Lids off when buying petrol

Can you please stop catergorising people who work in petrol stations like this, I work there because I need to pay my way through Uni. Starting to annoy me you referring to all forecore staff as "spotty teenagers".

Not everybody is there as a career.

In the same way it's annoying as a biker to be generalized as a petrol thief
Sorry, but I don't understand the problem. :confused:

Full face helmet = take off when going into a shop.
Flip up helmet = solution.

I have the former out of preference, so take it off when paying for fuel. Yes it's a pain, but it's not that big a deal. If it's really a problem, either buy a flip up helmet, or pay at the pump. :cool:
hmm i don't remember swearing in my post :S must have slipped the radar, i don't usually swear! apologies

@ Vonsteve, i was refering to the removal of a helmet so as to be polite, as you say, a please and thank you with eye contact is all that is needed, imo of course
Sorry, but I don't understand the problem. :confused:

Full face helmet = take off when going into a shop.
Flip up helmet = solution.

I have the former out of preference, so take it off when paying for fuel. Yes it's a pain, but it's not that big a deal. If it's really a problem, either buy a flip up helmet, or pay at the pump. :cool:

or use the other 99% of fuel stations that allow you to fuel up without removing your helmet :p

fuel stations are very competative which is probably why a lot of them flout the rule so they don't chase away customers
you wouldn't be thinking that if you were stuck behind me waiting to fill up... :)

i actually wouldnt be that bothered.

Im a biker myself, most of the time i dont take the lid off, but i do tend to stick my visor up. I can totally understand some stations having the policy though, and wouldnt make a big fuss if they did ask me to remove before filling up. Saying that, Ive never been asked to remove mine, and i do understand that its a bit tricky finding somewhere safe and clean to put your helmet on the forecourt!

so 50/50 i guess...just avoid the stations that make a hoo-ha?
I pay for fuel, and the HEFTY duty that's attached to it. Guys in the garage are not only looking out for their TINY profit on the petrol but also the tax, which pays for our public services.
Actually the official reason is for two reasons,
1) Checking the persons age (you must be over 16 to legally dispense fuel in the uk)
2) Identification (Anpr cameras cant focus on smaller bike number plates, infact they struggle on most cars unless you are parked in the focus spot).

I run a couple of petrol stations for a large retailer, you'd be surprised at the amount of laws regarding dispensing of fuel that most people are ignorant of. As for profits, what profits, you do realise the government takes 80% of the cost of the fuel.

To be honest personally taking your helmet off is just common curtesy not doing it is plain rude and ignorant. But im sure that minute you taking it off is such a big hastle. As for finding somewhere clean, put it in your hand! hang on the bars whilst filling then carry it. Life is so complicated isnt it!
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The problem is that almost all fuel stations don't request that people remove their helmet, there are only a few out there which enforce the rule, which makes them look like a jobsworth. If every fuel station enforced the rule then id bet this thread would never of been started

So many people posting and they have not read or paid any attention to any of the posts motorcyclists have made. It is not as simple as "Taking off your helmet". You have to take off the helmet, unzip your jacket (letting all the heat out), then take off your balaclava and then remove your earplugs + store them somewhere safe. If you want to keep warm you have to then do your jacket back up. It is not an option to put your helmet on the end of the handle bars, if you have any sense anyway. Would you put a £300 I Phone on the edge of your curved bonnet and hope it wouldnt fall off?
When you have the helmet off, you either put it on the floor which is covered in spilt diesel or try and hold it with one hand, fill up with the other and balance the bike at the same time. Then you have to go into the shop and pay, wow, you have your helmet off, the person at the till is going to appreciate that you are not being rude by not showing them your face. Then you're back outside, refit your earplugs, un zip the top of your jacket again, letting the heat out once more, fit the balaclava, do up jacket, fit the helmet, which now feels like a soggy sock cause its cold and damp, great!
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maybe if its that much of an issue, suggest something that could hold the helmet while you take it off.
To be honest, I always remove my lid when getting fuel. Always have done, guess it is just a habit.

It is a bit of a hassle though. Unless you actually ride a bike I can understand why a lot of folk don't see it as a bother.

However, you just can't win. I was at a petrol station recently and the place was chocca with people waiting for a free pump.

I pulled up, switched off and put the Mille on the side stand. Got off, took off gloves and placed them on the seat hump.

Undid chinstrap, removed helmet and put it on the petrol pump body. Removed earplugs and carefully placed them in one of the side compartments on my tankbag.

Undid quick release straps from tankbag and flipped it back to expose fuel cap. Unlocked fuel cap. Filled tank.

Locked fuel cap, flipped tankbag back into position, clicked QR straps back into place and adjusted tankbag so it was sitting firmly and safely in place.

Opened side pocket of tankbag and removed wallet.

