Aren't you the member who had issues getting even the Xrite software talking to your system?
I've got the i1Display Pro and the Munki is the exact same probe so the selection in true colour finder should be fine as Pro, that and others elsewhere have the same probe without issue!
I did bitch a lot about the software because I had no end of problems with it.
The Colormunki software always worked with the calibrator I just could not get the LG True Color Finder to talk to it. X-Rite must have done something to this probe (firmware update maybe? though it does look identical to the more expensive i1Display Pro). The LG help manual actually shows them selecting "Colormunki", this probe simply will not communicate when selected as "i1Display Pro".
Even thought maybe I'd caused the issue by installing the Colormunki software first even though I had stripped it out. So I plugged the monitor and probe into two other systems in the house and installed true color finder, same result, unable to communicate with calibrator.
I had another issue whereby I could not get the True Color Finder to initialise but I found that to be that the True Color Finder does not support triple monitors, remove one and any combination of two monitors works fine.
Anyway, whatever the issue is I can only find people who cannot get the colourmunki to work with True Color Finder therefore it's pointless pulling my hair out over it, all is well as it seems the rainforest will refund the unit, I'll pickup a Spyder 4 Pro for the same price which quite a few people have used on this monitor.
Of course when I return the unit I will probably find out it's an issue with the monitor itself and by "Calibrator" it meant the monitor calibrator, still I can';t enable the calibrator in the monitor OSD, it stays off and if I try to turn it on it tells me to run the software and that will enable it.