LG to Introduce 34-inch IPS 21:9 UltraWide (Model UM95) monitor

Couple questions when considering one of these:

1. That is the thunderbolt used for (use a pc only)?
2. what type of connection would I need to run it without problems
3. what type of vid card would be suggested and ram; if only wanting to run 1 card.
Couple questions when considering one of these:

1. That is the thunderbolt used for (use a pc only)?
2. what type of connection would I need to run it without problems
3. what type of vid card would be suggested and ram; if only wanting to run 1 card.

1: For display and/or daisy chaining if you have Apple computer hardware etc.

2: DisplayPort if you're in a PC environment.

3: I had a GTX 780 3GB and played the latest games like Wolfenstein and Tomb Raider at max settings without a problem. Framerate was around 45 in Tomb Raider. I now have an AMD 290X 4GB and there's a small increase in performance in some games, bigger increase in others.
1: For display and/or daisy chaining if you have Apple computer hardware etc.

2: DisplayPort if you're in a PC environment.

3: I had a GTX 780 3GB and played the latest games like Wolfenstein and Tomb Raider at max settings without a problem. Framerate was around 45 in Tomb Raider. I now have an AMD 290X 4GB and there's a small increase in performance in some games, bigger increase in others.


So display port - and 3gbs good but 4 better ... btw when you played games do most of them support this resolution?
ie I play diablo 3 and game at 2560x1440 but would like to 'lengthen' the screen even more.
Got my third coming tomorrow. They sent the newest stock they had so I'm guessing it will be a July revision?
Praying that I can keep this one lol.
Good luck Matson, im sure you will let us know how you get on.

I really want to get a 21:9 as I watch a lot of movies, but I will miss the 120hz from my Asus and the option for 3D

Thanks mate. I had a 144hz and don't miss it at all. This monitor is miles ahead and if your a gamer the wide fov makes it so much better. I'm running everything with vsync on at 60fps maxed and it feels really smooth that I don't feel that big a difference in the middle of a game.
Thanks mate. I had a 144hz and don't miss it at all. This monitor is miles ahead and if your a gamer the wide fov makes it so much better. I'm running everything with vsync on at 60fps maxed and it feels really smooth that I don't feel that big a difference in the middle of a game.

then you must really be impervious to input lag detection :D
I can tell the difference but it only really matters in games like counter strike and unless your playing in tournaments 60hz or 144hz doesn't make a difference. I can do good on either.
I'd always prefere 144hz but I'm just saying going back down to 60 isn't that big a deal. The advantages of this monitor surpass that.
Well the new one still has bleed in the bottom left and right corners. Not as bad as the last one though but still a little annoying.
Don't think I have the energy to send a third one back though lol.
Its a shame LG couldn't fix the second one like they did with mrk's. Theres like 2 bad spots on each corner where the bleed is coming from. If you could fix those areas it would be a great monitor.
That's unlucky :/

You could gently unclip each corner of the bezel strip as mentioned earlier. This will remove the bleed from the bottom corners.
Poke butter knife between chrome bezel and the plastic strip and lever it out slowly until it pops out. Push it back in but not all the way. relieves pressure from the panel and removes the bleed for that corner.
I think its safe enough to try that on the right side. I have no bleed at all at the top from what I can see which is great. Its mostly the bottom right corner that's bad.
Just calibrated this aswell it set brightness to 7 lol
Worked..i just unclipped it at the 2 points there was bleed and its much improved.

That's awesome! It means the defect is mostly down to pressure on the panel during manufacturing. Amazing that LG hasn't copped on and recut the plastic bezel piece for new batches.
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