Picked up helmet and gloves and walked into the shop to pay.

Now, I might add, all the time this perfectly normal chain of events was unfolding the guy behind me and his mate were sitting in their car glowering at me and having a conversation which appeared to concern me.

By the time I came back out, I put my lid and gloves back down where they wouldn't roll over or get damaged. Put my wallet away and then retrieved my earplugs from one of the pockets on the tankbag. Fitted them carefully and reached down to pick my helmet up.

At this point, matey gets out his car and comes over.

"Come on......what the hell is your problem?. I've been waiting here for ages and you are faffing about with your stupid helmet".

Errrr.......whit?. :eek:

"Why do you stupid bikers have to take your helmets off anyway?. It just causes problems for the rest of us.......get a move on!!!".

I was lost for words. Couldn't be bothered with an argument so just ignored him as he returned to his car ranting and raving.

Some folk I guess were holding the door open for everyone else when brain cells were being handed out.:rolleyes:
The problem is that almost all fuel stations don't..... too long to quote....

Its not as if the world is against you!

Sure its aukward that i have to extinguish my cigarette before i fill up with fuel but to be honest i dont really kick up too much of a fuss. :rolleyes:

Its also aukward that i cant let a 2yr old fill up my car while i pick my nose :rolleyes:

Its the rules though! it falls under the petroleum regulations act that you must be able to see that sale and the person dispensing at all times, checking that he/she is:

i)not on a mobile or any radio communications device
ii) over the age of 16
iii) not smoking
iv) not filling up unsuitable containers
v) any other matter of due concern.

That is the law!

If trading standards/police or the local government petroleum officer was there watching this and said biker had a hansfree coms device in his helmet or more importantly was under the age of 16, the person authorising the sale of the fuel would get prosecuted! i.e. the actual person gets fined, allong with the company and then by doing that they are also breaking the company policies and so would also loose there job!

Now do you see why for you to remove it really isnt that big a deal in the whole scheme of things.

If some stations dont do it then fair enough, but its on their heads if they get caught it is major trouble and the possibility that the petroleum licence holder could loose said licence and they would be out of buisness. Remember all these shell garages are franchises and the franchisee looses their licence and potentially a few more people loose their jobs.
When you have the helmet off, you either put it on the floor which is covered in spilt diesel or try and hold it with one hand, fill up with the other and balance the bike at the same time. Then you have to go into the shop and pay, wow, you have your helmet off, the person at the till is going to appreciate that you are not being rude by not showing them your face. Then you're back outside, refit your earplugs, un zip the top of your jacket again, letting the heat out once more, fit the balaclava, do up jacket, fit the helmet, which now feels like a soggy sock cause its cold and damp, great!

Whats with this "balance the bike with one hand?"
Ive always sat on my bikes to fill them. Unless your posh and have a centre stand ;)
As i said in a earlier post, pull up, gloves off, lid on yokes/mirror, fill up. put bike on side stand. Go pay, back to bike, lid on, gloves on, ride off.
As for ear plugs i bought some nice fancy ones that don't fall out when you take the lid off, plus get em in right and they shouldnt come out any way.
Never went in for balaclava, used to wear a buff to keep neck warm, shut the vents for winter riding and had a respro foggy for bad winter times.

The "Remove Helmet" signs will no doubt become common in this age of trust no one unless we have em on CCTV/DNA records. No doubt some one some where is working on face recognition software for "pay @ Pump" that wont do any thing till you "smile for the camera".

OBnote: There used to be a cracking garage near Devils Bridge that came out and filled the bike for you. Pulled up, opened the tank. matey boy came out, filled it for you very carefully so as not to get a drop on the paintwork then took payment. twas a cash only garage.

in this day and age it only takes a minute to be courteous, what does it take to get a lid off, 20 seconds?
To me it seems every one has a "need it in hurry no time to slow down must get where ever im going in the shortest time cant stop cant think hate requests."
Your riding a motorbike, queues dont exist, travel time is irrelevant. 5 mins at the beginning of a journey can be made up in no time.
After doing the same journey on a bike every day for 6 years regardless of stopping to fill up.

Draeger: Ive had the numptys in cars whinge and moan when ive been filling the bike up, usually coffin dodgers round here though.
If trading standards/police or the local government petroleum officer was there watching this and said biker had a hansfree coms device in his helmet or more importantly was under the age of 16, the person authorising the sale of the fuel would get prosecuted! i.e. the actual person gets fined, allong with the company and then by doing that they are also breaking the company policies and so would also loose there job!

Now do you see why for you to remove it really isnt that big a deal in the whole scheme of things.

Given the fact you cannot legally drive a vehicle sub-16, why doe sthe petrol station have to check, can they not assume that because you are in control of a motor vehicle you are over 16?
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