I bought the 55" CX and im going to be using with my PC do i have to worry about burn in? i watched a guy on youtube and he suggested turning on PC mode and hiding task bar and icons and also using a black desktop for wallpaper. Seems a tad cautious?
I too have the 55CX, if you change your content over every day that's OK, also turn off the TV and leave it in stand by mode I game only on SDR not HDR when games use allots of static logos like Anno 1800,
OLED Image Retention or Burn-In: Burn-in and image retention are possible on virtually any display. However, with an LG OLED TV, any risk of burn-in or image retention have been addressed through the use of technology that not only helps protect against damage to the screen, but features self-healing properties so that any short-term image retention that may occur is quickly rectified. It is rare for an average TV consumer to create an environment that could result in burn-in. Most cases of burn-in in televisions is a result of static images or on-screen elements displaying on the screen uninterrupted for many hours or days at a time – with brightness typically at peak levels. So, it is possible to create image retention in almost any display if one really tries hard enough. And even if image retention does occur from extreme usage, it can usually be mitigated within a short period of time by turning the display off for a while, and watching a few hours of varying content (such as your standard TV watching and channel-surfing)
Additionally, LG OLED TVs come with special features and settings to preserve image quality and prevent burn in and image retention. First, there is a Screen Saver feature that will turn on automatically if the TV detects that a static image is displayed on screen after approximately two minutes. There are also three options (available in Menu setting > Picture settings > OLED panel settings) that can be used to preserve image quality. The first of these is the Clear Panel Noise feature that preserves the quality of the image on the display panel by resetting the TV so that it clears the pixels. This feature can be turned on when needed within the settings mentioned above. The second feature that can be employed is the Screen Shift feature which, moves the screen slightly at regular intervals to preserve image quality. A third option is the Logo Luminance Adjustment, which can detect static logos on the screen and reduce brightness to help decrease permanent image retention.