Lids off when buying petrol


You can identify that?

(a) that's not a hijab
(b) that has nothing to do with being a muslim - it's not religious dress.
Fine, it's a Burqa (or however you spell it, burkha?)

Same thing really

It's not the same at all when you're claiming that non-muslims are being unfairly discriminated against. A hijab is a religious peace of clothing, like wearing a cross. A niqab (what you posted) is not a peace of religious clothing. Comparing a niqab to a motorcycle helmet thus has nothing to do with any pro-muslim discrimination that you might think exists.
Gimme a coloured better quality pic of no2 and you probably could IDthem based on clothes

....because someone never changes their clothes? If someone rode off looking like this:

What are you going to say to the police? "I was robbed by the Stig"?
You find it equally difficult to identify this person:

and this person:


Excuse my lack of middle-eastern womens dress knowledge, in that case, I was thinking "hajib" was the pepper pot dress, which would be harder to ID from than a helmet for certain.

9 pages about someones idiotic moan due to having to take his helmet off otherwise he becomes abusive to forecourt staff, great!
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TBH I hate removing my crash helmet just to fuel up. Takes me bloody ages to get 'comfortable' in me lid with neck tubes etc but when I have to remove the thing at a garage it never feels quite right. I ride a quadbike every day but tbh I have only been asked to remove it once to which I went up the road to the next garage.
Same could be said for moslem women wearing veils and chavs with hoodies and scarves.

They shouldn't be driving anyway, that letterbox can't give good peripheral vision, and what actually keeps it in front of their eyes.

Actually, Come to think of it, I'd pay to see one riding a GSXR1000 or whatever the stupid number of a 1000cc bike are.
When at the pumps seems to be the rights answer - to signal your intent - that you're not a fuel-stealing-chav

I assume you have two hands?

How abouts not standing in the queue until you've taken it off then? It would be completely unreasonable for you to stand there holding the queue up, but I don't think anyone's suggested literally when you get to the till, but rather when you go inside. Ideally you would thus remove it just before walking through the door.


A helmet is still a lot more difficult to recognise than a face, especially on poor CCTV systems. If you are a 'known' offender then your face may give you away to the police immediately whereas your helmet would not.

helmet's are bulky things. it is a royal pain trying to keep it in one hand while doing everything else done with the other. the reason why i prefer to keep mine on i because it is out of hte way on my head.

i question the efficacy of removing helmets as crime deterrants. is petrol theft that rife?
- taking off lid means I have to put bike on stand
- the bike on stand means less fuel in tank

hmmm, this bit puzzles me, never had a problem removing my lid while sat on any of my bikes, maybe being 6ft 2" and having long legs helped.
Ride into forecourt next to pump. Both feet down, gloves off, lid off and placed on yoke or on mirror, fill up. Put side stand down, go and pay, put on lid, gloves, get on bike and ride off.
I know of bikers who have been told to get off the bike before the pump has been switched on, but never round here.
When i used to commute and used a tankbag, it got a bit more of a hassle but not as much as when i used the VTR1000 for commuting, in winter 130 miles from tankfull which was great as it was around 100 miles a week commute, but in summer that dropped to around 80-90 miles from a tankfull, damn that 16ltr tank and 48mm Carbs.

Bikers do get unfairly categorised as dodgy.

And the OP's attitude is some thing that wont help bikers and how they appear to others. Matey boy in the garage may think all bikers are like the OP and give em all grief in future.

Taking lid on and off is 2nd nature to me, even with gloves it wasnt a problem. Did make life easier having a Shoei with the seatbelt buckle and not D rings, but even D rings can be undone with gloves on, granted summer gloves.
I drive a car and I find it annoying I have to take off my seatbelt open my door and get out the car, I normally try and wave someone out to do it for me.

Jeez I had a moped when I was younger and never had a problem with it, are you lazy or something?
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