LG to Introduce 34-inch IPS 21:9 UltraWide (Model UM95) monitor

To be fair, I think the guy selling them either got them off the back of a lorry, had a load of free ones from LG or made a mistake with the pricing and honoured it anyway.

Either way, mine arrived today and looks good, the aperture is tiny compared to my i1Display Pro but I am sure it will do a decent enough job after seeing mrk review it.

Postage via ParcelForce Express 24 seems to be about £16 so it looks like they made a £11 loss on the postage alone let alone the calibrator. Still, they honoured it (or didn't notice until they had gone through/shipped) and the postage monkeys just post without looking at the cost.
I caved in and ordered one of these thanks to the Today Only price. Replacing my 2009 NEC 24WMGX3 so a huge 10" upgrade! Looks like my weekend plans have changed :)
Got my calibrator through today, £5.18 well spent and I don't even have an LG monitor yet, lol...

Should be ordering it next month or so though..
Hi all, long time lurker and thought I'd come out of the shadows to ask your advice.

I've been considering a monitor upgrade and have been looking at the 34UM95 and the 34UM65.

I'm currently running at 1080p on a HD7950 and was wondering if this would have the poke to run at 3440x1440 or am I going to need a GPU upgrade if I go to this.

I don't have an unlimited budget and if a GPU upgrade would be required I'd probably go for the UM65. Coming from a 24" 1080p that I'm more than happy with do you think the UM65 would be a visual downgrade? I've seen some comments that the pixel density on the UM65 is bad but I'm not able to relate this to anything having not seen it.

Any advice or opinion you can give is all helpful.
I would say if your wanting to max things out on the UM95 then your card will struggle... but with lower settings and no aa I would think it would be okay.
To be honest as discussed earlier at the 3440x1440 res you don't even really need AA. its more a bonus if you have the horse power but you wont see that much jaggies anyway.
If it was me personally... I would go for the UM95 and if you cant afford a new GPU don't worry about it.. The UM95 will feel like a much bigger leap because of the size and resolution and you can always upgrade your GPU in the future and you will still have the UM95 wont you and you will be able to crank up the settings more and enjoy it even more.
For me its a mixture of the size...34 inches... the ultra widescreen aspect ratio and resolution that make this monitor stand out.

That's what I would do anyway... You can still enjoy games at 3440x1440 on the gpu you have at the moment I would guess that it would look better on medium settings at 3440x1440 than it would on high settings at a lower res.

The UM95 is also on the one day sale thing here at the moment and is a really good price for what you get at just above £700
Hi all, long time lurker and thought I'd come out of the shadows to ask your advice.

I've been considering a monitor upgrade and have been looking at the 34UM95 and the 34UM65.

I'm currently running at 1080p on a HD7950 and was wondering if this would have the poke to run at 3440x1440 or am I going to need a GPU upgrade if I go to this.

I don't have an unlimited budget and if a GPU upgrade would be required I'd probably go for the UM65. Coming from a 24" 1080p that I'm more than happy with do you think the UM65 would be a visual downgrade? I've seen some comments that the pixel density on the UM65 is bad but I'm not able to relate this to anything having not seen it.

Any advice or opinion you can give is all helpful.
I have the 34" UM65 & a single GTX 780 Ti is only just about powerful enough in many games you really need something fast GPU wise. 7950 will probably mean lower settings in some current games.

2560x1080=2.76M pixels
1920x1080= 2.07m pixels

Almost 30% difference resolution wise so you need something faster in the long run. Buy the UM65 & see how you get on is the best way to go but UM95 certainly needs more than a 7950 unless you disable vsync & drop gfx quality settings.
What the hell settings you do lot run at? I play fine at High - Ultra settings in OS X with a single FirePro D700 ( no Xfire support in OS X yet ), aka 7950 gaming performance at native res.

I just use FXAA sometimes, and no vsync.
I caved in and ordered one of these thanks to the Today Only price. Replacing my 2009 NEC 24WMGX3 so a huge 10" upgrade! Looks like my weekend plans have changed :)

Jealous :D I had the same NEC monitor (amazing bit of kit) and was VERY close to pushing the button on the Today Only deal yesterday....

I'm currently using a 27" BenQ 144Hz panel + 2x 23" on each side so am keen to hear how you are finding it, especially with regards to latency / panel response times in desktop and gaming usage?
What the hell settings you do lot run at? I play fine at High - Ultra settings in OS X with a single FirePro D700 ( no Xfire support in OS X yet ), aka 7950 gaming performance at native res.

I just use FXAA sometimes, and no vsync.
Ultra Max everything + Vsync+ FXAA or MSAA x 2 cannot stand tearing which is very obvious @ 2560x1080. GTX 780 Ti is only just enough in some recent games even Unreal Engine 3 based with vsync you get some micro stutter in places.

For me it seems pointless to own this screen without max everything I sit 2 ft away from it & can see in ultra widescreen clarity everything so I need max gfx ;)
I should be receiving a review unit of the LG 34UM95 tomorrow for a review on TFTCentral. is there any kind person who has the LG calibrator who wouldn't mind sending me it in the post to borrow for a week? I will pay postage and promise to return it back to you :) LG can't source one in time and i'd like to test the hardware calibration function with it if possible

Just the calibrator on its own or with box too? My original 34UM95 isn't due back for at least another week so I could send you mine until then :cool:
just the calibrator would be great. I'm receiving the monitor tomorrow, and will have the software. Could you drop me a note via link in my sig and we can sort something out? most aprpeciated :)
I pretty much run at max settings and the AA level depending on the fps im getting so something like borderlands ill crank the AA right up and the same with Bioshock inifinite ect. Im running all games with vsync as I just hate screen tearing apart from online FPS where the FPS mean more to me than any tearing.
Even turned off this monitor looks stunning.



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