Mine was running 1080/1440p @ 120 FPS from my 1080 no problem last night, so I'm not sure what your issue may be.
Mind you, that's just what I set the output to be. I didn't enable anything like G Sync as far as I'm aware.
My Vega 64 doesn't seem to be capable of 1440@120Hz (goes to black screen with only sound), is this a limitation with AMD? I'm using a HDMI 2.1 cable and my 1080ti is fine with it.
Also, and apologies if it's been asked previously, is the HDMI 2.1 cable spec going to be fine for 4K@120Hz when new GPUs are released with the capability?
@Woodsta888 this panel is both Gsync and Freesync compatible, however that's not what I was asking about in the post you quoted.
If it works already then fine. But are you trying to run VRR whilst doing 1440p @ 120hz on the AMD card?
Does it work without VRR?
I know that it is in the manufacturers bumf that this is a freesync TV, but from the AVSforum thread by an OLED Guru I read this for the CX models;
new AMD FreeSync compatibility - available via a future firmware upgrade at the end of 2020 (the FreeSync level that is supported: "AMD FreeSync Premium" that provides: tear-free experience, at least 120hz refresh rate at minimum FHD resolution, support for low framerate compensation (LFC), low latency) - also is unknown if FreeSync will be made available to the C9;
If it works already then fine. But are you trying to run VRR whilst doing 1440p @ 120hz on the AMD card?
My Vega 64 doesn't seem to be capable of 1440@120Hz (goes to black screen with only sound), is this a limitation with AMD? I'm using a HDMI 2.1 cable and my 1080ti is fine with it.
Also, and apologies if it's been asked previously, is the HDMI 2.1 cable spec going to be fine for 4K@120Hz when new GPUs are released with the capability?
Read back a page or two in the thread, LG released the freesync enabled firmware a week or two ago Works perfectly on even older Vega cards!
Seriously considering one of these screens now that the new Samsung G9's have been put back. I have a 1080ti - can i use the freesync aspect of this screen? Ive heard mixed messages about to 1080ti being able to use gsync? Has anyone here used one with a sim racing rig - id be attaching it to the rig. I'd still prob prefer the G9 49 as its curved and lower pixel count... feedback appreciated!
Seriously considering one of these screens now that the new Samsung G9's have been put back. I have a 1080ti - can i use the freesync aspect of this screen? Ive heard mixed messages about to 1080ti being able to use gsync? Has anyone here used one with a sim racing rig - id be attaching it to the rig. I'd still prob prefer the G9 49 as its curved and lower pixel count... feedback appreciated!
right so i cant use gsync or freesync? Hmmm... not great. I'd be forced to use vsync to reduce tearing?
Also, Nvidia want you to get a new card.aaaah! i see lol. I knew it was too good to be true ;o)