LiE's Diet and Training Thread

So as mentioned in the gym rats thread, kept things nice and simple tonight for back/biceps. Also tried out the new belt which I must say is pretty awesome, kept things nice and safe as the core got progressively tired. I started using it on my 150kg weight to get used to it before going to something heavier.



Pull ups

BB Curls - Nice and slow and super strict.

Overall I'd say the workout was good, but I'd probably swap pull ups for wide grip pull ups to hit the lats more. Really happy with my 210kg singles, the first one grip was hard but the 2nd single was solid.
Yea I'm sure you'll get some help with BOR tomorrow. Personally I'm not the best at them, I just try to make sure I have plenty of tension on my hamstrings and not my lower back.
Right so next week I'm going to deload and put together a strength routine. I'm happy at my current size. My goal when joining the gym was simply 'to not be skinny and look better in clothes' which I have achieved. I may taper my calories a bit to get a bit leaner for summer, but it's not at the top of my list. I'm also going stimulant/caffeine free for 2 weeks. I'll post up my new routine next week but the basics of it will likely be keeping things simple, using mainly complexes. I'll also be ramping up the stretching 3 times a week and 1 mobility session.
Im looking for a little direction in the gym, started dieting training a while back, 9 months i think, and got down from 16 stone to 14, over christmas i lost my way a little with training and diet and found my self at 15.5.

Im training hard again and diet is back in check and im at 14.10, sessions are really taxing and im pushing my self, strength from when i started is massive and i always train to fail, everything i do is 3 sets of 12, i have put on a lot of size and am a lot wider than i used to be, every one comments on it but i do need to loose a good layer of fat so that may change a little. workouts seem a little random and thrown together and dont really have anyone to advise me on routines and theres so many on the net you really are not sure what to go for.

Only just started doing dead lifts last session and deadlifted 140 kilo but ii only do 3 sets of 12, i see you do a lot more sets, i started 100 x12 120x12 and finished 140 x12 am i doing this wrong?

The lad i train with doesn't seem to progress so well on our routine and im starting to really leave him standing, do i stick with what im doing or do i change things to be more structured?
Hi Kanifee, sounds like you are doing well :)
Regarding deadlifts, I personally like to keep things 5 and below for reps. The reason being is that when done right it will tax you massively and the more reps you do may cause an injury. Each rep I rest the weight on the floor and reset my position ready for the next rep, this means I'm not gaining any momentum from trying to string the reps together. I would also get your friend to video your deadlift form to check it, post it here if you like for some feedback. You don't want to be going heavy if you're in danger of hurting yourself.

For everything else higher reps is fine if you are looking to build muscle. Dropping fat will be down to diet really. As I say to everyone, you need to treat each gym session like an important appointment that can't be missed. Consistency and dedication will keep you progressing.
Just a quick question about the higher reps Lie,

Why is it that higher reps build more muslce than lower reps?

I'm assuming that higher reps will be done with a lower weight obviously. Is it just the higher number or reps and extra movement that helps with the building of muscle?
I think with more reps you get more tearing of the muscle fibres which then leads to more growth/repair.

Also, I don't know if this accounts for anything, but more reps may also lead to more blood entering the muscle, thus stretching the muscle fascias which in turn allows for more growth.

It would be neat if hypertrophy is directly correlated with total work done by our muscles. Work done being force x mass, which I guess is similar to total weight lifted in a session.
It's generally accepted that 8-10 reps is better for gaining muscle and 1-5 is better for strength. That's a very simplistic way of looking at it. Generally for an exercise I know what weight I can complete for x number of reps so I'll warmup then stick that weight on and do 3 sets.

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