that actually would make me perhaps consider the freesync option for all of its other advantages (price, improved bit depth etc)
Tearing occurs when the GPU is pushing more FPS than the monitor Hz
--> enable Vsync to fix, but know that Vsync adds lag due to buffering
--> with Vsync OFF, rate limit the GPU in a multiple of the monitor Hz to fix e.g. limit to 120FPS on a 60Hz monitor (provided you can sustain over 120FPS)

Stutter occurs when the GPU is pushing less FPS than the monitor Hz
--> get a more powerful GPU to fix, or play at lower quality settings
--> lower the monitor Hz to the maximum sustained FPS

These solutions are essentially trying to match your system's FPS capabilities with your monitor's fixed timing.
Gsync addresses both issues (plus the input lag problem with Vsync) by doing the opposite: matching the monitor's timing to the fluctuating FPS

If you buy the 34GK950F and your Nvidia GPU cannot keep up with 144Hz you will suffer from stuttering unless you reduce the Hz to a level that your GPU can sustain, or you buy a more powerful GPU, or you play at lower quality settings.

--> Playing at lower quality settings, or at a lower resolution than your monitor was built to display, is demoralizing <--
You can definitely get tearing below your monitors refresh rate when you dont have vsync enabled. I used to get it a lot on a 60hz monitor back in the early days of Quake 3 Arena. I think the stutter you are referring to is when you have vsync enabled and still cant hit your monitors refresh rate... in this case vsync forces a refresh rate at some fraction (1/2, 3/4 etc) of your nominal refresh rate (eg if your card was rendering at 44 fps on a 60hz monitor vsync would force you down to 30 fps).

At any rate, the point I was curious too was whether the super fast refresh rates of modern monitors mitigate to some level the visual anomalies of not being able to run at your optimal refresh rate.

I cant tolerate playing at lower quality settings or lowered resolution either which is the point to the whole line of questioning... ;)
Just an interesting thought/question (inspired by a post on another forum) regarding the whole 'buying the freesync monitor with an nvidia card', and one I hadnt considered before...

On my current 60hz potato monitor tearing, when it used to occur (ie back when my cards were to slow to drive it at beyond 60hz, or recently before I discovered nvidias fast sync) was super obnoxious and highly noticeable.

HOWEVER with, say, a 144hz freesync monitor, if there is tearing would it not be dramatically less visible/noticeable due to the 2.5x faster screen refresh? I hadnt considered this angle and sadly i have no way of experiencing tearing on a 144hz monitor but if it was barely noticeable that actually would make me perhaps consider the freesync option for all of its other advantages (price, improved bit depth etc)

Yes 3YOB is not quite correct with his explanations, stutter can occur when vsync is on or off but of course for different reasons, tearing can occur when thr frames drawn are not synced with the monitor refresh (hence you see partly drawn frames).
To answer your question, tearing is indeed less noticeable the faster refresh rate you have, assuming that your hardware can maintain a framerate that is at least your refresh rate. There are even techniques that Unwinder has implemented into his Afterburner software that allow you to attempt to move your tear line toward the edge of the screen with vsync off and make it less noticeable.
Personal note: As an Nvidia user with good hardware I use vsync ON so that i can use blur reduction to good effect. I'm very sensitive to tearing and blurring. I own the Benq XL2730Z Freesync monitor that i bought specifically on release (selling my Asus PG278Q) for its bright blur reduction mode other than any adaptive sync tech. In addition to this i use Blurbusters / RealNC's technique to tweak my refresh rate slightly above the standard monitor refresh rate (by fractions of a hert) so that it never quite caps out and lessens any input lag from vsync. Alternatively you can cap your fps to a fraction below your refresh but i prefer the former method.
IMO this is the best of both worlds and I'm not sure that i would use a monitor without motion blur tech until screens behind massively less blurry/ghosty in standard motion that would allow me to consider going back to adaptive sync.
Basically adaptive sync is for those that cannot maintain max framerate, if you can maintain your max or near you dont get much benefit from using it so may as well go with blur reduction (blur reduction can make things look more stuttery at low refresh rates too, it can also make tearlines far easier to spot hence the need for vsync on)


FYI always use RTSS to cap framerate instead of any in game method, its more accurate
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Higher HZ is still beneficial even if you cannot max out the FPS to match. The higher the hz the smaller the tearing in a non sync enviroment. Depending on sensitivity of the user once you get above a certain hz you stop caring about tearing.
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