I am talking about the average across "all" games because this what people tend to bring up.
I have used salary scenario mostly to illustrate why average is not accurate, but I think it still applies to average scores from all games combined when undemanding games are counted to the average, like CS:GO, Overwatch, DOOM, or recently Wolfenstein II. They are increasing the average very significantly. Low scores from very demanding games are decreasing the average significantly on the other hand, but the difference is that there is no benefit from having so much headroom on top of your refresh rate and running 200+ or 300+ FPS in undemanding games, while running demanding games at much lower framerate than average from all games is a real issue that you won't be able to overcome without massive compromises in settings.
Games are very diversified with performance so it all comes down to what you are going to play. And as someone who used to play 30+ games per year, I can confidently say that the performance is going to be so variable that the average taken from all of them is going to be completely meaningless.